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Everything posted by MrPancake

  1. In Phnom Penh it seems that people are malayo-polynesians. Malaysians have very dark skin. So I'm not tripping. People here are indeed different.
  2. I didn't chose Thailand. Thailand chose me. Because I handsome man they say... Come on! I know... Stooooop... Hahahaha !
  3. First thing to do if you want people to respect you ? Get yourself a decent haircut so you don't look like a cheap prostitute with aids.
  4. I don't understand. What's wrong with living with your wife in Pattaya? It seems to be one of the best cities to live in in Thailand imo. Less polluted than Bangkok Near the sea Malls, supermarkets, restaurants, hospitals, etc... I've seen many westerners living there with there wives in peace. You know, away from the bars and the nightlife in general. Just living a simple, honest, chilled life.
  5. Same here :)
  6. Thanks, brother. Interesting maps 👍🙏🏻
  7. And your point being ?
  8. Betting too much on Chinese tourists might be a mistake. From what I've heard, Chinese people are encourage to vacation in their own country. It's part of their common prosperity plan I believe. A way of boosting remote parts of the country economically. I read about that a while back so I can't really remember the details. Anyways... My 2 cents :))
  9. I was counting on you to tell us really.
  10. We could discuss what doctors find shoved up the a$$ of people coming to the emergency room. Some pretty weird stuff. Bottles, cans, dolls... My personal favorite? A vacuum cleaner up the bum.
  11. I've heard about that on AN so I asked around. An old british guy told me they were working on it. Coming up soon.
  12. Now it is BS I can guarantee. I stayed there for 45 days. Zero scam attempt. High season might be when things go south though...
  13. You guys made me think I was losing it so I asked chatGPT. Cambodians may often have: Slightly darker skin tones compared to Thais. Rounded or almond-shaped eyes. Typically straight or slightly wavy hair. Broad facial structures. Some may have more prominent cheekbones. Thais might typically have: Lighter skin tones compared to Cambodians, although this can vary widely. Eyes that are commonly almond-shaped, but there can be variations. Straight or wavy hair, similar to Cambodians. Facial features that can range from slightly rounded to angular. There can be variations in cheekbone prominence.
  14. Have been traveling in Vietnam for one and a half month. From Hué to Da Nang to Hoi An to Qyu Nhon to Nha Trang to Saigon. Hoi An sucks af but the rest of my trip was pretty amazing. That country is fantastic. Really beautiful. I heard the stories about vietnamese people being rude and trying to scam you any chance they get. This is such BS. I had the best deals ever in this country. Like 10 dollars hotels the level of 20-30 dollars hotels in Thailand or Malaysia. Such good value for money. Food is super cheap too and taste lovely. Anyways. Just sharing my experience if anyone is thinking about visiting.
  15. It's really weird. Cambodian people really look different from Thais or Vietnameses. Any idea why ? Many Thais could very well be Vietnameses and vice versa. But people in Cambodia look almost more like Indians for some reason. Very brown skin. Even more than in Isaan. (Very beautiful girls here by the way...)
  16. For sure. Funniest guy must be Soros. That clown has been bashing China like crazy but now he is investing there :)) What a joker that man is. Charlie Munger is honest at least. Alibaba is dramatically undervalued? Lets go! Anyways. Drifting off topic. I'll stop there.
  17. I'm pretty sure the money is gonna move to asian markets, especially HK. Just have to look at valuations over there. Russian market moex aleady booming. Funny I thought investing in Russia was evil. Finance is radically cynical.
  18. I will communicate as I see fit. This is not an academic website. You want to fact check me, be my guest. Everything I said whether its this impact of fed spending on inflation or the impact of inflation on the lives of poor people in the US prior to covid is easy to find. I gave you my sources: google and chatgpt 4.
  19. And you are the cousin of Madeline Struart.
  20. I don't wanna be part of any movement, especially if that movement arose in the US. "Men going their own way" sounds pretty moronic. Like what? Men couldn't before? I just find women absolutely boring. Doesn't make me part of anything imo.
  21. Good. You want to debate me from the start not the other way around. Good bye :))
  22. Use Google or chat GPT.
  23. You can assume whatever you want. Don't care :)
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