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Everything posted by MrPancake

  1. No. Too much. 500THB is 13$ My range is 10 to 12$.
  2. With a gf, I wouldn't be able to afford unsanitary accommodation anymore. Bad idea...
  3. Helicopter money. The economy must be f$cked and they don't have a clue how to sort it out. So free money to buy time. My god... When it's gonna crash, it's gonna crash good !
  4. Who are the cheap charlies now, bitches? Huh?
  5. Why do you copy / paste it ?
  6. Consider yourself lucky. My pillow stains are brown if you know what I mean....
  7. Exactly and in Vietnam you get a clean modern room for 11-12$. Not a unsanitary room. PP riverside sucks big time. Terrible value for money.
  8. No that's not accurate. If someone say "I'll think about it" then yes it means no. BUT I said "True. I'll think about it." Difference!
  9. I don't know if PP sucks as a whole or if it's only that riverside area. I'll have to investigate. I know everybody is going to Siem Reap. That's one of the reasons I don't wanna go. I feel like it's gonna be like Hoi An in Vietnam. Well probably better but the same kind of tourist trap.
  10. Draft beer is 0.75$ during happy hours and then 1.75$. Bottled beers are 2.50$ Coffee is 2.50$ as well You're right. Draft beer is not good here. Ankor sucks as well. Cambodia is ok imo.
  11. No. Funny is hahahaha. haaaaaaa is not funny haaaaaaa is haaaaaa! I see... You know...
  12. Dave The Rave. I met him once when he was managing a gogo at Nana Plaza - the angel witch I think. He was kind of a legend back then. I've heard he lost his leg not too long ago. Bummer for a fighter like him. Ok thanks. I'm gonna think about it. I might just go back to Vietnam and then flight to Thailand from there in January... We'll see :) You never went to Cambodia :))
  13. I'm where all the tourists are. You know street 136 with all the bars. I dunno if this is what you call downtown... Next week I'm gonna go elsewhere. Moving to another district or maybe to the beach in Sihanoukville. Siem Reap is a f$ckery as well for what I've understood. I was supposed to stay a month in this country. But just beautiful women ain't gonna cut it....
  14. Yeah I know. I book a 11$ room on Agoda. Looked decent. In reality even a rat wouldn't accept to live here. I had to fix an air freshener on the fan to hide the disgusting smell... Well it's supposed to be an aircon but it doesn't really work so it's a fan imo. ... I'm gonna f$cking die here...
  15. No Vietnam is cheaper and value for money is really super impressive when it comes to accommodations.
  16. This is so weird it's like cheap is only possible at a certain level of development. Under doesn't work, above doesn't cut it either. So strange. True. Does make any sense. Vietnam and Thailand are more developed than Laos and Cambodia....
  17. But why ? Yeaaaah right ! :))
  18. Reminds me Jacques Ellul, Ted Kaczynski and so many others that have been warning us since at least the 1950's. A couple of texts to read: The industrial society and its future by Theodore Kazcynski The technological system by Jacques Ellul And for the political consequences, Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville. We knew and we did nothing to stop it.
  19. Is it me or Phnom Penh is actually kinda expensive ? Let's be clear I'm talking about expensive compared to Vietnam or Thailand. I paid 2.5$ for an Americano the other day. Same price as a bottled beer... 2$ for a sugar can drink. What do you think ?
  20. Your post was pretty funny. At first I thought you actually gave a sh$t about those people and then as I read on I realize you only really care about your safety and are wondering why they ain't locked up. That's just too much ! You made my day, bro :))
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