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Everything posted by Fr87

  1. Sorry white guy that the world isn't operating on your timetable and especially to coincide with this thread 👍. I'll ring Hun Sen and Vietnamese Communist Party and tell them to sort themselves out pronto.
  2. Absolute nonsense
  3. General surgery might be us6k here but 9k in US. For instance, Bumrungrad surgery for 425k thb is similarly priced already as US. The other top hospitals are the same. Pathology tests are criminally priced in US. Much of the process is automated and lab techs one of lowest paying medical skilled labor. I'd also venture that those tests done in a top ten BKK hospital would be double that price but that's only supposition
  4. Russia will be perfectly happy to end it all. They have the three regions and a vassal state. Russia doesn't need the best army. It only needs to be able to meet objectives. I think it's done well by using working class cannon fodder and old materiale. It could have won this thing far faster yet the cost would have been greater to the capital and to the Ukrainian people. Russians and Ukrainians are blood kin, tied at the hip, a thousand year history. Putin isn't going to win any hearts and minds by stepping on their faces with steel toed boots. This war was nothing but a BS way to clean out all old remaining military weaponry and systems on both sides. I can't believe anyone thought Russia would lose this without US and EU direct involvement. For me, this was a forgone conclusion. It was just an excuse to further bleed US taxpayer not only dry - but off to debtors prison. US is financially mortally wounded.
  5. Thailand has this perfect blend of inexpensive, efficient and soft living. It's very easy to get settled in even for someone who's never been abroad. Undeniable. Too easy for my liking I would imagine as they (Vietnam, Cambodia) build up their infrastructure expats will follow. Bali has the infrastructure but not the policies. Vietnam with it's coasts will be a winner. Philippines has so many issues and problems it will only attract the working class, grittier expat that can suffer the food, blackouts, chaos and crime. Times will be getting much tougher and that old moniker of Land of Smiles is sadly gone. Thai people have it as hard as anyone else and this will just get more difficult as the economy cannot jump to a more mature, advanced, well paying status.
  6. One simple measure that could be easily done and put thousands of minds to rest and prevent hundreds from leaving ... Over 65 yo Tax treaty agreement Drawing pension No need to file in Thailand bc in 99% of these cases taxes must be filed in home country. Another thing they could do is pension deposit to Bangkok Bank are de facto de jure tax exempt. This would remove thousands of expats from proposed tax filing reducing costs, bureaucracy tax examiners and asstd camp follower enforcers. Very few older people have online income and especially trade crypto. Will this change in time? Maybe. This effort harkens back to days of filing tax forms after you're half year plus here. It didn't work then nor will it work now. This simple ideas will work for all concerned
  7. Good medical services and procedures at fair rates (mind you, possible and LEGAL to be charged foreign unfair rates) are only 30% less that in US. Medical malpractice insurance doesn't exist, so basically, these costs are similar. Now, add to this being taxed on the procedure 30% Thailand may be for some the most expensive place for procedures in the world - for certain individuals, seeking world standard not simply Thai standard care. Check Bangkok hospital prices and add 35% 🤔
  8. Same every year. Camping with wife on our island 🏝️
  9. If you'd have to pay tax on what you bring in - would you (will you) stay? All the sudden the Thai financial edge entirely vanishes. The real galling thing is that foreigners receive absolutely nothing in return. Nothing.
  10. I'd often thought how absolutely wrong headed this thing is, but they won't give an inch guaranteed. Condos Medical Family donations Automobiles Luxury, electronic goods They were already questionable purchases due to poor value. What if some lazy bureaucrat simply decides your income regardless of tax treaty is not exempt. 5M condo... Ouch! 2M auto... Medical procedures in best clinics and hospitals are already as expensive as US sans insurance and ability to sue for gross negligence, malpractice I will spend down my cash here hoping this will blow over. Figure out next move.
  11. Cartridges are everywhere Lotus's'ss and now Big C BKK
  12. The crew went there with a point of view to prove and document as truth. That's my issue with it. The real problem with Pattaya is quite the opposite the women are decidedly middle aged and ran through. Many have kids the age of these proported minors I bet...like hundreds Too bad they didn't visit Epstein island 🏝️
  13. There are phone apps that should do this. They may need WiFi to connect though.
  14. Instead of just letting the dust settle better to inject some BS investigation that will go nowhere. Hmmm 🤔. Maybe idea is to placate Germans by whitewashing. I've not seen the documentary but I think the angle is unfair. Guarantee you can find hundreds of underage minors selling themselves in Germany. I lived in Pattaya for years in early 00s and for all intents and purposes there is no children for sale semi openly to foreigners. Yes, there are young women that leave school, home and head to Pattaya. They get an ID and they can work. I've bumped into only a few minors and they were almost always employed on the fringes. 15 yo gogo girl gonna draw some questions. Moreover, obviously there were actual minors caught up in this docu but if the average dumbass goes looking for *young girls* probably gonna end up with 18-20 yo at 5x the price. Finally, sorry - but even Big Joke can't go up against Pattaya and Phuket municipal govts and mafias.
  15. Notebook= HDMI out TV = HDMI in Prolly need to change monitor settings for notebook.
  16. I believe that weed will only magnify those disorders especially given they are already present and manifesting. Easy way to find out. Smoke some and see if you feel less anxious and depressed. My hunch is you doubtfully might get a bit of relief in safety and comfort at home but out in public it will magnify your psychological issues.
  17. I misunderstood your post. You can DL a copy of itunes and upload a variety of files in itunes. Easy. If you add the folder and it does not add be certain the files are compatible with Apple ecosystem. There are file conversation sw but probably make the music unlistenable.
  18. You can't pull or copy using itunes. There are a number of old sw programs on snapfile.com that may be helpful. The big issue is that the songs will not have proper names either in filename or metadata. It will take ages to clean it up and not worth the time. If purchased thru itunes you can perhaps sync with that account but this doesn't sound like the case. If you hook your ipod up to itunes and it syncs you'll lose all the songs. I absolutely hate Apple.
  19. Thank you for that Sheryl. How often do you do treatments? Medconsult says 3 to 5 months. I thought this stuff lasted 6 to 12? Could you specify two brands that you trust and perhaps even use?
  20. Would travel insurance even cover this? This is not an accident or something like emergency appendectomy. How can you feel perfectly normal, go on holiday only to be laid low and bed ridden days later?
  21. Approaching 50yo my wife has developed a small patch of melasma which seems to really bother her. Additionally, she has a few typical acne scars as well. We tried laser treatment twice but these were just scams Anyone with wife or gf with similar? Can anyone recommend Thai beauty products and or a particular laser for treatment here in Thailand?
  22. I have lots of loose skin above my eyes that I'd like removed. I've looked at the Yanhee hospital website and the price seems reasonable. Could anyone comment or message me about their experiences with this procedure or general advice about lifts here in Thailand? I think the bottom needs filler, fat pads but I don't want to do that here in Thailand. Could anyone recommend Botox clinic for forehead wrinkles? Just Botox, no fillers.
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