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Everything posted by eyeman

  1. The wire is 3 core, and the internals do have earth, but I guess without the above it's not used. Anyway I think I've found the problem, as I didnt see any power cord damage I started exploring, this is under the heating element I think. Chuck it??
  2. Place a screwdriver across the plug pongs?
  3. I opened it and gave it a good shake and now I've got a ton of salt over the floor, there's a few plastic burn marks inside where I guess the salt has been in contact with the plastic and the exposed internal blue/brown wire connectors. Ill get a multimeter later and see if I can detect electricity at the points before doing the surgery
  4. The tefal stading garment steamer has stopped working, no light coming on, and no signs of power. After learning how to fix a shower here, mains power off, remove cover, press button on top thermostat with a chopstick, job done, I wanted to see if there is any tricks I can try with the steamer. It has a white two pong plug that say 16a 250v, but it is molded and has no visible fuse slot, there is a fuse inside this I presume. I found another black kettle plug from who knows what, that also says 16a and 250v, would a sensible first step be to try using this as a replacement plug? I have to unscrew the base of the the steamer and connect it up, but that doesn't sound too hard. Would an hour for any capacitors inside to de-energize be enough? Anything else worth checking before I chuck it?
  5. "it's the best performing asset in the world. " I think you kind of missed the point, but I'll play your game, given those two date -I'd rather have bet on well known house hold name (nearly every US online checkout - basically Klarna for US) Affirm Holdings - 01/01/23 - 31/12/23 via a licensed broker. 4x growth. I guess we have a new best performing asset in the whole world. to the moon, hodl, woohoo.
  6. onwardticket dot com will be fine, avoid the cheaper ones im pretty sure you dont get a verifable PNR on $5-$7 ones
  7. SIngapore airlines at Heathrow are very picky. Even if you get past check-in which I think is outsourced then you have the gate, I got pulled aside at the gate and I thought f me I'm getting an upgrade, how bloody sweet will this be and about time having never had an upgrade, but it wasn't to be, just thorough inspection of right to stay because I was on a one way.
  8. If you are allowed to choose any two arbitrary date points to support your hypothesis then sure, but that also applies to basically anything else tradable in the world. You might not be able to hear the sentiment on your rocket to the moon but down here on earth all but a selective echo chamber refer to the whole industry as clown money and all derivatives as sh1tco1ns. It's just a number of days to the next exchange fails no doubt and the flood of tears begin..
  9. Really? I thought Pacific Cross was the actual health insurance provider and has been for years? https://www.pacificcrosshealth.com/en All my documentation was from Pacific Cross including card and so on was Pacific cross branded
  10. No alcohol what-so-ever. Female filipinos staff do all the running around, they seem pleased to see a fellow human that has manners, rather than the grunting demanding ninjas. Male staff do nothing, even if you catch one they'll take your request, ponder it and send a filipino down the aisle.. Flying guests are more unruly than the Chinese, that's the landing gear deployed - time to get the luggage from the overhead bin.. Some male flying guests in business will even ask a little filipino to help them with their luggage - it's beneath them to place it in the bin themselves That said food is decent and the prune juice etc. Proper meal service with fine china etc.. Depends on the price and if you get a good connection in Jeddah, unfortunately even with the discounts many are 8hr in Jeddah which is once a lifetime never to be repeated experience
  11. Is the Whatsapp/Line/Telegram group you were luckily invited to putting pressure on you? or was this a girl via tinder etc..? Are you getting fear of missing out since everyone else in the group is going to the moon
  12. Why the hell would you put that in the ingredients list? Isn't there a global and logical expectation that ingredients are what's included, and ordered by absolute quantity, bizarre
  13. This is will certainly be very helpful, 'thoughts and prayers' step aside..
  14. What's the real effect here, we will eventually see real wine in 7/11 at 300baht a bottle instead the fruit mix stuff? I recall reading there was another component (other than obvious protectionism) that keeps it artificially high too but cant find the link
  15. You are thinking logically in Thai, very limiting, do not confuse this logic with the international standard for logic. Logically, just as the scanner are able to process exemptions, by verifying the passport identifier has a correlating record of a valid exemption, it should be just as easily possible to find your current valid permission to stay as these are all recorded in the same system, the stamp is just an extra artifact of the permission issued in the system. It is neither necessary or desired for an automated system to emulate an old relic thumbing through your passport pages looking for a ink stamp when the information is recorded in a centralized system (just as exemptions) and just needs correlating based on the information gleaned by the scan.
  16. Would only use nakhonchai air, and then only in the day time, I've found the drivers to be very stable and safe (I think they have automated monitoring) never once observed a beeping match, serving staff decent, bus clean, and other passengers to be okay on these buses, no somchai listening to stupid thai dramas with no headphones or granma playing childrens games at full volume... I think the extra 90baht or whatever it is a definite worthwhile investment, of course, if you have good airport connections then that's probably always a better choice. Would never get on a tour/charter operated bus.
  17. Yikes! Maybe the 'No' was a translations of 'Plenty of'
  18. It won't be too bad for us re-entry permit holders if all the tourists with bio-metric passports are pushed towards the automated gates, but there was no one pushing tourists towards them the other day in zone 2.
  19. Nope, it's after at BKK too, same location though. It changed recently, it's got the red tape across the entrance now and tell you to clear immigration first then take a left.
  20. That's interesting, but I would of thought it would be ingredients specifically added listed only, I'll have a google, this reminds of the nearby lady that had No MSG signs all over her cook-to-order shop but most of brown sauces in the kitchen I saw had MSG added to it - I learnt to remember the designs and cap colors of the ones to avoid after some helpful translating
  21. Just browsing around the big shop today and noticed a bottle of hot sauce, incidentally it's the same one that appears in Foodland restaurant condiment tray since a few weeks ago, it is tasty so was going to take one home, No MSG added label so that's fine, price ok, until I looked at the ingredients.. which explicitly says MSG, can anyone decipher what's going on here? or have we reached a new TIT It's this one https://www.tops.co.th/en/sriracha-panich-yellow-chilli-sauce-230g-8851954113733?
  22. This is just another example why I am reluctant to trust thai doctors in general, I know multiple people that have been told they probably have cancer or something else extremely concerning, but either the second or third opinion has diagnosis it as something a lot less severe or a nothing burger, and no removal of some body part required or whatever expensive treatment they suggested. I don't genuinely believe it's all about money I just generally think most are likely incompetent. I think a good litmus test, if you are with a specialist with many three letter things after their name, would be to ask them what they think of a popular peer reviewed paper published in their specific field in the last 12 months, ask a medical reddit to suggest one, I bet you won't find many that are up to speed. I did my cheating 25 years ago, how dare you! I know it's a form of Thai bashing and western doctors can get wrong diag easily enough but everyone seems to think despite a toxic thai culture of learn by rote, cheating, maintaining face (never an unsure!), plagiarism etc, from birth to today, that somehow, just somehow magically doctors, dentists, and pilots - generally those 3.. are somehow immune from that having an effect on their skilling-up, and just as good as west? Use some logic...
  23. The technology of non-visible details and removal of magentic stripe isn't new. Apple card and dozens of others have done things like this for years.. Seems in typical Thai fashion though they've added extra steps to make the process more painful. What is ultimately worrying is the impact on the lines at Tesco, Villa, BigC, and Tops, it's bad enough when they spend 2 minutes fishing for their purse, if they have to do in in-conjunction with several app steps this will not be progress..
  24. Nothing burger incoming...
  25. Come on give them some credit, you're paying for -2celsius temperature, there not many places in Thailand it gets that low. Agree, sent americano back a few times as just tasted like hot water, replacements never a problem, but not much different either..
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