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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. I think he's serious. Besides, who needs friends like them. I know I don't.
  2. They turned out to be our enemies. Duh.
  3. Link doesn't work like others many posted on AN. I have complained about it numerous times and have never received any replies.
  4. Her net worth increased by $23 million in three years while earning a salary of $180,000/yr. Did he lie or misspoke?
  5. While growing up I asked my father why are we sending aid to save children who will grow up and one day attack us. His reply, "Good question."
  6. Although Kenyu Jin was schooled in the West her allegiance is to China. It is only natural that she takes a pro-China stance by painting a positive picture of her homeland. Her warning "Don't be at the mercy of the U.S. financial system" does little to address the dangers of China's debt trap diplomacy. She says nothing of countries pulling out of the Belt and Road Initiative. While China is making inroads in expanding exports there is a long way to go. Many of its targeted trading partners are poor countries which struggle to pay their bills. Not the ideal export market China would like.
  7. This is precious watching Maxine Waters make a complete fool of herself. So stupid she doesn't realize how stupid she is.
  8. Thank you for keeping it short. Any more dire predictions from your crystal ball?
  9. Never claimed you did. The communist dogma motivated Mao, not so with Trump. WARNING: Hang on for a lecture on what drives Trump's agenda.
  10. Different time, different country. At the time China was a poor, backwards country and not a leading world power. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Zedong
  11. You must have an awfully large crystal ball. Is it the same one that predicted Kamala Harris would beat Donald Trump? And your Chicken Little warnings are becoming old.
  12. Agree. Unfortunately, there will be collateral damage, but the benefits will out way most of it.
  13. Democrats are exempt from the rules. The rules do not apply to them. Don't you know that?
  14. No, he is not seizing power, although I question some of his tactics. The end result will end up cutting a lot of wasteful spending and outright corruption. Better to take the medicine now before the disease becomes terminal.
  15. I know it's blocked. That's wrong. Where's the transparency? What I am saying is the only information we have on USAID spending is stale. So stale it has mold on it. Again, where's the transparency that was promised?
  16. (USAID)" is also audited, as any agency." Your link says 2012-2017. A lot has happened since then. What about the DOD? How many audits has this bloated agency passed? They're next on the hit list.
  17. In other words you have NO workable or effective solution. Make America Great Again is what it usually means, but here on AN some posters manage to define it as something else.
  18. Not an effective solution. The truth is nothing you suggest has worked in the past. Why would it work now? And who or what is MAGA?
  19. Your solution is NOT a solution. Just a synopsis of your earlier post.
  20. Nice and politically correct approaches have been tried before with limited results. The problem of wasteful spending has gotten worse and is spiraling out of control. What do you suggest that hasn't been tried before? The DOD should be the next target. For years, waste in military spending has been criticized, but nothing meaningful has been done. Now is the time to cut the fat.
  21. Seems you have a lot of work cut out for you to stop this coup d'etat. Time for action! Keep us posted.
  22. Be prepared for anti-DOGE posters to claim it was only 59 million dollars. Millions eventually lead to billions.
  23. Your demeanor is nothing like my uncle who immigrated to Hawaii from Scotland in 1928. He was such a happy easy going gentleman. My middle name comes from him. His son was a chip off the old block and got along with everyone. We worked together in the construction industry. Maybe you are just one of miserable highlanders.
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