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Posts posted by Hawaiian

  1. 2 hours ago, billd766 said:

    I try to stay as far as I can away from ANY religion as IMHO as I don't trust or believe in religion since I was 18, and I am 79 now.


    If you need to believe in something, believe in dogs. Most dogs are loyal, friendly, trusting and loving.


    The polar opposite of religion and religious leaders worldwide. 

    Religion, the root of all evil.  My parents sent me to a Catholic school to learn about Christianity, only for me to learn about hypocrisy. 

    I am six years older than you consider my dog a trustworthy and loyal friend. 

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    This is the key point. You cannot have a negotiated settlement or a "two state solution" when one of the states involved is only interested in the complete destruction of the other. At best it will be a way to delay the inevitable problem. 


    If Gazans are serious about wanting peace, they would kick out all the Hamas terrorists and terror supporters in their midst. Refuse to be used as human shields and props for Hamas propaganda. 

    Couldn't have said it better.  Thank you.

  3. 51 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    Give the Palestinians what they want. If not, at least treat them equally and with respect. 

    The Palestinians want to see the destruction of Israel.  Why would Israel treat them with respect?


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  4. 51 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    How can the world sit and watch the Netanyahu wipe out over 2 million people by refusing them food and water? How can some even support it?

    This is pure ethnic cleansing and he is a Fascist war criminal. 







    So, what do you propose to prevent this horrific tragedy from happening again?

    • Thumbs Up 2
  5. 9 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    Did I mention cancelling work permits? I said illegal immigrants. You just don't wanna address that little inconvenient fact that it's all down to the employers in the final analysis.

    Here's a link that defends your position:


    While you are on the CIS website read the article about Biden Dismantling Ban on Hiring Illegals.

  6. 12 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    My post was a reply with reference to the Covid issue and management of same but w.r.t. population density.


    Regarding pristine democracies as described by the Economist, my question did not target Canada. That said it seems evident that Trudeau is a failure as a leader but it seems that he and his government were unaware of the Hunka link to the SS and Nazism? The biggest worry is how Trudeau and similar morons manage to get themselves elected.



    I was being facetious.  I have the same opinion of Trudeau as you do.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, my friend I said:

    They wrecked that area to build then nothing.

    Not the only place but possibly the worst damage.

    The Chinese have committed these atrocities in their own country and are now doing in other countries corrupt enough to let it happen.  In Cambodia they destroyed Sihanoukville and now

    Dara Sakor.  Sri Lanka and Pakistan are also victims of Chinese greed.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 1 hour ago, nauseus said:

    Well in the Great White North of Canada there far fewer few large cities and a lot more people living in remote areas, plus a far lower overall population density, so social distancing is a lot more achievable.


    Does the Economist list any pristine democracies?

    The full democracy of Canada has just honored a Nazi in Parliament.  Does that mean an upgrade to "pristine"?

  9. 1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

    They're coming for work so what's the obvious solution? Charge companies and people who employ illegal workers. Job done, cost free. Until then, no reason to complain.

    If the Thai government announced that all work permits held by foreigners cancelled there would be no reason to complain.  After all, they make the rules.  Better yet, kick all falangs out of the country.  Problem solved.

    The the U.S has immigration laws that JB, Inc. refuses to enforce.  As a retired U.S. military veteran I served to protect the sovereignty of my country.  This flouting of immigration laws is seriously damaging our sovereignty.

    If there weren't millions of illegals in the U.S. law breaking employers would have a difficult time hiring illegals.  Problem solved.

    • Haha 1
  10. Too bad it's a rooster.  We have a hen that showed up at our doorstep and began eating our cats' food.  Then she went into our laundry room and starting laying an egg every day.  We began removing the eggs. Then she disappeared and 21 days later she shows up with a dozen chicks.  As long as they are well fed they stay out of our flower beds.  Our two cats have learned to ignore them.  Time to find someone who wants the chicks.

  11. 1 hour ago, candide said:

    No. No one denies it. Trump is currently around 1% above Biden on average.



    Only GOP disinformation is dismissed as GOP disinformation. And there's enough of it.



  12. On 9/23/2023 at 12:02 AM, digger70 said:

    Good onya Joe,   There's Many DT haters and there's Many JB haters , Here on this Forum they're Mostly DT haters . Not that it matters .

    I would vote for DT if I was an American the country would be much better then with JB.

    Latest ABC/Washington Times poll shows a majority of Americans favor DT over JB.  Of course, DT haters will probably dismiss these results as GOP disinformation. 

    • Thanks 1
  13. 3 hours ago, ozimoron said:

    It's exactly like climate change. The only way this gets fixed is to spread the wealth more equitably. Like it or not, this disparity in incomes and wealth is a major driver of immigration.

    Isn't communism supposed to solve the problem of income disparity and inequitable income distribution? 

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