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Posts posted by Hawaiian

  1. 47 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    The problem is tourism jobs don't pay that well.  And with the cost of living already crazy high, where will these workers that take care of the tourists come from?  Hawaii is becoming like San Francisco, minus the crime (so far).  I lived on Oahu years ago and although tourism was a huge economic driver, the best jobs were working for the US gov.  And since the military has a huge presence in Hawaii (Oahu), these jobs were vital to the Hawaiian economy.  And yes, many Hawaiians have left Hawaii and gone to Las Vegas.  There was an article in the NY Times recently about this very phenomenon. 

    A large percentage of the hospitality workforce are immigrants from the Philippines who continually sponsor their relatives to also immigrate to Hawaii. 

    You're right about the pay.  That is why many have of them work at more than one job.  Unionized hotel workers starting pay is from $22 to $27 an hour.  Skilled "engineering" positions are in the $35 an hour range.  With overtime and tips some in housekeeping can make as much as $70,000 a year or more. 

  2. 27 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Thanks for providing no evidence to support your refutation.

    Here's an article dating from before the big fire.


    'Hurting for water': Hawaii resorts worsen Maui's water shortage

    The coastline is actually dry, receiving less than 10 inches of water per year. It gets the majority of its water from Central Maui — the area of Kahului and around Wailuku — where residents are sometimes urged to conserve.
    “The fact is that the people where the water originates are hurting for water,” Lucienne de Naie, chairperson for Sierra Club Maui Group, told SFGATE. “There are definitely shortages of water from overtourism, and those shortages of water are impacting an area we call Na Wai Eha.”



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  3. 16 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Of course, one of the reasons that they have to leave is that housing costs have skyrocketed.



    On a busy Thursday afternoon at Kahului Airport, Kawika Kaina and his family pulled up to the curb in their silver Toyota Tundra amidst a flurry of rental cars and departing tourists. Kaina, 40, hugged his teenage daughter Deslyn and his niece Lauae and kissed his wife Pohai goodbye before he and his oldest daughter Deisia gathered their oversized suitcases and walked towards the crowded check-in counter, towards a new life in Nevada. 

    Kaina and Pohai and their four children were born and raised in Hana, as were his parents and grandparents. They are moving to Reno because they cannot — and likely will never be able to — afford a home on Maui if they stay


    Many here in Hawaii have placed the blame on out-of-state buyers driving up housing prices.  As a retired home builder and mini developer, I have always maintained it's the unreasonable and cumbersome rules and regulations that are chiefly responsible. 

    Now, Grassroots Hawaii has confirmed that along with several well respected economists agreeing.


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  4. 3 hours ago, placeholder said:

    This might be a reason why outsides aren't so welcome:


    Why was there no water to fight the fire in Maui?

    Big corporations, golf courses and hotels have been taking water from locals for years. Now the fire may result in even more devastating water theft.


    Inaccurate and confusing article.

  5. On 8/15/2023 at 3:34 PM, JonnyF said:

    Sounds like you're in the wrong job if you resent the tourists so much.


    The economy on Maui would collapse without tourism. You're going to need it now more than ever so maybe an adjustment in attitude is in order.

    The phrase "Know what side one's bread is buttered on," seems appropriate.  Now that sugar and pineapple gone, tourism is all the more important as an economic driver.  So be nice to the tourists. 

    Entire families have moved to the mainland USA

    because employment opportunities are limited.  Many are native Hawaiians who are giving up their cherished local life style.  Last week, two of my tenants, both full bloodied Hawaiian, left for higher paying jobs.  They are also close friends that I hate seeing leave.

  6. 40 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    As for the 300 vacancies, most could go unfilled and nothing much would change.


    Because you know that of course, thanks for such analysis and you have no problem with Tommy Tuberville blocking it then out of sheer spite.

    D.C. is a dirty place controlled by filthy people.  Compromise is now a dirty word in Congress. 

    I remember Colin Powell's wife asking him not to run for president because she had enough of the place.

    And no, I don't approve of Sen. Tuberville holding our military hostages. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    I think the Chinese know that its the first time in 200 years the US military has no Chief of Staff with more than 300 vacancies for promotion not being filled all because of one Republican senator Tommy Tuberville. Blocking all this because of protest on Pentagon policy on abortion.

    If you mean the U.S. Army,  Gen. Randy George has taken over until someone is confirmed by the Senate.  As for the 300 vacancies, most could go unfilled and nothing much would change.

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  8. Here in Hawaii it used to be that only frozen durian was available.  Now locally grown durian is often seen in farmers markets.  Bought one last week.  It happened to be an unnamed variety, but was of excellent quality. The price was about the same we paid in Chanthaburi this past February.   Grafted and seedling trees are also available.  One nursery is offering grafted named varieties for $100.  Seedling trees go for $35.

  9. On 4/25/2023 at 4:03 PM, Tug said:

    He grew up with a studder that’s why you often see that pattern when he speaks I suspect he’s much more astute than most folks think and in my humble opinion I think this administration has done a remarkable job with the cards they have been delt if he becomes president for a second term we will do just fine

    "we will do just fine."  So will China, exceedingly well.

  10. 12 hours ago, brucegoniners said:

    Now if they would only open more Apple stores here. 


    It took years to get one.


    We have nothing here in Pattaya and it's a long time coming.

    Girlfriend went to the local Apple store to find out why her iPhone was not charging.  I suggested she needed a new battery, but the guy behind the counter sold her a new charger.  Not the problem.  Went to an independent cell phone shop.  Problem was the battery, like I said.  So much for Apple stores.

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  11. 2 hours ago, bendejo said:

    I think he's emboldened by the idea that they cannot lock him up, Secret Service protection and all that, so the worst they can do to him is take his money.  If it looks like they actually might put him in the cage the doctors will come in and diagnose something fatal and he'll live out his days in a hospital to dodge the sentence.  Or maybe exile.    

    As for money he can generate millions of $$$ per week from his fools patriots.

    Actually I have doubts about the medical thing, if anything it's a last resort as we know how vain he is "'healthiest person I've ever seen!' said the doctor."  Scaramucci also thinks a medical excuse will be used.   Imagine him showing up to court with a walker, like Weinstein!



    Applying for a job as a movie script writer? 

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