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Posts posted by Hawaiian

  1. On 11/24/2023 at 6:31 PM, MrMojoRisin said:

    You think the objective on October 7 was to eradicate Israel?


    World opinion, particularly non occidental is increasingly falling behind the Palestinian cause.


    At the very least, Hamas has ended Netanyahus political career.


    There is no future for Zionism, if Israeli’s take too long to accept this fact, there may just well be no future for Israel as well.

    Egypt and Jordan want no part of Hamas.  Bahrain, UAE, Morocco and Sudan have officially recognized Israel.  The Saudi were ready to do so up until October 7, although it might happen after things cool off.  My point is, most Arab countries are tired of all the conflict going on involving Israel.  Iran is the problem.  They want to be the supreme ruler of the Middle East.  They think destabilizing their smaller and weaker neighbors will help them get there.  This is one reason they are supporting Hezbollah and Hamas and other terrorist groups.  This is also why they want to become a nuclear power.

    Because Israel possess nuclear weapons, having the Israelis on their side would help counter Iran's attempt at dominance.

  2. 1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    He upset the snowflakes, so indeed not a total disaster. Actually Trump did a lot of good things, but the MSM that hates him will never allow it to be widely acknowledged.


    If nothing else, for 4 years US boys didn't get sent to die in yet another American war as Trump DIDN'T START ANY WARS. For that he should be thanked by everyone that didn't die in that time.

    Unfortunately, Biden sending not one, but 2 carrier strike groups is looking like it may lead to some unpleasant action sometime in the not too distant future, as Iran isn't bending over for Biden. After all, what is the point of all that expensive hardware if it's not used to go kill a lot of people?


    One problem Trump attempted to address is border security.  Biden immediately reversed Trump's immigration policies and look at where we are today.  Sanctuary cities, like New York are being overrun by illegal immigrants leading to a fiscal crisis.  Blacks are demonstrating in Chicago with complaints of reduced aid for minorities in order to pay for helping illegals that have flooded the city.

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  3. 10 hours ago, newnative said:

         The government should be subsidizing the mass transportation systems and keeping the fares low to encourage the public to get out of their polluting cars and use them.   Send the losses to the government, and the profits, if any, from the other lines.

    I don't know of any municipal system that is not subsidized to some extent.  Why does Bangkok think they can do it better?

  4. 2 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Well, if your dentist says so, it must be true. Except that dentistry is largely unregulated. So how would Obamacare affect its costs?


    "Through the roof": The impact of rising costs on dentistry
    Sept. 16, 2022
    "Practice operating costs are going up, in some cases through the roof. Yet the insurance companies aren’t really responsive to that." Read exclusive commentary on what the ADA is hoping to do for dentists.

    The ADA Health Policy Institute (HPI) released new data showing sharp increases in the costs of operating dental practices, while insurance reimbursements remained flat—or even decreased.

    Roughly 1 in 4 have seen the costs of supplies and materials increase by at least 20%
    47% of dentists reported that lab fees increased more than 1-10%
    44% of dentists reported staff wages had increased by more than 1-10%
    1 in 4 dentists reported that their insurance reimbursements decreased



    Dental insurance isn’t a scam — but it’s also not insurance

    Dental coverage has been off in its little — largely unregulated — corner, too. According to the American Dental Association, one-third of adults aged 19 to 64 don’t have any benefits at all. (For comparison, just 8.4 percent of Americans lack health insurance.) Many patients put off dental care and cite cost as the main reason they don’t go to the dentist — including those who are insured.



    I only repeated what I was told by my dental insurance carrier why my rates doubled.  And I did not claim it was a scam.

    Dental "insurance" is a fringe benefit often given by employers and is usually not considered taxable income.

    Also I have never hesitated to get dental care because of cost.

    What some people may be unaware of is that poor dental health can lead to heart problems.  Sepsis from a tooth infection can kill you.

  5. 2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    ACA benefitted so few.  Just another corporate scam the masses fell for ...

    ... hook line & sinker


    Simply raised the cost of health care for those that pay, with less coverage, larger deductible.





    When I asked my dental insurance provider why my rates are being doubled, the reply was, "Because of Obamacare."  I asked my dentist if he would still keep me as a patient if I was self insured.

    He said "no problem"  Glad I cancelled since I don't need the insurance company's okay for certain procedures.  I get to decide.

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  6. 4 hours ago, heybruce said:

    "Stupid is as stupid does."


    Correct.  It's clear that you did not read the full article, which is largely contrasting the woman's experience in getting health insurance in Germany with the scams she encountered in the US.


    Also, employers who employ fewer than 50 workers in the US are not required to provide healthcare in the US.  No employer is required to provide health insurance for part time workers, defined as those working less than 30 hours a week.  https://www.healthcare.gov/small-businesses/learn-more/how-aca-affects-businesses/  That leaves a large portion of jobs in the US without insurance.


    Getting back to you opening statement, why do you post without knowing the facts?

    Hawaii law overrides the 50 worker, 30 hour rule.


  7. 30 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:



    Using rote learning is especially beneficial when it comes to teaching foundation skills. Building this strong foundation ultimately gives children the tools they will use in meaningful learning. It's a chance to begin to build higher-level critical thinking skills used in active learning.

    I think the advantages of meaningful learning outweigh those of rote learning.  I guess it depends what you are trying to achieve.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    “The word God has become empty of meaning through thousands of years of misuse... By misuse, I mean that people who have never glimpsed the realm of the sacred, the infinite vastness behind that word, use it with great conviction, as if they knew what they are talking about. Or they argue against it, as if they knew what it is they are denying. This misuse gives rise to absurd beliefs, assertions, and egoic delusions, such as "My or our God is the only true God, and your God is false," or Nietzsche's famous statmeent "God is dead.”

    Is this why there are so many atheists?

  9. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    “Grudges are for those who insist that they are owed something. Forgiveness, however, is for those who are substantial enough to move on.” Criss Jami

    It is much more than a grudge.  It's about destroying an enemy that is hell bent on wiping you off the face of the earth.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

    This thread in my opinion should be locked. Warnings have been given but ignored, and posters deliberately ignoring members so they cannot see their responses enabling them to carry on disrupting and deflecting pasts, other members posting links they have found on the web to carry on their games. Videos showing Hamas committing atrocities are completely ignored you cannot debate issues if you fabricate evidence to serve your own purposes. In my opinion, this thread is finished.  Some posters have already attempted to have members banned or looked at by the moderating team just to carry on their game.

    I agree.  Same issues rehashed over and over with a lot of petty bickering.  BORING.

  11. 35 minutes ago, Paul Catton said:

    There are no non authoritative propaganda sources.

    Al Jazeera is my preferred source of news for the Middle East, BBC for matters pertaining to the UK and Europe, CNN for the Americas, (Asean Now for Thailand, perhaps I should go to Thaiger)!  

    At one time CNN was a reliable, mostly unbiased news source.  Not any more.  In fact, I don't think there are any unbiased news outlets left in the U.S.  They all lean either right or left.  Even PBS broadcasts are slanted.

  12. 15 minutes ago, bobbin said:

    It might be time to close this thread.. but it won't happen.. and most can figure out why that is the case.


    I love You-Tube Premium! So much content about this issue.. And an almost equal amount of content devoted to the fallacy of religion..all religions..


    I think most of us are just trying to make sense of this (long term) situation. Good luck with that! It's a true Gordian knot. Much better minds than most of the posters here have so far failed to resolve the issue. You have the pure "liberals" looking from afar.. the "my country right or wrong' Israelis (looking at you Mike and Dow), the conflicted Israelis (conflicted because they have a pretty good idea of the local situation), and the non-Israelis (usually American.. no blood on their hands! ) just itching to flatten another Muslim "target" (yagoda and a couple of others).


    Per You-Tube, Christian Zionism preceded Jewish Zionism. Christians were no slouches when it came to persecuting Jews. Probably because they blamed the Jews for killing Jesus...after Pontius Pilate gave the crowd the option of not killing him.


    Then the British failed miserably when it came time to retreat from Empire..  Give a British bureaucrat a map and a pen and there is no end of trouble they can create. India/Pakistan, Palestine/Middle East.


    Jerusalem should be the first International city.  Important to three of the world's religions. No room for idol-worshipers of course..


    In an earlier post I used the phrase imposed peace..Two peoples, not that numerous, causing problems in the neighborhood...


    Just scratching the surface, but I think I've made enough new enemies for now..

    The "big boys" with small minds are responding to your posts.  I like what you wrote.

    • Like 1
  13. 8 hours ago, Morch said:

    Israel resumes water supply to southern Gaza after U.S. pressure



    Some reprieve, at least.

    Hopefully, these evacuees will see this concession for what it is.  Better than what Hamas has to offer by sheltering in place.  It would probably he helpful to provide food and other assistance, if possible, to remind them that besides showing compassion continued support of Hamas is self defeating.

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