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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. To begin with, why are these countries poor? Corruption, including the diversion of foreign aid is one cause.
  2. How did their mothers contract it?
  3. In return the U.S. get demonized, asking is that all there is. You owe us.
  4. Are you claiming that upholding the law is a moral judgement? No where in my posts have I denied that prices will rise if illegals are deported. However, I have said that is not justification for not deporting them.
  5. Illegals often work for substandard wages. If there were no illegals available, then wages would rise until they became acceptable for Americans to take the "jobs no American wants." Didn't you say criminal is criminal. To say lower prices justifies allowing illegals to remain is criminal. That is exactly what my original example was about, but you called it a red herring. Getting back to basic economics, jobs that are highly risky, like crab harvesting in Alaskan waters, demand very high pay. People are only willing to take this dangerous work if the pay higher than a much safer job.
  6. Sorry if you were misled or distracted. I thought you were better than that.
  7. Because you didn't get the answer you wanted it's considered evasion? You're a joke and not a funny one at that. Even a fifth grader would understand what you obviously don't.
  8. Red herring because you don't like my analogy. I've been in construction for most of my life, starting as a carpenter apprentice, then journeyman, to foreman, to superintendent and as a general contractor. I never asked my workers to do a job I wouldn't do. As a superintendent I asked one carpenter to assist the block mason by mixing his "mud." He told me he doesn't do that kind of work because it was undignified. Guess what? I sent him home and I mixed the mud. One day,after I retired, my son who was working as a carpenter apprentice complained that his boss was always giving him the "dirty" jobs. I told him someday when you're a boss you will appreciate and understand that someone has to do the dirty work. So it's a false premise that illegals are doing jobs that Americans won't do.
  9. Same as with eggs, the laws of supply and demand.
  10. Wow! You sound just like the kind of guy I WOULDN'T want as a neighbor.
  11. Yes, the Chinese excel at sketchy business contracts through debt trap diplomacy.
  12. Maybe that is what you should be doing instead of constantly complaining with your endless tirades. The moaning and groaning is bad for your health.
  13. Statement by made by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, "....ensure the continued delivery of development and humanitarian activities for the most vulnerable communities around the world, whose live and livelihoods depend on this support." He is admitting the U.S. has been a prime contributor to these communities. But yet, many of these countries say the U.S. is not doing enough. They demonize Americans and even send jihadists to terrorize us. I say enough of this helping our enemies.
  14. "All my "All my people are being attacked." That says it all.
  15. Through the roof! Shortage caused by the bird flu.
  16. Would you say that criminals who launder dirty money by establishing legal businesses that provide jobs and income to legal citizens should be excused for their crimes because they are an asset to America? And what's the big deal about the price of eggs vs. stock prices? That's far from unusual.
  17. When I was in the military we often caught free flights on military aircraft to go home on leave. These were flights that pilots made to meet their proficiency requirements. https://thegunzone.com/how-many-hours-do-military-pilots-fly/
  18. Not intended to be a flame. So we shouldn't deport these fruit pickers because the fruit will rot then the end result will be higher prices because there will be shortages as the law of supply and demand kicks in. Therefore immigration laws should not be enforced since it will result in higher fruit prices. Is that what your post is all about?
  19. I don't think Trump has the power to unilaterally annex any foreign territory. If I'm not mistaken it would have to be ratified by the Senate, since annexation is legally a treaty. Rather doubtful he could garner enough votes.
  20. We were there in November. Duck eggs were 30 for 150 baht, about USD 1.80/dozen. Being the cook I made all sorts of egg dishes.
  21. Don't expect a reply. I posed the same question to him, giving some examples of what could go wrong. No reply.
  22. You sound just like the type of person that would knowingly buy stolen goods because it was a bargain.
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