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Posts posted by Hawaiian

  1. On 10/5/2021 at 3:43 PM, Cherrytreeview said:

    China won't be doing anything about Taiwan.

    China's all fur coat and no knickers.

    They know the world is losing patience with them, so i think you might see the odious fascist CCP settle down and begin to play nicely with the other children.

    Xi really does not know what the response will be from the U.S. and its allies should he decide to invade Taiwan.  Even if a confrontation does not involve nuclear weapons the fallout could devastate China's economy and it's Belt Road Initiative would most likely come to a screeching halt.  Is Xi willing to take the gamble?

  2. 1 hour ago, StevieAus said:

    I have formed the opinion having lived in Thailand for many years, that not responding taking action immediately etc must be a cultural issue with Thai people compared with what occurs in most Western countries.

    I have experienced it with my wife and her family who are all degree educated so it’s not lack of intelligence.

    They seem indecisive and

    “ we will do it tomorrow”

    I have ordered items for an old friend in the UK and they are received within one day here it’s a week.

    So it seems to me it’s a Thai thing, it’s not going to change and as they say in the UK 

    “ Like it or lump it”

    My brother-in-law, who is a M.D., spent over ten years as a researcher in the U.S..  He is very meticulous and prompt.  Now I wonder where he picked that up from?

    • Like 2
  3. On 9/24/2021 at 2:37 AM, ThailandRyan said:

    So if his words are true then the country will be on track to open up either in 6 months, which is next year or when the situation improves to an acceptable point, of which no one here in Thailand knows when or what those requirements will be.....

    Notice he did not say when next year.  Being specific is not in his character.  Remember, he is never wrong.

  4. 4 hours ago, khunjeff said:

    "What was the business supposed to do?" Respond to the reviews or ignore them, just like every other business does - NOT file charges against the fool who wrote them. If a potential customer sees hundreds or thousands of generally positive reviews and a handful of crazy-sounding negative ones, he or she will discount the crazy reviews and assume that the hotel is probably a nice place. It's not rocket science.

    Exactly.  When I shop on eBay and checkout the sellers reputation I look at the negative feedback to see whether it is justified or it posted by habitual complainer. 

    • Like 2
  5. 50 minutes ago, katatonic said:

    Apparently the authorities here do not understand the concept of credit cards, multiple bank accounts, investment accounts etc. And who, if they did have such a stupidly big balance in one account, continuously, would want some foreign immigration service poring over their financial affairs for the last half a year anyway? No-one will be able to comply.

    My mom had money in every financial institution in town.  As the executor of her estate it was quite a chore to round up all the accounts for distribution to her heirs.  Each bank had their own rules for closing the accounts.

    • Like 1
  6. 38 minutes ago, BigStar said:

    Taglish, it's called. Hate that accent. Me, I'm still charmed by Thailand and Thais. Online 90-days, in and out from Immigration in 15 min last year. Still not expensive. Yeah, I think I'll just continue enjoying living here. Looking out over Pattaya Bay now. Bit hazy, but Koh Larn easily visible, waiting . . . .  


    But I sense a happy marriage between yourself and the Philippines. Filipinos, as devout Catholics, never think about money and will just love you for being your natural charming self. Lovely country, tranquil weather at all times, great roads. Probably should have moved over there long ago, like maybe a week after you realized that Thais speak Thai, where you could have enjoyed sitting in the dark or hoping your internet would return rather than posting trash about Thailand week after week. Also, the healthcare system is gon' do you lots of good as well. English, man!???? 


    Do you have schedule for departure? It appears you can go ahead and leave just any time now: Asia Today: Philippines allows foreign travel to resume

    "Tranquil weather at all times"?  Don't think so.  Typhoon season is hell.  Most of Mindanao is rarely subject to typhoons, but the Muslim insurgency is something to worry about.  I was there when Pinatubo erupted.  Unable to fly out because of the ash.  Wait list a mile long.  Luckily we had knew someone at the airline to move us to the top of the wait list. Then there is Mayon and Taal volcanoes that can be threats. 

  7. 5 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

    and Putin.


    BTW, I wouldn't eat the 'pork' that the US is trying to sell Thailand. I don't even think the Thai's eat much ears, lips, tongue, intestines, etc...   The 'pork products' are scraps that most of the world doesn't eat. Thai's actually do use those discarded pieces of the pig. I am led to believe.

    There are Thai dishes that specifically call for what you label scraps.  And you would be surprised how many other ethnic foods contain these so-called scraps.  The problem with the processing and canning of  these products is the nitrates that are used as a preservative.

  8. I am looking for a wood carver that can do wood portraits from photographs.  I lost contact with a guy that did work for me in the past.  This is not for a business, but rather for wood portraits that are displayed in a small not-for-profit museum in Hawaii.  I know Ban Thawai is the place and will be in Chiang Mai this November.  If any member can recommend someone or has a relative that does this kind of work and is interested please email me.  Willing to pay a fair price for good workmanship that replicates the photos submitted.  Thank you.

  9. Maui's economy started with the whaling industry and was gradually replaced by sugar and pineapple which have been replaced by tourism.  In the past much of the medical care was provided by plantation doctors and clinics.  The hospital system is in turmoil because of a dispute with the government hospital workers union.  They are fighting over privatization of the state hospital.  And the state is stonewalling the construction of a new private hospital because it will compete with the state hospital. 

    One reason for the shortage of medical doctors in Hawaii is the high cost of living and a state government that is in bed with the two major health insurance providers.  Thank goodness I have medical insurance that let's me go to any doctor without a referral.  It also helps that my PCP is "local" and went to same private school I went to.

  10. 30 minutes ago, Farang99 said:

    There must be 50 ways to leave your lava ? 

    Hawaii is not much different than other locations around the world that have to deal with active volcanoes such as the Philippines, Japan and Indonesia.  We happen to live in an older geological area of the island that is relatively safe from lava flows.  The present activity is located in one of Kilauea's two rift zones which is around six miles wide and extends from the summit to the ocean.  Anyone living in this hazard area knows the risks.

    The local authorities have years of experience in dealing with this kind of disaster and had a heads up from the volcano scientists who warned of a possible outbreak.

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  11. This form of depression is often misdiagnosed and inappropriate medications prescribed.  This is why seeing a competent and experienced mental health doctor is extremely important.  After helping a friend recover  from a drug  overdose took I her to a friend of mine who correctly diagnosed her problem.  Today she is my wife and never fails to take her lithium. She often thanks me for turning her life around.

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