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Posts posted by Hawaiian

  1. 7 hours ago, watthong said:

    Biden might be thought of as infirmed, confused and whatnot, let those who Palovianly caw at the mention of the old man's name fill in the blank. That said, he played his part beautifully, that of a knight in shining armor in November 2020. And to the majority of the American people, who voted for him with all their heart and mind, that's how he will be remembered. At present, we couldn't be more proud seeing our guy dignified and respected, not as a pathetic joke, by and on the world stage.


    Friendly reminder - in a democracy, it's the majority that count. The riff raff, domestic or otherwise, of course would not consent to that notion. For them it's the LOUDEST that count (that's why those appearing on their podium always have to foam at the mouth before any word is spoken.)

    Guess you hang around with the left-leaning, pro Biden crowd which is shrinking more  each day.  Many Americans have caught on to Biden's blaming of everyone and everything else for problems he has contributed to.  Even his own party is abandoning him because they feel he is no longer a viable candidate.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    If I’m not mistaken, Trump didn’t get a majority in 2016. He didn’t get the majority either in 2020 and yet, almost half the country believes that he won. 

    Not sure if this democratic model should be exported to the rest of the world.

    Election disputes and issues of voter fraud are not unique to the U.S.  This happens all over the world in democratic and not so democratic nations.  As mentioned in a previous post, one size does not fit all.

  3. 12 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    I have not seen China interfering in other nation’s internal affairs or to try and instigate regime change so that’s a positive.


    As to foreign aid, Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. The west has been doing the former in order to maintain control and dominance. Aid in the form of food and medical supplies solves a short term problem. It does nothing to address and resolve the underlying problems. China has provided a lot of aid in this manner. China also invests in the infrastructure which gives these countries a chance to develop. Some thinks of this as a debt trap. It’s really no different from a bank lending money to an individual to build their own home.


    Others will disagree with you about China's meddling in the internal affairs of other countries.

    Read this:  https://www.dailyexcelsior.com/chinese-interference-in-south-asia/   Or as one poster has said you don't click on links that counter your comments.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

    Have you looked lately how that welcome mat is wearing thin?

    Don’t know about that but it seems to me that more and more nations are turning away from the west and looking east. These countries are fed up with the hypocrisy and arrogance of some of these western countries.

    They may be looking east but not necessarily to China.  Shopping, yes.  Buying, maybe, maybe not.

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  5. 41 minutes ago, JimGant said:

    Churchill never experienced Trump.


    When uneducated and/or easily-swayed folks have the vote, well, democracy doesn't work as intended. Thus, the best form of government: A benevolent dictatorship, where the  leader is smart, educated, fair-minded, and with high ideals. Hard to find? You bet. But, Lee Kuan Yew comes as close as you can find.


    Actually, the fair-minded folks dub Singapore as a "managed democracy." (So too Malaysia.) But just try and hold a political rally against the PAP -- you'll be carted away faster than same type rally in Thailand. Malaysia's even harder on such rallies. So, maybe Thailand as a managed democracy is what it's all about here in SE Asia. Now, if Thailand could just find its Lee Kuan Yew.....


    Oh, and if you ask the Singaporean in the street (unless he has long hair and chews gum) if he's unhappy that he can't demonstrate in the streets against his government? You'll get the same shrug that you'll get in the streets of Beijing -- who needs to demonstrate, as our leaders have made our lives much better over the last few decades. (Probably the same answer in the streets of Hanoi or Saigon.)


    So, what's so great about a Western style democracy in Asia? Oh, yeah -- the uneducated and/or easily swayed get to vote. And, like with a box of chocolates, well, you know the rest of Forest Gump's retort.

    Being educated does not necessarily mean voting for the "right candidate."

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  6. 2 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    Why should China or any other country build any infrastructure projects for free? Can you name any bank that is willing to give you money without having to repay it?


    You don’t trust the CCP. That’s fine, I don’t have a problem with that at all. Every country does what’s in their best interest.

    While not exactly a bank, the U.S. government gives out tons of money "without having to repaying it."

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  7. 12 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

    If I’m not mistaken, one of worst banking crisis was caused by er, oh yes Lehman brothers of the sub-prime fame. Due diligence indeed.


    The BRI program is much welcomed by those countries that are helped by it. Sure, there will be stumbles along the way, not unexpected when you are talking about the biggest infrastructure project the world has ever seen. In the end, all the countries involved will be greatly improved because of the BRI project.

    Good that you pointed out what happens when greed sets in and due diligence is not taken. My mistake for not stating "smart banks."  Lehman was not only not smart, but greedy.  A lesson China will learn the hard way.   Have you looked lately how that welcome mat is wearing thin?

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Hawaiian said:

    Lenders do due diligence to discover the ability of the borrower to pay back the loan.  Banks having a record of too many foreclosures get flagged for poor performance.  Foreclosures can be messy affairs which banks try to avoid. 

    China on the other hand doesn't have to be concerned about loan defaults.  They just attach the collateral pledged, like shipping ports in Sri Lanka and Pakistan.  This ties in with their BRI program, which incidentally is not faring very well. I recently posted a link to video which talks about this.  This can be interpreted as interference since it almost always involves bribing local officials.  Cannot be.  China would never do such a thing.


  9. 9 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    Are you sure or just talking what you think is correct  ....

    China Has World’s Largest Navy With 355 Ships and Counting, Says Pentagon .... November 3, 2021

    China has the biggest maritime force on the globe with an inventory of about 355 vessels, according to a Defense Department report released Wednesday.

    With 355 ships in its fleet, the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is slated to expand its inventory to 420 ships within the next four years, the Pentagon’s annual China military report estimates. By 2030, the PLAN is expected to have 460 ships.

    The 355 estimation accounts for “major surface combatants, submarines, aircraft carriers, ocean-going amphibious ships, mine warfare ships, and fleet auxiliaries,” according to the report, which covers events in 2020.

    “This figure does not include 85 patrol combatants and craft that carry anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs). … Much of this growth will be in major surface combatants,” the report reads.


    Effectiveness and reliability come into play here.  Having more of something doesn't necessarily mean superiority. Just look at what has happened in Ukraine. 

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  10. 10 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

    Hmm. Not a resounding endorsement for western style democracy is it? Let’s look at UK. Oops, same problem there. Italy? Fascism on the rise possibly?

    Evidently you lack a clear understanding of the reality of politics.  Most elections involve tons of money and a manipulation of mainstream media.  Of course there other factors too,  like campaign promises that are impossible to fulfill and union endorsements, both .  In the Philippines many candidates are elected for their charm and not necessarily their ability.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That's silly. American presidents are only rarely the best we have to offer. Some exceptions would be Washington and Lincoln. They are elected via a very messy process of flawed  human compromise. Hopefully though

    7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That's silly. American presidents are only rarely the best we have to offer. Some exceptions would be Washington and Lincoln. They are elected via a very messy process of flawed  human compromise. Hopefully though we can avoid electing the worse we have to offer again as tragically occurred in 2016.

    we can avoid electing the worse we have to offer


    8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That's silly. American presidents are only rarely the best we have to offer. Some exceptions would be Washington and Lincoln. They are elected via a very messy process of flawed  human compromise. Hopefully though we can avoid electing the worse we have to offer again as tragically occurred in 2016.


    8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That's silly. American presidents are only rarely the best we have to offer. Some exceptions would be Washington and Lincoln. They are elected via a very messy process of flawed  human compromise. Hopefully though we can avoid electing the worse we have to offer again as tragically occurred in 2016.

    9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That's silly. American presidents are only rarely the best we have to offer. Some exceptions would be Washington and Lincoln. They are elected via a very messy process of flawed  human compromise. Hopefully though we can avoid electing the worse we have to offer again as tragically occurred in 2016.

    Of course, it's silly.  But, it was Gweiloman who said it.  I was just paraphrasing his statement.


















  12. On 9/30/2022 at 1:21 AM, spidermike007 said:

    Some will accuse me of being obsessed. But his predecessor was an embarrassment and an eyesore everywhere he went. Not exactly a diplomat. Biden by comparison is elegant, graceful and very experienced. He will be missed. By Thailand. 

    Appearances can be quite deceiving.  In Biden's case they are.  Diplomacy seldom works with the world's miscreants.  Action and not words are necessary to get the desired results.

  13. On 9/29/2022 at 2:33 PM, Dan O said:

    There's much more to the story than those two issues and the cause isn't from biden.


    The Federal Reserves action are not controlled by the President in any manner. 


     Spending on infrastructure is a positive and long overdue. It is  badly needed and will generate returns in excess of spending, create jobs and fix issues ignored by Republicans for far too long. 


     Not sure what your referring to with the green new deal??? 

    Still waiting to hear from you about the rest of the story and "those two issues and the cause isn't from biden." 

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