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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. That is, if you like that kind of excitement.
  2. Coke, like booze can cause serious health problems if abused over a period of time. Same with pot. Since the lifting of prohibition alcohol l is legal and regulated at both the state and national level. Pot is legal in some U.S. states although still ruled illegal by the feds.
  3. So why don't people of color celebrate her return?
  4. What price did she pay for not respecting the national anthem?
  5. And to think the USA and the rest of the world has to put up with him for another two years, that is if he lasts that long.
  6. Xi expects everyone to behave except China.
  7. My problem is Honolulu International Airport. Even after spending millions of dollars in improvements it is still not fixed. For its size, it is rated the second worst airport in the U.S. The walk from the international arrival gates to immigration is ridiculous. While not wheelchair bound, I use a cane to get around. The last time we came through the escalator was broken, so climbing the stairs to the next floor with my carry on was not all that easy. Fortunately, other friendly passengers helped me. The immigration and customs process is easy. It's the difficulty in reaching these areas. Other common complaints are the Hawaiian Airlines staff and the extremely long TSA lines. HAL staff kept sending us in circles before we got our boarding passes. Luckily a security officer who asked to see my boarding pass and noticed I might miss my HAL flight, led us to the head of the TSA line. These are my reasons for the three hour layover in Honolulu. I rather wait for the next flight than the face the headaches of missing it. My traveling companion feels the same way. She never travels alone and is comfortable with my decisions. So far, we have never missed a flight.
  8. A foreigner would probably make smart business decisions without worrying about "losing face."
  9. I never book flights requiring transfer from domestic to international with less than 3 hours layover. Same with international to domestic flights.
  10. Very rare occurrence, but there have been elections where one vote decided the who the winner was.
  11. Ever wonder what would happen if no one showed up to vote? In some countries voting is mandatory with civil penalties for those failing to vote. The excuse that those running for office are only seeking power is not always true. Someone needs to be in charge or else you eventually end up with anarchy. If that is what you want, fine. I would rather have law and order rather than disorder.
  12. It's not that they do not want Russia, it's Putin they do not trust. Iran, of course is a different story They wish to maintain their ties to Russia. It is Putin they do not trust. Iran is a different story.
  13. Exactly. If the Russians had spent more of their money and energy in the east they could be a wealthy country. Putin foolishly concentrated on "civilized" Russia. The Chinese are more of a threat than Ukraine or even NATO.
  14. According to some Xi supporters here on Aseannow, China is not interested in territorial expansion. I can see they are not fooling you.
  15. He is upset that well informed people are not buying the propaganda he is peddling.
  16. The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is a tool used by the DOJ to prosecute bribery. Although TMT operates in Thailand, Toyota Motors, the parent company also has factories in the U.S. Leave it up to the prosecutors to make the connection one way or another. The SEC gets into the act because Toyota is a listed stock on the NYSE.
  17. This is exactly what happened in the U.S. when independent virologists disagreed with the Covid "experts" from the CDC and its affiliated agencies. As far as climate change goes, it is cyclical with varying lengths of cycles. In other words, it is forever changing.
  18. If you really want to be to be properly informed mainstream media is not the place to go. Neither is social media. Political bias is everywhere, but propaganda only works on the gullible. This is why I get my news from multiple sources and attempt to sort out fact from fiction. As a history and geography buff since childhood, I usually have enough background information to figure it out.
  19. Guess you hang around with the left-leaning, pro Biden crowd which is shrinking more each day. Many Americans have caught on to Biden's blaming of everyone and everything else for problems he has contributed to. Even his own party is abandoning him because they feel he is no longer a viable candidate.
  20. Election disputes and issues of voter fraud are not unique to the U.S. This happens all over the world in democratic and not so democratic nations. As mentioned in a previous post, one size does not fit all.
  21. Others will disagree with you about China's meddling in the internal affairs of other countries. Read this: https://www.dailyexcelsior.com/chinese-interference-in-south-asia/ Or as one poster has said you don't click on links that counter your comments.
  22. They may be looking east but not necessarily to China. Shopping, yes. Buying, maybe, maybe not.
  23. Being educated does not necessarily mean voting for the "right candidate."
  24. While not exactly a bank, the U.S. government gives out tons of money "without having to repaying it."
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