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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. It's still legal in my state and that will not change anytime soon.
  2. If things are so rosy in China why are so many Chinese trying to flee the country. Those that succeed tell a different story than yours. I just met two well educated Chinese brothers, who spoke perfect English, tell me they have no desire to ever go back.
  3. Knowing the Taiwanese, they will booby trap and destroyed TSMC facilities before handing them over to CCP forces.
  4. Even the world renowned China experts disagree on China's future.
  5. So you are telling us what every successful investor knows. Knowing when to buy and when to sell is the tricky part that separates the winners from the losers. But I guess you have that all figured out.
  6. "Fools rush in where wise men never go"...............
  7. One thing for sure is that the majority of Chinese investors are not. They are gamblers and sheep. I have never owned Chinese stock and never will. I am not a gambler.
  8. Agree about the possibility of delisting happening. Personally, I think it is just a delaying tactic by the Chinese, buying time to implement some financial manipulation.
  9. The U.S. dollar is still on top of all major currencies, including the euro and yen.
  10. Even with the drug cartels and corrupt government officials, more production in manufactured goods is happening in Mexico. Many products are of better quality and delivery is more reliable. All of this at the expense of the Chinese economy. Smart money is moving out of China and into Mexico and elsewhere.
  11. China's aging population will hinder its growth. Five percent is overly optimistic.
  12. I mentioned the enormous financial strain the Silk Road initiative is having with little return to show for in a blog on Thailand's attempt to acquire F-35 's from the U.S. My comment was dismissed by several posters. Unlike you, they do not understand how serious the problem is for China. To avoid delisting of some major Chinese companies from U.S. stock exchanges China has recently agreed to comply with SEC auditing rules. This comes after years of refusing to do so. Another sign of China's financial problems. And isn't China experimenting with a digital currency to stop the flight of capital? Is this the beginning of the implosion Gordon Chang has been talking about?
  13. Proper drainage on a flat roof means slight sloping to adequate drains. Water needs to drain so there is no standing water to cause hydrostatic pressure.
  14. Where I live a new home has a 1 year warranty against defects. Public and private contracts also have warranty clauses for various lengths of time.
  15. Lucky you. On one occasion it took us nearly 2 1/2 hours. Security had to intervene when people (Chinese and Indians) began cutting in. This was at 2:00 am.
  16. No where in my post did I mention dual pricing.
  17. Years ago I bought a lifetime Golden Age Pass for $20. It entitles anyone in my vehicle free entry to any U.S. National Park. Here in Hawaii, we have free entry for locals at most state parks which requires a local ID, such as a Hawaii drivers license. The national parks do not charge entry for local (usually Native Hawaiians) hunter/gatherers and cultural practitioners.
  18. "Could be worse." The way things are going most Thais are willing to take that risk.
  19. My wife and I will not be traveling to Thailand this year to visit her 90+ year old father. Like many others, we are paying attention to the situation.
  20. Then Hunter Biden decided he wanted in on the action.
  21. The sanctions imposed are mostly against Putin and his buddies. Only targeting the oligarchs is not very effective. Every Russian bank should have been sanctioned. Access to SWIFT should have been immediately denied. Sanctions that were considered to hurt the general population were not imposed. Not playing hardball is not very smart. I believe Gknrd was responding to what might happen in a scenario where both sanctions AND a blockade were employed. As I mentioned, China is very reliant on imported food and fuel, whereas Russia is not.
  22. One of the stories told is that if the West diverted manufacturing to China and partnered with Chinese companies the country would evolve to a form of democracy. As we well know now, Xi has become more authoritarian, and silences anyone who dares to challenge his leadership. We also know that the real motive in moving to China was money. So much money that it was worthwhile putting up with rampant corruption and industrial espionage. Lesson learned. Think not. The big boys are still there.
  23. Losing access to the chips that TSMC produces is a major reason to protect Taiwan from China. People like GinBoy2 have been warning about this for quite awhile. Finally Congress has decided to act, hoping that Taiwan doesn't fall before U.S. chipmakers can start production. As far as I know, China still does not have the technology and equipment to make nano chips.
  24. Patriotism usually gets thrown out the window when you and your loved ones have no food on the table. Have you seen videos of Chinese fighting against the police when they are denied access to the bare necessities? Have you seen how aggressive Chinese shoppers are when faced with limited food in the markets? Russia may side with China, but in actuality will do little to help. Historically, both countries have been at odds and do not trust each other. While I claim both Russian and Chinese ancestry it is ironic that I detest both countries.
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