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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Feel free to elaborate on the rest of the story. And while you are at it tell us more about the independence of the federal reserve, which by the way I did not mention.
  2. As Paul Harvey used to say, "Now for the rest of the story." Yes, Trump was responsible for doling out a lot of free money believing it would help relieve the stresses brought on by Covid and avert a major financial crisis. It helped many Americans and businesses stave off financial ruin. Because time was of the essence a lot of money went to the wrong people. On the other hand, Biden in his bid to keep him and his party in power is continuing the spending spree which has just added fuel to the inflation fire. Cancellation of student loan debt is not a national emergency. Neither is the Green New Deal. These two programs will surely cost more than what the Covid rescue package cost.
  3. Bingo! You hit the nail on the head. The rise in interest rates means more printing of money to service the debt. If the dollar were not the chief reserve currency of the world this would not be possible. So far China has not been able to replace the dollar with the yuan. Distrust of China has been growing so most countries don't want to abandon the dollar.
  4. As Paul Harvey used to say, "Now for the rest of the story." Yes, Trump was responsible for doling out a lot of free money believing it would help relieve the stresses brought on by Covid and avert a major financial crisis. It helped many Americans and businesses stave off financial ruin. Because time was of the essence a lot of money went to the wrong people. On the other hand, Biden in his bid to keep him and his party in power is continuing the spending spree which has just added fuel to the inflation fire. Cancellation of student loan debt is not a national emergency. Neither is the Green New Deal. These two programs will surely cost more than what the Covid rescue package cost.
  5. There are many online videos claiming that China has not engaged in debt trap diplomacy. Call it anything you want, the fact remains that the roughly one trillion dollars China has loaned to debt strapped countries is causing serious economic problems not only for the borrowers, but also for the worlds biggest lender. The Chinese economy is already suffering from the world largest real estate crisis and now defaulting loans are creating another crisis for Chinese banks. The video "China Won't Rule the World" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tw-NrqYdDT8 shows why China is most likely heading to a recession.
  6. I bought high end gold coins five years ago. Most of them are up 75 to 100% and will continue to appreciate no matter what gold does because they are collectors items.
  7. This is a rational explanation of the inflation issue: https://www.profolus.com/topics/causes-of-the-2021-2022-global-inflation-surge/?utm
  8. I agree with you. There are multiple reasons for worldwide inflation, including rising prices in Thailand. Supply chain issues caused by the pandemic created shortages which resulted in steep rises in the commodity markets. The invasion of Ukraine which interrupted grain and fertilizer shipments also caused more shortages and inflation. There were already shortages before sanctions by the West. They only created more shortages. Simply put, there is no one single cause for this inflation. Caveat: Never argue with people that are always right even when they are wrong.
  9. I finally took the time to watch the video. Let's hope Xi understands the grave risks in invading Taiwan. The U.S. is the wild card because no one really knows how America will react. If the U.S. get militarily involved, Japan will surely follow, and most likely the Aussies will join in. India may take advantage of the situation and start occupying long disputed territory claimed by both countries. Then what?
  10. China Economy reporters, Yujing Liu and Tom Hancock, have written an article for Bloomberg Businessweek (8/22/2022) about some of the problems plaguing the Chinese economy. Much of it conflicts with what you and others have posted such as downplaying the property market collapse. Of course, you will dismiss what they have written since it appears in a "hypocritical" American publication.
  11. Although the ChinaFile Infographic was published in 2015, it gave projections 5 years out. If anyone takes the time to read all of the graphs they will find that most of the information is still relevant. The outflow migration has continued and is still quite high. Financial Times also has several YouTube videos about China's financial woes including one about the massive debt incurred by its high speed rail system. Something close to $1 trillion dollars. That is USD and starting with a "T". Still there are some that will argue that China has no serious financial problems.
  12. I went back to read the rest of the ChinaFile Infographic of February 3, 2015. Very interesting......47% of wealthy Chinese plan on leaving the country in the next 5 years compared to the worldwide average of 29% for all countries. It goes on to give further details.
  13. My apologies. I mistakenly mixed up the numbers. It should have read 7th largest....to....4th largest. Another clarification is that the article was written in 2015, so this jump occurred over a 25 year span. The point I was trying to make is that Chinese are fleeing their country in increasing numbers. As Xi becomes more ruthless in silencing dissent if would seem reasonable to assume the figures haven't changed much.
  14. This policy has created a nightmare for those whose births were never recorded because their parents were afraid of prosecution or infanticide by the authorities. Some of these unfortunate people have managed to flee to the outside world to tell their story.
  15. I wrote "trying to flee the country." A quote from a ChinaFile article titled, Wealthy Chinese Are Fleeing the Country Like Mad........."Since 1990, China has gone from being the 4th largest exporter of immigrants to the 7th largest, an increase of more than 125%. Chinese people are immigrating in ever greater numbers, particularly the wealthy." If you took the time to actually do some research you would find a lot more information that validates what I have said. But then, this is not what a Wu Mao does.
  16. As a lifelong resident of the rainiest city in the USA, I prefer to visit right after the rainy season. Our friends drive us all over Thailand to visit places, even places they have not been to before. October and November has been ideal for us.
  17. Undervalued stocks are cheap for various reasons. Risk is a major factor for low values, especially for Chinese stocks. To each his own. At my age I don't have time to play risky games.
  18. "It is a <deleted> shot at best." Right, it's a <deleted> shoot. As I mentioned earlier, most Chinese are not investors, but gamblers. This description was penned by a long-time watcher of China's financial markets. He lived in China for many years so I respect his opinion.
  19. Unfortunately, this does not only happen in Thailand. During my years as a general contractor I had a slew of jobs repairing shoddy, unprofessional work, much of it by licensed contractors.
  20. I assume you are an a person of outstanding , high moral character, unquestionable integrity, with no hint of personal prejudices and biases. How did you inherit such perfect genes?
  21. Real Hawaiians overwhelmingly voted for statehood. Incidentally, the Hawaiians of old owned slaves. King Kamehameha I used American advisers and American weapons to invade and conquer the islands he did not control. Want to know how real Hawaiians feel? My native Hawaiian relatives are proud Americans. In fact one served as a U.S. senator. Several are retired military veterans.
  22. Nancy Pelosi represents the Democratic Party that is determined to undermine democratic freedoms and constitutional rights in America. And yes, she is a hypocrite.
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