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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Good that you pointed out what happens when greed sets in and due diligence is not taken. My mistake for not stating "smart banks." Lehman was not only not smart, but greedy. A lesson China will learn the hard way. Have you looked lately how that welcome mat is wearing thin?
  2. https://dailyexcelsior.com/chinese-interference-in-south-asia/
  3. Lenders do due diligence to discover the ability of the borrower to pay back the loan. Banks having a record of too many foreclosures get flagged for poor performance. Foreclosures can be messy affairs which banks try to avoid. China on the other hand doesn't have to be concerned about loan defaults. They just attach the collateral pledged, like shipping ports in Sri Lanka and Pakistan. This ties in with their BRI program, which incidentally is not faring very well. I recently posted a link to video which talks about this. This can be interpreted as interference since it almost always involves bribing local officials. Cannot be. China would never do such a thing.
  4. Learned this from you, the great expert on everything. Your comments are only valuable to China, the country you staunchly defend.
  5. More questions from the expert on everything.
  6. You should know. You're the expert on everything.
  7. Why ask me? You're the expert on everything.
  8. When you are provided a link you claim it is nothing but propaganda or you are too busy to read it. Well ditto to you.
  9. Effectiveness and reliability come into play here. Having more of something doesn't necessarily mean superiority. Just look at what has happened in Ukraine.
  10. Lies and deceit are the foundation of Chinese meritocracy.
  11. Evidently you lack a clear understanding of the reality of politics. Most elections involve tons of money and a manipulation of mainstream media. Of course there other factors too, like campaign promises that are impossible to fulfill and union endorsements, both . In the Philippines many candidates are elected for their charm and not necessarily their ability.
  12. we can avoid electing the worse we have to offer Of course, it's silly. But, it was Gweiloman who said it. I was just paraphrasing his statement.
  13. You can't make this stuff up. And Fox News is not the only ones airing this stuff.
  14. Appearances can be quite deceiving. In Biden's case they are. Diplomacy seldom works with the world's miscreants. Action and not words are necessary to get the desired results.
  15. Chinese banks might have been interested in financing these projects at one time, especially at above market rates. With major losses from a souring domestic and now a worsening worldwide economy, that seems unlikely now.
  16. Plus reading comprehension problems.
  17. Thank you for confirming that many of your posts and replies are filled with baseless facts.
  18. Still waiting to hear from you about the rest of the story and "those two issues and the cause isn't from biden."
  19. No wonder you got no results. "Tried to goggle him" Hmmm.
  20. Preaching to the choir?
  21. Pre Preaching to the choir, again.
  22. Who is to blame for today's high inflation rate? Biden supporters blame Trump and Trump supporters blame Biden. Here is one well know economist's explanation: https://news.stanford.edu/2022/09/06/what-causes-inflation/
  23. Thank you for letting us know how untrustworthy China is.
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