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Posts posted by ArranP

  1. Buying land and building house in Phuket, for purposes of Mortgage, land title has to be registered to Thai person, I (farang) act as guarantor.

    When mortgage is fully repaid, I would like to transfer title to my luk krueng children.

    In the meantime, for the period the mortgage is being repaid the title will need to be registered to both mothers of my luk krueng children.

    Is there way by way of a law:

    i) ensure the transition of title from the both mother to child once the mortgage is fully paid.

    ii) prevent mothers from securing further loans against the property during the period it is registered to them.

    Thank you for your response and advices



  2. .... And then have another crises and have to print a load more money; bail in too even.

    maybe but a bit later on... firstly I expect GBP and USD to strengthen against THB as the "West" base rates rise back upwards.

    From crises to crises, inflation erodes the value of debt that accrued in the last crises, however commodities go up with inflation.

  3. I am in the same position as the OP. I have a non O multiple visa which will finish in june.

    I have sole custody of my son with letters from the court supporting this. I do have 40K + baht

    per month going into my UK bank account, but I can not transfer this amount to my thai account every month.

    Is a letter from the british emabassy confirming I have funds in the uk enough for an extension?

    Many thanks

    If in Phuket, the British Embassy here no longer issues certificate of income, I had my income certified by the German Embassy on ByPass Road.

  4. if I had to guess there's only one way,if you have the same photo on the right side above the reply box as me its UP.wub.png

    I think so too, not much room for it on the downside.

    if the base rate does move up, what tends to happen to the currency as a result, does the currency strengthen.

    There is no 1:1 relationship with all currencies if that is what you are looking for. If sterling puts rates up as a result of the strengthening of the economy then it is the economic outlook you should primarily be looking at rather then the rate which is a marker.

    I think the UK and USA will put up rates next, rather than reduce rates.

  5. No and No are the answers to your questions.

    1) You must apply to Thai Immigtration in the area where you live.

    2) 30 (in some areas 45) days before your permission to stay expiry are the max normally.

    ok, so I can and must submit my extension of stay in phuket ? is there an immigration bureau in phuket ? or do I submit it at a different office.

    Submitted my application for 1 year temporary stay "Guardian Visa" at Phuket immigration, it was granted January 2014, no more 3 monthly runs to ranong, happy camper!! ( single divorced dad (42 years old) )

  6. I hope somebody is keeping tabs on all of this because I'm not going to, thus far it's 48.8 to 50.4.

    Any other players, line up and take your chances here xlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.SDkxrRteka.png

    Importantly, include the reasons why you think it will go up or down.

    I think about 53 to 55 also, because this is where it was October 2010 before the GBP weakened relative to USD, now GBP is strengthening or reverting its weakening it should return to where it was.


    subject to any adverse econmics, it should remain here as long as BoE base rate remains at 0.5%, apparently the swap rate ( http://www.swap-rates.com/UKSwap.html ) follows the anticipated base rate, this being the case the baht may remain where it is for another year or 2 before weakening further.

  7. The cringing feeling of embarressment when recalling the events after a night out on the drink and wonder why it happened again ?

    Apparently 1 hours worth of alchohol is just one glass of drink which can be drank in 10 to 15 minutes. http://www.drunkmansguide.com/articles/drunkenness.php

    What are we supposed to do for the other 45 minutes ? This maybe the problem.

    1) at the outset of the evening, we are bored waiting the 45 minutes so we drink 2 to 3 drinks per hour,

    2) at this time people talk to us because we are coherent.

    3) later the drink takes effect and we are drunk

    4) people stop talking to us because we are drunk

    5) we become more bored so drink some more and get even more drunk

    6) we get no attention at all from other people so we demand attention by provoking people, similar to a 5 year old child demanding attention when they are not being listened to, except now we are an adult.

    problem is boredom...

  8. Apparently 1 hours worth of alchohol is just one glass of drink which can be drank in 10 to 15 minutes. http://www.drunkmansguide.com/articles/drunkenness.php

    What are we supposed to do for the other 45 minutes ? This maybe the problem.

    a) at the outset of the evening, we are bored waiting the 45 minutes so we drink 2 to 3 drinks per hour,

    B) at this time people talk to us because we are coherent.

    c) later the drink takes effect and we are drunk

    d) people stop talking to us because were drunk

    e) we become more bored so drink some more and get more drunk

    f) we get no attention at all from other people so we demand attention by provoking people.

    problem is boredom.

  9. Hello,

    Car purchase over 2 years wtih 50% (approx 600k) loan from Tisco. The loan was made in my ex-wifes name.

    I have made all the payments from my bangkok bank account (which is in my sole name), and as part of the divorce the wife agrees to sign title over to me when loan is fully paid in August 2014.

    What documents do I need to establish recognition from the National Credit Bureau of Thailand for the servicing of this loan ?

    Thanks for your input.

  10. Hello,

    I am divorced father with full custody of our 2 luk krueng children. My non O visa runs out July 2014, we live in Phuket however I'm going to be up in BKK over christmas so I thought I would submit my application for extension of stay whilst I'm there.

    Is this timing possible or do I need to wait until near the time my non o visa expires ?

    I've found the documents required here http://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/base.php?page=service, however I don't read anything about timing ?

    Thanks in advance of the advice.



  11. Its been said before but I'll add my two cents.....its really up to your preferences! First off, you must not like it in Phuket if your looking to move....with that said your main requirement appears to be an International School with an IB program and thats why your looking at Bangkok....which is a city that is 1,568.7 square kilometres (605.7 sq mi)...meaning that within Bangkok there are many, many different types of enviroments.....I live in Pravet near the airport, kings park, Seacon Mall, and Paradise mall. Not many highrises , big roads, great shopping, and great restaurants!.....and by looking at the number of huge homes on huge properties....I would say its an area preferred by some of the elite...and I think a really nice place to live.....want to go to downtown...hop on the Skytrain (or take a taxi ...15 minutes)....

    The other areas mentioned Bang Chan ....which I'm looking into the area (Rayong, Ban Phe etc) for a getaway house near the beach...been scouting it out for awhile now and I REALLY like it down there ...close to Bangkok, No Flooding, moderate temperatures (sea breeze) and Rayong seems to have it all (Homepro, Global, 2 Big C's, Tesco, Makro, shopping mall...Lam Tong, and I understand that central is building a new mall in the area....

    Its a "toss up" if you ask me....but if I were you I'd at least check them out...

    Good Lucksmile.png

    Pravet, yes I know where that is, I've driven round it when i visited an international school in BangNa, what do you think of Kings Park ? I've visited Mega but not Seacon Mall or Paradise Mall I don't know how they compare ?

    There are many housing estates in this area not sure which are some of the nicest, maybe you know of some you like more than others ?

    The kings Park is "huge" and has a resevoir that also is a catch basin for flood run off.....During the "big" floods a few years back Pravet was spared as the government did everything they could to make sure the Airport remained open.. Can't really comment on the Kings Park though as I rarely go though evern though its a 10 minute walk for my house..

    Don't like Mega or Paradise as a Mall because they're "high end" expensive......whereas Seacon (which is huge .....I'd venture a guess that it has between 500-1000 shops....many 2 meters/sq ....Its on a main street called Srinakarindra.....an enjoyable day out.

    As for housing estates in the areas I like ....there aren't many ....drive around behind Paradise Park (also on Srinakarindra very near Seacon) and you can see how the wealthy live! I would love to buy a rai of land (except it goes for 20 million baht...) and build a house....I bought my house in the area about 10 years ago so it was affordable then (little over 3 million baht)...

    Ban Chang and surrounding areas is still very "affordable" ...only 1 1/2 hour drive to where I live in Bangkok, and soon (maybe 5-10 years.....thats soon for Thailand) they are supposed to build a high speed train to Rayong.

    Good Luck deciding

    Thanks, I'm thinking the kids will be better off in BKK than Phuket, it will be a better place for them to grow up.

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