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Posts posted by ArranP

  1. Hello,

    I am considering to move from Phuket to Bangkok, and would like to know the nice areas/communities to live near Patana School, somewhere my children can play out after school with other children, pool, play area.

    There will be myself, my 5 year old daughter and my 2 year old son, who will both attend Patana.

    My budget I think is upto 50k per month for a 3 bedroomed accommodation.

    I manage my own UK based business from home, have a car and motorbike, its not necessary for me to be near the public transport, some weekends I intend to commute to Nakhon Sawan.

    Thank you.



  2. Hello,

    My daughter (half british / half thai - 5 years old) currently goes to British International School Phuket.

    I am considering putting her at either Patana in Bangkok or St.Stephens in Khao Yai. Whilst Bangkok is a built up area it has a very good school, however my girl friend has never stayed the city and is more used to the country, also in the future planning to start a rubber plantation.

    Any advices please on the quality of education my child can expect at St.Stephens Khao Yai compared to Patana Bkk?

    Will she still get a decent education at St.Stephens Khao Yai ?

    Thank you.



  3. she runs a small resort of 4 bungalows in koh lanta....... Her ex-boyfriend is 76 he funded the resort......

    It would be interesting to know how much the last guy got fleeced for? Obviously we all can't buy them a resort!

    he paid 800,000 baht for sinsod.

  4. To the OP: I don't have an opinion about paying sin sod or not, it is a cultural difference that you have to deal with together as you have to respect their culture but they should also respect your own culture.

    But offering 20 baht was a bit tactless, even if it was only to the GF.

    yes I agree, in general I became un-sure of things.

  5. Need to know more information.

    Roi Et is a very poor area. If the mother is a rice-farmer, then the 1 million baht + 10 baht of gold is an insult.

    What does your gf work as? What's her education? This is important.

    I've even heard of guys being asked for 500,000 baht when the girl in question is divorced, 35 years old with kids! This is a blatant insult and the reply offer of 20 baht is not less insulting.

    A good point, insulting offers do work both ways. Not sure if i would have come back with a 20 baht offer however

    The OP could fill in a few more details for us all.

    the offer of 20 baht was made in a private conversation between me and my girl friend in the car.

    Sin Sod is to be negotiated on, instead you apparently felt the need to insult her mother with an offer of 20 baht. No wonder your relation broke up.

    You could have explained that in your culture sin sod is not done and you are not comfortable with it and start from there.

    Initially I accepted.

    I have no issue with SinSod, it is alot of people do it, it was later when I discovered the normal fee is 200,000 to 300,000 I was shocked and then declined, I could explain SinSod to my own mother but I had no answer when it came to why I was paying so much more than other people.

    After I declined, I would sawadee khap mother but she would ignore me and in front of the whole family.

    • Like 1
  6. Need to know more information.

    Roi Et is a very poor area. If the mother is a rice-farmer, then the 1 million baht + 10 baht of gold is an insult.

    What does your gf work as? What's her education? This is important.

    I've even heard of guys being asked for 500,000 baht when the girl in question is divorced, 35 years old with kids! This is a blatant insult and the reply offer of 20 baht is not less insulting.

    A good point, insulting offers do work both ways. Not sure if i would have come back with a 20 baht offer however

    The OP could fill in a few more details for us all.

    the offer of 20 baht was made in a private conversation between me and my girl friend in the car away from the family.

    • Like 1
  7. Sin Sod is to be negotiated on, instead you apparently felt the need to insult her mother with an offer of 20 baht. No wonder your relation broke up.

    You could have explained that in your culture sin sod is not done and you are not comfortable with it and start from there.

    Need to know more information.

    Roi Et is a very poor area. If the mother is a rice-farmer, then the 1 million baht + 10 baht of gold is an insult.

    What does your gf work as? What's her education? This is important.

    I've even heard of guys being asked for 500,000 baht when the girl in question is divorced, 35 years old with kids! This is a blatant insult and the reply offer of 20 baht is not less insulting.

    she runs a small resort of 4 bungalows in koh lanta, her education she left school early to take care of her sisters children, however she is now studying law, she is 34 with no children, I am 41 with 2 children. Her ex-boyfriend is 76 he funded the resort. Mother is a rice farmer.

  8. How long have you been together, OP?

    I'd ignore what you read on the internet and averages. Your circumstance is your own.

    Give a little more information before the generic write-off.

    We have been learning together since beginning of december, she lives in koh lanta, I live in Phuket.

  9. 2.18 In the case of a family
    member of a Thai(applicable
    only to parents, spouse,
    child, adopted child or child
    of his/her spouse):
    Permission will be
    granted for a period of
    not more than 1 yearat a


    (5) In the case of a parent, one of parents must have an average
    annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a
    money deposit of not less than 400,000 baht for expenses within
    a year.
    In other necessary circumstances, The Immigration
    Commissioner or Deputy of Immigration Commissioner may
    approve on case to case basis.
    (6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an
    alien must have an average annual income of not less than
    40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank
    of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses
    within a year.
    1. Application form
    2. Copy of applicant’s passport
    3. Copy of documents proving relationship, such as a marriage certificate, a birth certificate,
    registration of child legitimization, household registration certificate, child adoption registration
    certificate, or other evidence from the government or relevant agency
    4. Copy of evidence proving the Thai nationality of the spouse, parents, children, or adopted
    children, such as a national ID card, copy of household registration certificate, or other evidence
    issued by the government or relevant agency

    Above from police order 777/2551 is the provision which requires 400k in bank account in your name (almost the same as for Thai wife without the seasoning requirement) or income of 40k per month. You make application during last 30 days of any 90 day O visa entry.

    Many Thanks Lopburi3

  10. As said in PM visa would not expire with divorce and for children normally only single entry available but could be extended 60 days. With enough paperwork proving caring for children a multi entry might be issued. But if chance of custody and meeting extension requirements that might be better.

    we soon will be divroced and I will have official document to show custody of children. How do the extension work, is there any need to leave Thailand or need for regular visa runs with and extension ?

  11. None, except local Thai schools. Lanta is not the place to raise foreign children. A friend sent his son to an international school in Phuket, where he stayed from Sunday evening until Friday evening in the school dormitory.

    Thank you, how old was his son ?

  12. how about putting it in the childrens name, that way your estate gets passed onto them, which in the longer term is what you would probably want anyways, right ?

    I'm just about to buy a house for me, my thai wife keeps kicking me out the one I just built for her, I'm fed up of being un-settled. So I would like somewhere of my own, so I figure to buy in the kids name would be the best thing, I know I can't sell but that is the sacrifice i make, at least it is kept for my children when they grow older...

    good idea right ? any advice comments welcome ... Thank you.

  13. You can divorce in Thailand, but first have to register your foreign marriage at an amphur if you didn't do so.

    Regestering the marriage in thailand means: getting your wedding cewrtificate certified by your embassy, next translated into Thai and certified by the Thai Foreign Ministry. With these docuemtns you go to any amphur, or khet in Bangkok and have the marriage recorded. As proof you get a khor rhor 22 form. (people marrying in Thailand get a khor rhor 2 form).

    I advise to choose an amphur/khet where they have a lot of experience with foreigners. The khet at Bangrak is often used and can advise you if they can divorce you right after having registered your marriage or that you will have to go to court.

    I suspect that you can have an amphur divorce right after you registered the marriage.

    Thank you.

  14. Hello,

    My Thai wife and I (British) are discussing the process of divorce, we married in the UK in 2008, but now we live in Thailand and neither of us are intending to return to the UK, we have 2 children.

    How do we end our UK marriage from Thialand ?

    Thank you for your response.



  15. Hello,

    I am a single 41 male with 4 year old daughter and 1 year old boy, looking to rent a house in a nice area anything upto 60,0000 THB per month.

    Would like somewhere daily commuting distance to St.Andrews or Regents schools as will be looking to place daughter at one of these.

    I don't like central pattaya.


    • beaches
    • koh samet
    • family areas
    • children play areas
    • 150+ sqm internal living accommodation
    • 2 to 3 bed house/apartment
    • some western amenities...

    I am looking for names in terms of areas / estates / web sites where to look for what I like.

    Thank you.



  16. Hello,

    I am a single 41 male with 4 year old daughter and 1 year old boy, looking to rent a house in a nice area anything upto 60,0000 THB per month.

    Would like somewhere daily commuting distance to St.Andrews or Regents schools as will be looking to place daughter at one of these.

    I don't like central pattaya.


    • beaches
    • koh samet
    • family areas
    • children play areas
    • 150+ sqm internal living accommodation
    • 2 to 3 bed house/apartment
    • some western amenities...

    I am looking for names in terms of areas / estates / web sites where to look for what I like.

    Thank you.



  17. is the fluoxetine here in thailand the same as the fluoxetine from the UK, I've been taking this drug for over 2 years in the UK but now I'm living here in Thailand.

    In the UK the drug comes in a white and green capsule, here in thailand I just got my first batch, these are white and pink and I do not feel the same after taking them..... I have switched back onto what is left of my white and green ones from the UK batch, hoping to find a solution soon..... any advice much appreciated,

    thank you.

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