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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. He even managed to upset his own teammates. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-state-of-the-union-uses-term-illegal-immigrants-his-dhs-warned-against-2021
  2. Another legend in his own mind!
  3. “Not disgruntled at all “ You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
  4. Cult! Oh yes! The most taken out of context word liberal Never Trumpers use when pushed into a corner by reality. It’s even used more than the other words taken out of context that actually describe Biden and the Democrats. Facist, Marxist and last but not least Dictator.
  5. Reading comprehension was not your strong point in elementary school, obviously. Never too late to go back.
  6. Learn the art of using paragraphs
  7. Because you can’t explain it! It’s one of the great phenomena of modern times. Similar to why liberal white people are the greatest contributors of $$$ to BLM. Guilt? Who really knows.
  8. I could but then I would be a confirmed liar. Similar to Biden.
  9. No desire! Happy to spend money and enjoy what I enjoy.
  10. “Stop with the gaslighting “ You’re so hip, chic and urban when you speak woke!
  11. You just described 80% of the men along Soi Bukow so those tactics won’t work.
  12. I jumped the gun too soon in my previous reply concerning length. I stand corrected. Still accurate regarding lack of accuracy. Nothing new.
  13. Your posts are getting shorter. Good job! However, content is still lacking.
  14. Last time I was called nasty was in second grade by a girl seated in front of me when I picked my nose and placed a burger on her chair. Punished by the Catholic nun with a ruler across my knuckles. Maybe I’m due again.
  15. I believe AP as much as you believe Fox. Never said he signed the order.
  16. The so called State of the Union was nothing more than a campaign speech.
  17. So only white people are rascist? What exactly is white privilege? What do white people have the privilege of, exclusively?
  18. Thanks, I’ll sleep better now knowing that.
  19. I’m sure at least one of our humanitarian liberals on the forum will be more than happy to invite a “newcomer” into their home. Which one will it be? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/denver-pleads-property-owners-rent-migrant-newcomers
  20. Those celebrities were all talk, no action. Following their liberal core values.
  21. You have already seen it but refuse to accept it.
  22. I don’t know who your boy was last year nor do I know who he is this year. It ain’t me. Boy fetch this, boy fetch that. I already posted my rebuttal concerning the re invention of the wheel Go fetch it, boy!
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