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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. All ? As in how many. 10 , 30 ? A murderer doesn’t equate to insurrectionist. About the same amount as the Summer of Love. is there footage of the drugging and lynching?
  2. Another deflection. Getting to be the new normal. I guess you haven’t been keeping up. Unanimous, yes Unanimous decision by the Supreme Court which allow Trump to remain on the ballot and ensure his re election. I suppose being bitter about being a desk jockey in the secret squirrel department, cloak and dagger division of the CIA versus a field operative can cause resentment. Or it could have been the fact that you were not hand picked to be the CIA liaison officer by DEVGRU on the OBL mission. Does the CIA know that you “out” yourself on public forums, talk shop and post photos? Real secret squirrels don’t do that. Maybe that’s the reason for your termination.
  3. Because it was not an insurrection. A protest made into a insurrection by liberals and their media It was just another one of their tactics to “Get Trump”. Notice all of the American Flags being carried at the so called “insurrection “. Strange behavior for a group trying to overthrow the government. I would think real insurrectionist would be burning the flag and desecrating the flag in the same manner as the “mostly peaceful “ Summer of Love mayhem.
  4. Lots of disgruntled people on here. Of course the fact the unanimous decision of the Supreme Court had nothing to do with it. I keep hearing the same comments from the same disgruntled people about Trump this, Trump that for years now, not only this forum. He slaughtered Haley and the best is yet to come. Bye, Bye Biden. You can fool each other here, but the majority of the American people see through the BS. The Teflon Don has struck again. But do continue with your dreams. Hey WALKER, everyone is waiting for your thesis on the rigged outcome of the unanimous decision of the Supreme Court in the appropriate thread, of course. No doubt you have a valid excuse for the unanimous, repeat unanimous decision. The secret squirrel file cabinet at Langley must have this privileged information.
  5. Possibly but nobody can match the Brits for the love of buggery. Maybe a school headmaster boarding school issue.
  6. The fact is Pattaya (Thailand) is on board with Trump. Why aren’t you? Are you in Thailand? Or a wannabe posting from a basement? I have not seen any “Build Back Better” signs yet but if in the rare chance I do, I’ll post it.
  7. Calm down! It’s only a forum. Maybe Roo should tag in and you can take a break. You’re still going to have a good life under Trump, probably better.
  8. Tagging in Frank. They seem to forget rehiring of people due to layoffs from Covid doesn’t count towards new hiring, Tagging out.
  9. You have posted your opinion and I disagree. The “mostly peaceful “ summer of love were not Trump supporters and encouraged by Maxine and the other lunatics. Now you bring the Patron Saint of Fentanyl, Floyd into the already hijacked thread. And yes, I’m guilty of this too.
  10. Appears Charles Barkley is on edge, big time! https://www.foxnews.com/sports/congressman-wesley-hunt-fires-back-charles-barkley-donald-trump-mugshot-comments
  11. Start a new thread. You’ll get plenty of feedback.
  12. Agree it’s getting off topic from the thread title. Make sure you go back early in the thread and remind your fellow comrades to stop using insurrection when describing Trump. Meanwhile, where’s WALKER?
  13. The sweat pumps have already blown the fuse due to massive overheating.
  14. Sorry, not facts. Please give your opinion on the “mostly peaceful “ Summer of Love. We are listening.
  15. What I find most surprising on this thread of the SCOTUS unanimous decision is not reading the opinion of WALKER. Myself and others were looking forward to a detailed thesis on wrongful decision made by unanimous decision of the SCOTUS. Similiar to Keith Overbite’’s opinion posed above.
  16. I’ve given my opinion of January 6th. Waiting for the opinions of the “mostly peaceful” Summer of Love.
  17. This is what happens when a liberal crybaby’s plan doesn’t work out to their agenda. The face of him shown in the article is the face of a very disturbed man. His eyes are not even focused. And you call Trump a dictator. https://www.foxnews.com/media/ex-msnbc-host-keith-olbermann-calls-scotus-dissolved-overturning-trump-colorado-ballot-ban
  18. Meanwhile the silence if deafening. No opinions on the “mostly peaceful “ summer of love mayhem. I haven’t seen anyone “wearing flowers in their hair “ or meeting “gentle people “. However, no shortage of opinions about January 6th. Strange, but true.
  19. Once I saw the source, I decided against wasting 3 seconds of my life. Contrary, you’re deflecting.
  20. He young, somewhat hip and stylish. He could be a hit with the ladies. Until they find out he’s one level up from being broke and homeless. Think he’ll asking to “split” the bin on night out. It’s the latest fad of his generation and frankly some older Cheap Charlies. Waiting for the follow up on this story 3 years from now. His lengthy work resume will be beneficial for employment in Thailand. The next E beggar.
  21. wiki?? Written by a Never Trumper A credible news source.
  22. No conviction of rape or sexual abuse. No evidence, no DNA, no witnesses, no jury trial. 30, yes 30 years ago. Only she said, he said in a civil Kangaroo court by a biased Judge just in time for a window of opportunity for the “Get Trump” crowd. As I look into my crystal ball it’s telling me some of you should be careful of what you are wishing and hoping for. The exact same scenario could happen to you. Those late night walks up the stairs on 6/1 could come back to haunt you, from 1, 5, 10, 20, or yes even 30 years ago. No evidence or proof needed. Be careful of what you wish for.
  23. So you haven’t watched the footage of Trump telling the idiots to go home peacefully? Can you explain why Pelosi's aspiring film making daughter “ just happened “ to be there, cameras set up, ready to roll? Just a coincidence? I think not.
  24. Now give us your opinion on the “mostly peaceful “ summer of love mayhem. Make sure you include Maxine, Nancy and AOC influencers and some of the slogans carried on signs. I’ve looked bit didn’t notice any “stop the violence “ or similar. Compare the destruction and hate between the two. My crystal ball which I bought to keep up the the other crystal ball owners is telling me when Trump is elected again the mayhem we witnessed during the “mostly peaceful “ summer of love will be repeated x 10.
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