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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. You saw the clusterf— on TV under Biden the same way I did. If he would of followed Trump’s guidelines what we saw would not of happened. Especially the weapons and hardware and more importantly lost American lives.
  2. Deflection? Lol Fancy explanation that doesn’t answer my question.
  3. I see you survived Trump’s last presidency. How is your life different today under Biden? I know you’re paying more for groceries and gasoline today. I could say you’re portfolio took a dive during Biden’s first few years despite doing better today. I say could but won’t because the markets go up and down for various reasons regardless of who is President. Cyclical, similar to Global Warming.
  4. Nice try ! Withdraw and taking what we owned with us vs leaving it all behind like the fool Biden. Still haven’t answered the question of total USD added to the deficit by giving them the gift that never stops giving.
  5. See, how hard was that! I’m proud of you!
  6. Where exactly would or should I go? I love it here and I love you! More than Bruce, hopefully he’s not the jealous type.
  7. 2 seconds of my life I can never, ever get back!
  8. That’s no excuse for the 3 years of poor leadership by the current administration. How many times did the Czar of the Border visit the actual border vs the tarmac of the airport in the past 3 years? It’s an election year so now they’ve had to do something to make them look concerned. But they can’t fool the locals or the rest of the public. Without a doubt, the BP, the local ranchers and residents along the border hate Biden and Harris and their failed policies with a passion never seen before. Links have been shown in other replies. Don’t believe me, consult with HeyBruce.
  9. “yes, but Republicans, including Trump, are more likely to increase deficits on their watch” And I’m sure you have the stats on how much was added by Obama phones. How much will be added for student loans forgiveness and reparations for never slaves owned by never masters. I’m sure you have the stats in USD on how much military weapons, hardware and infrastructure was abandoned in Afghanistan. I can add more but we’ll see what numbers you come up with. Don’t want to overwork you.
  10. Giving Bruth what he wants. Facts. He won’t like you anymore.
  11. Every now and then you have to throw a dog a bone. She’ll be forgotten in a days.
  12. No amount of additional funding can compensate for extremely poor leadership at the border. Fact. 7.3 million. 21 thousand Chinese lettuce pickers. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/former-border-patrol-chief-says-biden-harris-never-spoke-him-during-his-tenure
  13. Appears the lefts new code word for pedophile is MAPS (Minor Attracted Persons). Read the link!
  14. It’s all over the threads. Ask Roo or Bruth.
  15. Of course she’ll win in the Swamp, she’s part of the Swamp. But she lost her own state. Even they don’t like her. Trump still has a “commanding lead “. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/haley-ends-trumps-undefeated-run-with-victory-in-dc-primary
  16. I not dictating where to get your information from. That’s the agenda of the left.
  17. You, not I mentioned 10% so you already knew what Biden’s cut was. Do try and pay attention to what you post.
  18. You already know! So to quote your fellow comrades, why be an echo chamber.
  19. Austin? What a joke. Patton, MacArthur, Nimitz and Halsey all rolling in their graves at what the military has become.
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