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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Thank you for the clarification of the “attack”. Not an insurrection. I was almost “attacked” by Soi dogs once. Citizens are “attacked “ every day in America by thugs. Some thugs are USC’s and some are illegal aliens. Some of these “attacks “ range from being pushed in front of a subway train, being mugged, beaten or murdered for being Asian, car jacked, vehicles being broken into, domestic violence, drug dealing gone bad to name a few. January 6th was not an insurrection. It was a disturbance, protest and at times violent, even riot. But no insurrection! It was conducted by a bunch of idiots Trump, the sitting President at the time of the alleged insurrection did not plan and execute the disturbance. He encouraged and told them to stop and go home peacefully. Plenty of footage of him saying this. You and most here have heard or watched the footage, most likely. Whether you or the rest want to admit seeing the footage is up to you. Your denial is no excuse for me to post the link, stats or proof. 1 minute of google search and you got it Fox News did not support the disturbance and vast majority of conservatives did not support it either, myself included. January 6th was one day The mostly peaceful summer of love several years ago by comparison was much closer to an insurrection than the 6th but also was not an insurrection. Encourage and supported by Maxine Waters, Pelosi, AOC and her worthless squad to name a few. Footages available even though you have seen it, most likely. Mayem, Anarchy, looting, murder, burning that made the 6th look tame.
  2. . “Trump is objectively like no other politician in America history” Exactly, you’re finally getting the picture. That’s why he is leading the polls and will win in November. The vast majority of Americans are fed up with current corrupt modern day politicians. The beltways seat pumps are pumping at over capacity.
  3. They said it in the eighties and they’ll say it in November. Bye Bye Biden!
  4. He can’t. He just reads off a teleprompter. Biden taught him.
  5. Watch. Biden and/or his followers will use the same tactics Trump supposedly used concerning election fraud when Biden loses to Trump in November. According to my crystal ball. So many BM’s have one so I thought why not buy one to keep on the same level. Trump was right. They’re nasty and vicious people.
  6. Haleys history. Get over it. To remembered through out the ages.
  7. Studio 54 days long gone. Beauty fading. Looking at a retirement with a sofa, cats and bon bons. Last chance to fund her make believe IRA. She even fantasized about rape on CNN with Cooper.
  8. Wake up from your deep sleep. There was no insurrection.
  9. Another sore loser. Unanimous is exactly that, Unanimous!
  10. So pretty much what I thought. Paper Tiger
  11. Don't hate . It’ goes against the core values of liberalism. You know your principles, acceptance, tolerance, compassion. diversity. Did I cover them all?
  12. “So the only information you believe is that endorsed by Trump?“ Go back to your spreadsheet or stats database and retrieve when I said that.
  13. Complete BS and you know it. Or more ignorant than one could ever comprehend. As I recall the left bit—ed , screamed and yelled bloody murder at his attempt to build the wall and every other policy. So why didn’t Biden, the miracle worker address and solve these issues during his first three years? Well I suppose he was busy trying to keep gasoline prices down by canceling the Keystone Pipeline, trying to get groceries shelves restocked, diapers for the babies and trying to deal with the backlog of containers off of San Pedro. So he does what a President does. He delegates. The problem was he delegated the title “Czar of the Border “ (sounds good) to the most incompetent, unqualified and quite frankly worst VP in modern history. Kamala Harris aka Giggles. The poster child for what is wrong with EEO. She did absolutely nothing. Surprised? This new bill is nothing but a dog and pony show to show he’s attempting something but it’s just their plan to get illegal aliens expedited process for their….vote aka stats.
  14. And many of the post from Fox I’ve posted are from real people, real issues, real problems and real complaints. Try reading a few. You just might actually learn something. Not holding my breath though. Now, I understand it’s hard for you and your fellow comrades on the forum that live there lives and get their information from the spread sheets, statistics, numbers, data and biased opinions from the liberal news media. My nickname for them, Basement Dwellers. In mom’s house or not.
  15. Actually, I am pretty fortunate. Other than some minor issues, I’m doing well regardless of who is President. But I will say it was better under Trump for myself and 90% of the legal US population. I do appreciate your concern though.
  16. Another second of my life I will never get back.
  17. And you are the epitome of intelligence. lol. I beg to differ.
  18. I guess it went over your head. Liberals certainly lack a sense of humor. Did you ever watch Goodfellas?
  19. Funny? How am I funny? Do I amuse you like a clown? Just how the F am I funny?
  20. Posted October, 2023 under Biden’s administration. What on earth did you expect it to say other than their biased opinion.
  21. Consult with xylophone . He has all the information.
  22. You believe everything the government tells you on a graph/stats. I prefer real people, real stories. Still haven’t answered my questions. But that ok, I knew you wouldn’t.
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