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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Remenber the summer riots a few years ago. Much more violence and destruction than January 6. No Trumpers there. Just the brown shirts of the Democratic Party. All encouraged by the mostly peaceful Maxine Waters. Forgot to mention the mayhem when Trump was elected. You’re memory is short.
  2. Keep sexuality out of the children’s classroom. Let them learn about sex the way myself and others did. The old fashioned way In the gutter and at looking at our fathers playboy and penthouse magazines in the neighborhood club house
  3. You just don’t get it do you. It’s not racism, it’s a fact. Just like when Trump said “There not sending their brightest “. True, they’re not. Everyone won’t come in first place. Everyone won’t get a trophy. Snowflakes have an extremely hard time with that concept.
  4. No worse than the hate and foaming of the mouth by the Never Trumpers.
  5. It’s not just Jose from Michoacán coming across to “pick lettuce”. OTM’s (other than Mexican) coming across in unprecedented numbers. They’re not here to pick lettuce. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6347626876112
  6. You’re about 3 years too late Biden. The damage is done. https://www.foxnews.com/media/jesse-watters-border-patrol-agents-guide-biden-fragile-animal
  7. Point out the racism. A difference in culture. But liberals like you always have to make it a race issue.
  8. Which part of hygiene issue didn’t you understand?
  9. And you actually believe what comes out of CNN. But you claim you’re not woke, Democrat or a libertard. Many unstable people in the world. Are you actually in Thailand or posting from a basement in a different country?
  10. Not educated enough to spell words out?
  11. “. I'm neither progressive nor woke nor Democrat nor liberal” You may be fooling yourself but not us. You’re all of the above, and more. Am I nasty again?
  12. Another offended snowflake. You just might be the new front runner replacing Hey Bruce as snowflake of the year.
  13. I like libertard, it’s more defined. I’ll stick with it.
  14. More to weep over libertards! https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-declares-border-war-zone-dings-newsom-terrible-job-migrant-epicenter-shifts
  15. Get your facts correct! It’s libertard, not libtard. Similar to a retard, only dumber.
  16. When you don’t have an intelligent original answer backed by real facts you use the standard blurb. MAGA Cult Standard Operating Procedure by imbeciles on the left. Try to be a little more original.
  17. Typical leftist BS. Don’t get what you want so blame it on MAGA. You guys have mastered the art of finger pointing.
  18. By shoving their agenda down everyone’s throats. No thanks. Stick with reading, writing and arithmetic in the classroom.
  19. You really need to keep your hands out of that experimental drug locker the CIA has. It’s affecting your judgment. CIA induced brain washing. It’s working on you.
  20. Not an opinion. Fact. I know it hurts to learn the truth. Man up and get over it!
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