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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. lol, the mooch bumming 50 baht for a meal probably gets 10 do gooders contributing every day for god knows how long. He is the “shiftless foreigner “.
  2. I believe Henry Kissinger said “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac”. At least that’s what they tell me at The Castle.
  3. Strange how they never think of returning home and get that ….,dreadful job before their money runs out. So much for “living the dream “.
  4. And; If the name of the person (Trump) would of been withheld from the jury of the civil case they would of thrown it out in record time from lack of evidence. The name Trump to the liberal jury was all that was needed to hear. He was guilty before he trial even ended. Another words, if you or I were the defendants, case dismissed.
  5. That crystal ball of yours is working overtime. I actually had a link attached to the original post but I assume it didn’t meet the criteria. I thought it was pretty funny. “Movie Casino banker scene”. Utube. Perhaps not too far off the mark.
  6. Guess quitting her job, if she even had one and travel the world as a digital nomad, influencer or blogger didn’t quite work out for her. But then there’s always the Bank of Mommy and Daddy.
  7. The common denominator in many assaults in Thailand. A drunk Brit. 2nd place: A drunk Russian.
  8. Call mommy for your airplane ticket home and start looking for a job. Keep away from Thailand or anywhere else until you can afford to pay your own way for the duration of stay. Temporary or permanent.
  9. He’ll get the money! One way or the other.
  10. I believe their job is to be a good witness.
  11. Especially does not equate to solely. There are plenty in BKK too but they can blend in more with the general population. The provinces, not so much.
  12. They’re easy to identify. Just look for the most inbred looking male farangs about town.
  13. OMG, another one that believes everything they hear on “The View”.
  14. the pressure should be released within seconds. from your description it appears the valve may have to be replaced due to age, deposits etc
  15. I can see an increase in smashed cameras directly proportioned to the amount of idiots doing this.
  16. After the valve is closed release the remaining pressure and water left over simply by activating the nozzle. The remaining pressure/water will be released.
  17. Just close the valve that feeds water to the bum gun. First rule of living in Thailand when moving into a house or condo. Go to homepro or similar and buy all new bum guns and replace them. At your expense . Unless of course, you enjoy someone else’s a-s shard with yours.
  18. No shortage of farang nutters and social misfits in Thailand. Especially in the provinces.
  19. The majority of your post has nothing to do with this thread. Morally iffy? Pot calling the kettle black. 80 yo on last ditch effort to get rich quick using OPM and can’t remember details of the alleged rape. “Perfectly legal, but morally/ethically completely reprehensible “. Excellent description of this kangaroo court!
  20. Hint: lawyers don’t have the authority to seize assets.
  21. Translation. The largest politically motivated witch hunt the likes the world has never seen. Biased, libertard New York judge and jury presiding over the most famous Kangaroo Court in US history. Financed by Reid Hoffman solely for the purpose of keeping Trump from running for President. No other reason.
  22. Love? Sorry but not LBTGQ. I do support him as the best President since the late great Ronald Reagan. I will vote for him again and guess what. You can do nothing to stop me. BTW, please cut and paste the post where I said I believe Trump when he says the election was stolen.
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