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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Just what makes my link not credible? Everything in it is true. Just because you don’t like Trump and are a Never Trumper doesn’t make it not credible. BTW, it’s written much better than the writings you post, Mr Journalist. You may hate Trump but you can still love his accomplishments. Yes, even you.
  2. wrong again. Sanders principles are directly in line with communism.
  3. BLM and Antifa, the “brown shirts “ of the Democratic Party cause/caused more destruction and violence than the disturbance at the Capitol. Trump told them to go home peacefully. Maxine Waters and others encouraged the violence. Fact
  4. And neither are your links from fake news outlets.
  5. Pity!
  6. Sorry, didn’t mean to work you up into a frenzy but I’ll admit it was more enjoyable observing you than a group of Latin women at Julio Iglesias concert. Don’t hate.
  7. Actually, you’re the one confused. Go back and read again. Don’t make inaccurate comments that don’t relate to what was actually said. You think too mutt.
  8. https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/?utm_source=link&utm_medium=header
  9. Time for breakfast and the gym gents. Be back later for the ongoing banter.
  10. I don’t where you get your information from but I can guess. Completely inaccurate as usual.
  11. I see . Human producing carbon emissions restrictions are for the masses only, not for the elites. Business as usual.
  12. Changing the subject again I see when you can’t back up what you posted. Classic! Please explain yourself about “chocolate “. I have no idea what you’re referring to.
  13. Wrong again Mr Journalist, Deplorable was a badge of honor coming from that corrupt hag.
  14. Because his policies worked for America . Period. Corruption exists in all political candidates. If you don’t believe that you’re delusional.
  15. You definitely need to have a chat with Al Gore and John Kerry. Are they giving up their private jets? In the name of human producing carbon dioxide emissions. Perhaps by the time of the next ice age.
  16. Re read my post. Not sure if English is your first language.
  17. It’s not a question of Greenland’s ice melting but the cause. Human producing carbon dioxide complete loony left BS. Next you’ll be saying humans caused the thawing of the last ice age.
  18. once you mention Harvard you’ve lost all credibility. nuff said
  19. Refresh my memory. Never read zero anywhere.
  20. None because there wasn’t a political agenda for them.
  21. Nah! So how many awards in journalism have you won?
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