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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Your crystal ball is has cracked. You really should stay out of the fortune telling business.
  2. 19 women can accuse anyone of anything. Hint: Don’t believe everything you hear and only half of what you see. And if he declares bankruptcy she will get nothing, pity!
  3. Normally I would agree. But in this case not so much. She wasn’t raped and she remembers nothing about it. 30 years ago, not 20, not 10, not 5. 30! You already know what I think of her.
  4. You could be right. She may get nothing.
  5. “Carroll has the resources to take it to him all the way.” Quite possibly but one thing is certain. It ain’t her money. Another gold digger charity case. Other Peoples Money (OPM) most likely from the wealthy Globalist, Socialist that are hell bent on taking down Trump.
  6. And I look at it from a different perspective. A broke 80 yo woman, her Studio 54 days are distant memories is on her last leg to get rich the only, repeat only way she can. It’s the world we live in.
  7. And what law is he breaking this time Mr lawyer? Actually a wise business decision. She’ll get nothing.
  8. Fiction: another first! It’s getting better and better. Keep it coming! Added: No doubt NYC small business is tough competing with the heavy players. Free market principles, Not all survive. That’s life. That’s business. Stay in your league. Love him or hate him you better have your s… together going against him. In business or politics. He’s a New York street fighter, businessman edition. As you obviously know I support him but my next comment is not political. No other US politician in DC has come under the unrelenting attacks, impeachment, political motivated witch hunts etc since he took office. Non stop. Democrats or Republicans. Others would of broke much sooner. And he keeps fighting. My respect.
  9. Bankruptcy: completely legal. Who would recommend as his lawyer? Being the fountain of knowledge you are. Exactly which lawyer was stiffed? I’m all ears.
  10. You’re obviously clueless (as usual) to his net worth. As I told your compadre, post a copy of the check. I’ll be waiting.
  11. Mr Grumpy, are you mafia or cia? Scotland Yard special edition with links to all IO?
  12. I’ll believe it when I see it actually paid , not awarded. But you’re smart enough to know he’ll pay nothing close to that amount. “The art of the deal “. Read it!
  13. Hate to break the news to you Mr Grumpy but you really have no authority. You can “report” all day long and to every IO you see but will most likely fall on deaf ears. Unless they’re directed by court orders or written directives from supervisors information as you suggest most likely will not be entered into their database records. What proof do you have? Billy Be Bop said this and that on an Internet forum. Joe <deleted> the Ragman said this and that on a barstool and pissed me off. Go ahead, report. It’s going nowhere except deep six. Love to hear from you how they will track the man you reported at immigration, entering or departing via his IP address even if your complaint miraculously doesn’t wind up in the trash bin. Do you know his name, nationality, DOB? I didn’t think so. Not saying you shouldn’t feel the way you do on this subject but it will most likely fall on deaf ears.
  14. At last! You finally figured it out! Welcome aboard the Trump train! Full steam ahead.
  15. Who manufactured your crystal ball?
  16. My crystal ball shows Trump won’t pay anywhere near that amount . Maybe yours needs to be recalibrated.
  17. Glad to see you have a crystal ball and predict the future. He is the best (outsider) to get the country back on track for the American people. America was better during his presidency... Remember when the anti-Trumpers were adamant that he would get us into wars. How did that work out. Just one example, many more. Granted, D.C. (beltway) hates him because he’s not one of them and doesn’t play their business as usual game. One of if not the best reasons to like him. And he worked for free!
  18. I loved the movie Crocodile Dundee. Visited twice many years ago. Great place. Could see it as a good option vs the USA. Of course living there and visiting is most likely a lot different.
  19. A martyr to boot! Is a statue being recommend similar to George Floyd, the patron saint of fentanyl. Jean-Carroll, the patron saint of illegal alien women.
  20. For the presumed farang on the thread that are driving a motorbike. If you own the bike ensure it’s properly registered with current tax. Obtain a Thai motorcycle license or a license from your home country with motorcycle endorsement and IDP. IMO first class insurance from a reputable agent is a must. If I’m involved in an accident I call a number provided, the agent sends a Thai speaking representative to the site. I tell him my version of what happened. Admit no fault to anyone else. He/she handles all negotiations or dealings with the other parties and police. That is how it should work in theory. Hopefully I’ll never have to put it into practice.
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