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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Nice that the world doesn’t evolve around your views.
  2. Been using WISE for years. Before my transfers arrived in minutes. Now about 4 working days. Perhaps because I originate from a US credit union, not an actual bank. When originating it says it will arrive in minutes, then it says my financial institution makes micro deposits so it will take longer than expected. Whatever that means. Now I just plan for 4 days. It was nice receiving it in seconds.
  3. In denial? lol. Trump is the newly elected president. You still haven’t accepted it. That’s denial. The reason for you continuing to post his alleged past wrongdoings. That is ALL you got left to go on. Get with the current times. Trump is going to be your next President. Be a “glass is half full “ guy instead of half empty. You’re so far down the rabbit 🐇 hole you’ll never get out. Medical intervention may help. Or may not.
  4. Is this a new leftist’s website your following? What does being sued have to do with Trump winning the Presidency? How many did he win and lose? People sue every day in America. Nothing new. Even over McDonald hot coffee, malpractice etc. Many high profile business people and companies are involved in lawsuits every day. Your post has no merit. Just like wiki. Even IF they did , the American people see through leftists propaganda.
  5. Your post indicates I was correct. Check your blood pressure. POS. 76 million don’t agree with you. Rightfully so.
  6. So he wasn’t convicted of everything you mentioned. I knew that. Wiki is not a reliable source for anything. Of all people, you SHOULD know that. Or maybe not. You’ve proven nothing.
  7. I’m not bitter but you’re about to blow a head gasket.
  8. Trump received Person of The Year and the Biden administration keeps pumping out lies after lies.
  9. post the convictions. you’re making the claims. Prove it or <deleted>.
  10. Meanwhile your boy is nodding off. I threw you a bone. Continue reading.
  11. Not all of your lies have been proven accurate. You’re still living in the past and in deep emotional turmoil that We The People have seen through the leftists BS. BTW, you left out January 6th
  12. Well I suppose I should give @Dan O a bone to chew on. Should satisfy his needs.
  13. Another useless post. In this particular case it was for the better. You know that.
  14. He was more successful than Biden could ever dream of. The next 4 will be even better. Trump's plans are available online. Once again I won’t re invent the wheel just for you. You’re not worth the effort.
  15. Re read post you are responding to. Might be time for an adult education class.. Reading comprehension. In the meantime this is what Biden is doing with other world leaders. See the difference? I doubt you do.
  16. Not for Time magazine or We The People as evidenced by Trump's historic come back and landslide victory. They saw through the BS put out by the leftists and want no part of them. Kleenex are on sale at your favorite grocery store.
  17. It’s called greasing the skids. No legislation YET as he hadn’t been sworn in. I never posted legislation, did I? I have more.
  18. His opinion was much more accurate than yours was.
  19. He is typical. That’s what leftists professors and universities are spitting out nowadays by their brainwashing.
  20. Your post are the evidence The link is in your brain.
  21. In Jomtien this year it was 15 months of monthly transfers. Last year was 12. I had to provide 15 months. Don’t know if it’s just a local requirement or not.
  22. In case you haven’t noticed, Biden is the do nothing lame duck. Trump has accomplished more before taking office than Biden has accomplished in 50 years in DC. One of the reasons for “Person of The Year”. Break out your Kleenex.
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