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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Correct, not agents but paid informants . CI. None were arrested January 6th. What a coincidence. BTW, where did you get your information?
  2. Payback is mother<deleted>, isn’t it?
  3. Specifically, how do you know that? Leftists “predictions” have a terrible track record. Time to recalibrate your crystal ball.
  4. And none of the 26 were arrested! Hmmm
  5. Smoke going through the walls and ventilation system. Curious how the smoke goes through the separate ventilation system of another separate system 3 floors away. Are the walls paper thin? Iranian and Arab neighbors. Have you considered an upgraded condo/apartment? Better neighborhood?
  6. Living the dream in a Thai village or in the boonies. One reaps what they sow. Not only no but Fuc- no
  7. So farangs are not the only ones capable of receiving a knife or beating following an escalation.
  8. True, but I don’t make public statements on their appearance. Post your photo and we can discuss if you’re “average”
  9. All I can say is this is what can happen when a farang decides to build his GF or wife a house on land already owned by a Thai. It gets complicated. Best to avoid all together. Does one really need this BS in their life. You’ll never see the money you invested in the house again. Hopefully, you won’t get kicked out of the house.
  10. Did others pay help pay for the house. You already answered the question. You paid for the house. Why would you have the sister in law on the chanote instead of your wife?
  11. Your spelling and punctuation has improved. Adult education is working.
  12. Sounds like a leadership problem in the home.
  13. So just because you’re ugly gives you the right to claim she’s average. Or you’re gay.
  14. Average? How would you rate yourself? Post your photo and we’ll let you know.
  15. “the dildo merchants we'd pass” LOL…good one.
  16. She needs to remain out of politics. While Gavin Newsom has continued to Make California Homeless Again, Harris would make California worse than its current condition
  17. 1. Who are these people walking in? Neighbors, total strangers, Thai post, family members, wife’s or GF relatives? 2. Does your door have locks?
  18. Many Thai women think getting married to a foreigner is a dream come true. The reality is for many it’s a nightmare. This thread is only one of many nightmares in progress. On the other side of the coin is the farang fool that didn’t vet the woman long enough before marrying her as evidenced by an earlier post regarding the jungle twins. Or the farang treated them like shi- until the woman took matters into her own hands . Wrongfully so. I have met a few farangs over the years that wanted to get married within a week of meeting a TG. WTF! Bi-Polar my as-. The bloke is strung out on drugs.
  19. He needs a job and to stay off the yabba.
  20. An accurate statement. Losing face is not popular in Thailand or most of Asia.
  21. Waiting for the leftists meltdowns. Rich people, bad, bad, bad people. But they created jobs and pay taxes. Their employees pay taxes and buy goods that stimulate the economy. Rich people, bad, bad, bad people.
  22. Probably a triathlete training for Iron Man.
  23. Are you aware you’re responding to 3 posters?
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