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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. “believe they should be allowed to use their new adopted genders bathroom.” So nice to see a trans disagree with your leftist, woke western ideology.
  2. Even this dude? If you do, you are the problem not the solution.
  3. Allegations, accusers that supposedly happened decades ago. I prefer the word Gold Diggers. They’re no longer marketable and sentenced to the sofa with their cats. Where are the criminal convictions? Why was Trump not convicted during the same year as his accusers accused him? The only hypocrite I see is you. Claim center right but you’re as leftist as the rest of the nutters. And now you join the leftist group of “predictors” that have consistently failed in their predictions. You will too. We The People have spoken and want nothing to do with liberal, leftist policies. The downfall of America. Trump and his dream team is about to change this cycle Keep a box of Kleenex next to your popcorn. You’re going to need it.
  4. Told me nothing except a WH wish list that was never accomplished
  5. After Bud Light lost billions some still haven’t learned. Our British member’s beloved Jaguar (India owned) automakers have now gone woke. Any guess to when they go bankrupt?
  6. What exactly was built under Biden’s massive infrastructure plan?
  7. Appears @spidermike007 isn’t the only person having trouble meeting Thai men.
  8. How I survive every day without your knowledge is one of the wonders of the world.
  9. ROLMAO! 1. I stand 100% by my post you responded to. 2. “So much effort “. Not at all. I enjoy responding to posts and the banter. 3. “You’ve never made an effort “. True. I’m not a Queer so I have no desire for close relationships with Thai men. 4. “Speculation, Knowledge, Experiences and Wisdom “. Read number 3 over and over again until it’s clear. 5. “Love to have some close Thai male friends but it’s nearly impossible “. Good for you. Not everyone shares the same desire as you. Absolutely nothing to do with Knowledge, Experience, Wisdom or whatever. Have you considered why it’s nearly impossible? Have you considered the reason is that Thai males have no desire to be friends with you? Are you seeking men in your age group? Are you seeking men that resemble you physically? If not that could be your problem. What do YOU think the problem is?
  10. English is not taught at ALL schools.
  11. LOL. I thought 13 yo teenagers were the only ones infatuated with emojis.
  12. Great idea but you left out a certain group. The men in lipstick, wigs and heels. Surprised you left them out. After all you believe in representation for all
  13. The UK has her now. Good luck!
  14. Notice how this Asian Trans is using the men’s toilets. Western trans have serious mental health issues.
  15. You need to have chat with this man in the locker room of Planet Fitness.
  16. So why does he live and do business in them if he doesn’t own them? Who actually owns them? Post your room. Highly doubtful as good as TT.
  17. So you have no evidence. Only speculation. Just as I suspected.
  18. So this is your proof.
  19. Do file every year provided you have the required income? US taxes
  20. If these are US forms the TIN is a U.S. issued number, not completely necessary as your SSN is sufficient but some people don’t want to use their SSN The TIN from the Thai revenue office is for Thai tax identification. Not used on the US form. That is how I understand it.
  21. The OP never mentioned these forms, Only emails. Regardless I would still go to the bank with the forms already filled out. You are free to do it your way
  22. Similar to you?
  23. I have been with them for years. Never experienced what you have. Personally I would think more scam than not. Do nothing online and go to your branch soon and ask them.
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