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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. The Democrats cheated. That’s why. Yes, it’s water under the bridge now. Trump is the President elect now assembling his young, smart dreams team. Happy days for America.
  2. Who are claiming is the pedo? I’m sure you have proof. A respectable business owner who claims center right. I raise the BS flag just for you.
  3. Have you woken up yet? Had a deep sleep I see.
  4. Some are still very very confused Sleep well!
  5. Still clueless as a dingo .
  6. Different in lipstick shades. The people are all the same. Still confused? Try a different shade.
  7. ICC has no authority to arrest anyone. Who is ICC going to send in after him? Mossad will take them out the second their foot touches the tarmac on Israeli soil. Love to see that clip.
  8. Didn’t help! You lost!
  9. True. But the western trannys here are on a whole different level Physically and mentally. Not for the better either.
  10. Are you that daft? Of course different shades of lipstick are different. Same as wig color The people are all The Same. Nothing you keep blabbering will ever change my mind. What color lipstick is your preference? Red or Pink?
  11. As I have been saying all along. They are all the same. Different shades of lipstick doesn’t change the fact they are all the same. Even the butt ugly ones. I’m glad you liked my links. Do you have a preference for the different shades of lipstick?
  12. Don’t get too far ahead of yourself. That’s coming in Project 2027.
  13. None, as I have no desire to have close Thai male friends. My choice. I’m sure the feeling is mutual on their side of the fence.
  14. it’s all over google. Go for it @AlexRich now is the time to post your informative post regarding links
  15. Lol sure he did. Did you know Biden molested his own daughter in the shower?
  16. You’re a joke You already know my facts. But seeing how you are easily confused and misinformed I’ll say it again. Transvestite, Transexual and Transgender are the same. Well, perhaps a little different. Some have real long hair, some have wigs, some wear red lipstick, some wear pink, some are petite, some are Amazon, some of the younger ones in their early 20’s that actually resemble a woman can be cute, the old geezers that transformed in late life are butt UGLY. Those are my facts. What are yours? Or is it deflection time again? I forgot. You wanted links of facts. Here you go!
  17. You’re mistaken again. My facts are accurate. Post yours. Don’t be a coward and keep deflecting. Man the F up.
  18. So you agree with me .They are all the same. Those are my facts and the facts Americans believe. I beg to differ. You are truly confused.
  19. You have stated that 5 times already. I asked your opinion. The only facts are they are all the same. Including you. Your another deeply confused person. Seek help
  20. They wonder why they’re referred to as nutters.
  21. Irrational? lol. Read your posts. You still can’t give your own opinions and when you’re stumped for an answer you go into default mode “You must be a closet Queer”. Can you answer this question honestly? I’m asking for a friend. If one suck- once in their lifetime are they classified a cocksu—— for life?
  22. First of all the election has nothing to do with my post. You’re deflecting and using that as an excuse. “What a completely ridiculous, unnecessary, and unhelpful reply. Perhaps you can try harder next time. “ Why is that? I was not being condescending. If you can’t attract Thai men there must be a reason. Could be appearance, grooming habits, not enough baht to spend No difference whether man or woman. While what I stated are possible the old cliche “Money number One” in Thailand is still very accurate. You most likely already know the answer to your concerns.
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