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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. OMG! Pervert. How abusive to quote another poster. How exactly in regards to my post did you come up with pervert? Are stumped for an answer?
  2. What is abusive? You make a point and I challenge your point. Get over it Point out the 4.
  3. I really could care less. The average schmuck will see Nazi regardless of the tilt.
  4. Not everyone is an expert on this subject as you are. Please enlighten us with your knowledge
  5. Why shouldn’t I? You are the one making the claim they’re completely different. You have the opportunity to back up your claims. Or is the truth there is no difference?
  6. I realize you think of yourself as above average intelligence (debatable) but do you think the average shmuck is going to be able to differentiate between the two? I highly doubt it.
  7. Go back and read your post to me. It will all become much clearer. Your choice but you have been outed with your lies.
  8. Maybe you can answer on behalf of @youreavinalaff. You appear to be extremely knowledgeable on the subject. While you’re thinking of a reply. Define pervert in the relationship to my replies.
  9. Quote my request for you to do a google search for me. Do that right after you post the quote that I claimed you lack intelligence. Have I made myself clear enough or do you need more guidance? Just let me know.
  10. Anything to help deal with the pain. It’s good therapy. We understand.
  11. “Wordsalad” You been living in a cave for the past year or two?
  12. Good point! Real good point. My guess is not until Trump has him sign over the deed to the Kennedy Compound at Hyannis Port into Trump’s name. Then it’s “Deal Done”. The Art of the Deal.
  13. I can see your point. Appears @youreavinalaff thinks transgender and transvestite are different.
  14. Not always true. Post op and Pre op. Pre op still has the junk the front trunk.
  15. “The two are very, very different “ Really. In your own words. In what way?
  16. I’m glad you cleared that one up. No google search needed. Thanks again.
  17. And then on the opposite end, we have the not so intelligent reply. But appreciate your effort.
  18. “The two are very, very different “ Really. In your own words. In what way?
  19. Good one! Surprised I never thought of that.
  20. Do you ever shut up with your nonsense? Please inform us what the reaction wax of Admiral McRaven when you informed him his pension will be worthless in 2 years. Or have you now bumped it up to 3 or 4 years with the selection of your new President Trump’s dream team cabinet. I know it’s happy hour but best not to post while intoxicated.
  21. “Oops! I take that back“ Sorry. No going back Similar to the cliche “Once you go black “
  22. Nice to see an intelligent reply! Almost impossible at times on this forum
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