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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Why are you now deflecting into guns? Guns and violence were not the issue with the Drag Queens in elementary schools. I would say based on posts that issue is more realistic on this forum.
  2. The issue isn’t violence. It’s grooming and indoctrination of underage children. Why can’t they wait until the children are legally adults ?
  3. My reply was not to you but as an advocate for freedom of speech, I accept your incoherent jibberish. Are you posting from a bar? Unintelligent? Because I don’t agree with your values “The greatest issue of our time “. Not our time. It’s apparent you’re referring to “The greatest issue of YOUR time “ You are who you are. Embrace it, Be proud and quit denying. Along with that stop chastising people who don’t agree with your lifestyle. Our debate has been about me claiming Transvestism, Transexuals and Transgender are all the same. With you and the other guy. I’ve stated my opinion numerous times but you two can never give your own opinions. Only deflecting into everyone else knows BS. What do you know?
  4. Incorrect. It’s what Drag Queens perform in children’s classrooms.
  5. The words pervert and perversion are living rent free in your brain. LOL Just like President Trump does.
  6. Post this same reply when the leftists demand links/proof.
  7. Where did you get this fake news meme from? Your homeless friends sleeping under the bridge is a lifestyle choice of their choosing. Municipalities nowadays have so many opportunities for homeless to improve their lives if they choose to.
  8. And your opinion on the difference between the three? Not interested what the other “informed “ people’s opinions. Only yours. I’ve given mine. They are all the same.
  9. Biden’s way of getting more voters and representation for the mid terms.
  10. WTF! I’m still waiting for Walker to tell us the reaction of Admiral McRaven when he advised the Admiral his pension will be worthless in 2 years.
  11. Many more share my position. Here and in America. You still can’t explain in your words. Why? I posted my opinion. Could it be you are a member of one of or all three categories (your definition)?
  12. I believe the term is hearsay.
  13. The leftist nutters always demand links/proof from Trump.supporters so I think it’s fair.
  14. “You know you can dress a pig up in royal garments, but it's still a pig“ That could be a reason why some Queers could have a problem meeting men in Thailand.
  15. What do you look like and how do you dress? Do you think that is an issue why you’re not meeting men? Have you considered ladyboys?
  16. Why not stick with Brazil?
  17. While he may of had an advantage earlier in life he had to produce to attain the wealth and success he has had and still carries to this day. Towers not too shabby. Post your room photo. Fan optional.
  18. A “friend” wants to pay Bob’s expenses to move to Panama and then provide free room and board. Bob, I think your friend wants to get into your pants. Have you considered changing your Display Name from barboy to buttboy?
  19. Nothing proper about an English breakfast.
  20. Explain your definition of hate in that post you responded to. Oh, you can’t because there was none. Just raise the hate card when someone disagrees with your values
  21. Who the heck is RSF? Why do you keep bringing in these leftist nutter organizations that no one has ever heard of , except you? ”Pressing” charges means nothing. Post convictions from a credible court. Not some kangaroo court like courts without borders.
  22. He said it. Now get over it.
  23. Once again you can’t answer because there is no answer. They are the same. Two or even three groups of men that wear women’s underwear, wigs , lipstick and heels. I see no difference. What do you see?
  24. I recommend you not transitioning. It won’t be a pretty sight at your age.
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