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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. What Thai music do I love? Anything you can't hear.
  2. I had a 95 Probe back in NZ. When they first were released they cost NZ$60,000. I got mine for $5500. Was a great car, but very scarce to find now.
  3. It looks to be quite the setup... Only if that photo is of their shop. Park it up outside a bar and they would make a roaring trade.
  4. “Oh, I don’t know. Billy’s been having trouble in school, and Sally’s always having some sort of crisis. I tell you, Edith, it’s not easy raising the dead.”
  5. He said he felt exhausted after the long run. 3km a long run??? Maybe if he had a bout of runny bum but otherwise 3km ain't that far.
  6. Oh its blame the victim time is it? You don't need to understand any language when someone spits on you
  7. They don't assimilate? What they aren't part of the Borg collective? Oh darn.
  8. Late at night, and without permission, Reuben would often enter the nursery and conduct experiments in static electricity.
  9. I think for me one of the frustrations is how a lot of drivers don't know how to merge into traffic properly. If you pull out into the flow of traffic then you should quickly get up to the same speed as that flow. Yet here it's like a geriatric on a mobility scooter. Some idiot pulls out and expects the flow to slow down to their snail pace. This in turn backs up. OK... rant over. Russian guy was/is an idiot.
  10. Round up these trouble makers and put em on a boat (Probably the one they came on) and ship them off to never never land. Should they hit a mine on the way.. Oh well how sad, never mind. And as for the rainbow movement... being offensive is an offence. WTF? Obviously never heard the saying 'Sticks and stones....' Again we see the minority controlling the majority. Sorry UK but you've made the bed now you gotta sleep in it. I'm sure all the WW2 vets are turning in their graves. Very poor state of affairs.
  11. So the bike rider was following too close to the mini bus and failed to stop? Or did the rider not see the mini bus had the hazard lights on and was stationary? Seems like rider error, however the mini bus driver should have rendered assistance instead of driving off.
  12. Surprise surprise, a Russian that actually went home. And I'm sure he will return to face the music... 😢
  13. Well done, and I think you may have 'dodged a bullet' there. Always good to speak up instead of getting frustrated/annoyed but one has to tread lightly with Thai males. As we read constantly how things can tip them over the edge so easily. Hopefully there are no repercussions in the future.
  14. You are correct... Pitbull is an umbrella term used for the breeds as you state. It is a term used worldwide and accepted as such. So how about you give it a rest? Or what is YOUR point?
  15. Exactly.... I never ride in a group/convoy unless I know the riders. And there is a briefing before we head off which covers everything. Drivers constantly do not see solo riders. In a convoy you are more visible to them. I have not ridden in a convoy in Thailand due in part, to not knowing enough riders. But I understand your points and agree with them. These young Thai riders are just nuts.
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