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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. I now think it's a Lake Midge... If it's only got 2 legs out front. Had to tell from photo. Here's one
  2. As per usual, politicians and senior officials are like the weather.... Full of hot air. They are very similar to artillery soldiers... Gunners They're gunna do this and they're gunna do that. Whereas they do fak all. Actions speak louder than their piss weak grandstanding.
  3. With all this TM30 bs appearing time and time again, be it via agent or online or whatever why pray tell me haven't central government/immigration/RTP sorted this out using today's technology? A simple card with magnetic strip or QR code that has a foreigners details is given to those on long term stay. This card (same size as credit card) can therefore be swiped at dedicated sites to renew notifications. 7 Eleven may be able to do it like when you pay bills there. No doubt there would be a cost associated with initial setup, but if you were to move anywhere with Thailand, just swipe at nearest dedicated site. The current online system fails regularly. How about just keeping it simple? 1 card and you could move about freely. I'm sure people could add other ideas to this but the current system is not fit for purpose.
  4. A man in a hotel lobby turns to go to the front desk, but he accidentally runs into a woman beside him and his elbow bumps into her breast. They are both quite startled. The man turns to her and says, "Ma'am, if your heart is soft as your breast, I know you'll forgive me." She replies, "If your penis is as hard as your elbow, I'm in room 436."
  5. What? Since when did that stop? Shows how long it is since I visited those establishments... talk about window shopping/perving!
  6. A scammer at 20yrs old.... Starting young, should help her in a future political job if she's keen.
  7. The urgent meeting will produce enough paperwork to replace the incinerated recycled paper. No net loss therefore no problem?
  8. Ok checked Google maps and also known as Nakhon nowhere. Very close to Lao border.
  9. Im a bit confused to what you've actually tried to do. I've used the Wise app and transferred funds into a THB currency account without problem but I didn't think Wise has accounts in Thailand yet.
  10. Well I'm not sure about rights (As a foreigner in Thailand) but if that's what he's known to do in the past... I'd be inclined to do the same. But how likely is he to run off to his friends (Police) and say you no pay rent? Trying to evict you earlier. And still not coughing up the deposit or part thereof? Tricky
  11. In your photos it looks like the thorax/abdomen is facing upwards. The whole stance is very similar to a resting mosquito stance. Generally male mosquitoes don't bite. I'll keep trying to ID it....
  12. As its got 'feathery' type antennae most likely it's male. It's the females you have to be careful of.... In all walks of life! Blood suckers. (joking)
  13. I get my pension into a NZ bank and have setup an automated payment to transfer some of that to my Wise Debit card. All I use in Thailand is the Wise card, either for payment of goods or ATM for cash. It works well for me.
  14. Initially thought malaria mozzie (Anopheles). But not sure
  15. Bloody big mozzie. Did you see any fangs?
  16. Our government supply gets shut off every night from 2100hrs till 0600 the next morning. I see all the locals are busy filling up their 'reserve' concrete pots in case it runs out completely... Probably due to them filling up their reserves!
  17. I agree it will work but their fees are horrendous. I'd say get a Wise card although OP doesn't want one. They are that good.
  18. He's lucky that's all he lost.... I bet the lady boys were eyeing him up for a while, especially with all that bling.
  19. Here's some pointers to brighten up your day....
  20. Monetary compensation is rife in this country when it comes to sexual deviants. Why for the life of me does this persist? Lock the sick fakrs up and throw away the key. Hopefully natural justice will be to the fore while they are incarcerated. These piss weak excuses that are offered just don't cut it. Black and white cases don't have a defence to worm their way out of punishment. And the parents should be safeguarding their children against these predators. I hate to think what my reaction would be should it have occurred to any of my children.
  21. So we hear what clothing the deceased is wearing at the time of the shooting including the colour of said items, but the alleged shooter who's done a runner is said to have worn a ski mask. And that's it? Perhaps if they gave a more in depth description of what the shooter was wearing, then neitzens maybe able to assist in finding this loose cannon. Reporting always seems arse about face in these matters.
  22. There use to be a foreigner in Chiang Mai that had a Yamaha VMax 1200cc with a saleng. It looked kinda cool. He used it to haul stuff about, made out of galvanised pipe. And boy was it quick off the mark Imagine one of these with a saleng:
  23. Yes but does she identify as being a female? One can never be too sure these days... Or what flavour is in style to suit the purpose.
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