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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. So the money was gone lickety split... Or was that their love life?
  2. Well it's a start, wonder if we will actually see any change in our lifetime. Like most bureaucracy, there is a lot of talk and much expenditure of money for bugger all result/change. Current laws regarding hours of sales is quite frankly bizarre.
  3. Name of the possible Chinese construction company? Fukuova
  4. I agree that motorway signage is not the best. On a recent road trip from Pattaya to Chiang Mai it was observed that speed limits go up and down probably more often than a bar girls knickers on a Friday night. It was crazy, and then it all depends on what lane you're driving in as well. I had noted the U Turn area speed restriction (There is also a flashing amber light). So yes it's no wonder that we can get 'pinged' without purposely breaking the law. Just about need eyes in the back of your head.
  5. Kids with nothing better to do... Hey parents, come and pick up your spawn and put them to work in the rice paddies. Idle hands etc...
  6. What are these little runts doing out and about so late? Is this normal Thai mentality? Have a disagreement with someone at a petrol station so you follow them and then shoot them. What an idiot
  7. Good luck to him I say. And I wish Bob the best. A very misunderstood character. So who you going to pick on now?
  8. Not quite like that.... I went back to NZ to live/work. That's when the hip started playing up. I've since (Nov 23) returned to Thailand. I didn't go to NZ for the sole reason to get an operation. And to further clarify, I've never received any handouts from the NZ government ie Dole payments or other welfare state giveaways. Always paid my way. Some may say I'm a sucker for not doing so.
  9. I pay taxes in NZ and at the time was living and working in NZ. In fact all my working life I have paid NZ taxes. So yes I am a NZ taxpayer. Next question
  10. I've got a dodgy hip too. When last back in NZ I went to local GP who recommended x-ray. Results: early onset of arthritis. But they said "nothing major" to worry about. Come back in a few years when it 'really' hurts and then maybe we'll look at surgery. FFS is all I could think. That's NZ public health system for ya. Hope you manage to get yours sorted.
  11. Must have been some impact to break a Chinese nose, generally not much there to break. Or was it a Thai driver that had their nose broken? Or did one of the boxers break someone's nose? A lot of missing info. Agreed that van drivers are quite reckless.
  12. I'm well aware of the main protagonists, quite a few are already in my ignore list. Some love giving their opinion or experiences yet fail to accept anyone elses'. Very narrow minded. I'm surprised the moderators haven't put a few in the 'sin bin' for comments posted, but they probably have their hands full with other business. Stay safe Bob.
  13. Bob, I'm sure the assassination squad will turn up soon. They can't help themselves it seems. I tried to PM you yesterday re this very topic, but I guess you've shut off that action due to too many nasty messages. Regards K. K
  14. Yes the cream is still there. MinRes are still recruiting for dump truck drivers. A 3/1 shift would suit me fine. FIFO from Perth with direct flights back to BKK will work.
  15. I hear what you're saying and agree 100 percent. I left Thailand about 5 years ago because of quite a few factors. I had a retirement visa although not getting a pension at that stage. Returning to NZ where rentals are fakn ridiculous and working an average of 60hrs a week did not leave much time to do anything else. My Thai partner also came with me to NZ. She worked a standard 40hr week. She did day shift and I was a Supervisor on night shift. You'd think we would be rolling in the money... Not with the cost of living in NZ. I was on about NZ$1200 (US$800) after tax. The missus was a lot less. We daren't ever think about going out to a pub for a few drinks. Our big event was maybe travelling 45km to have a meal in a genuine Thai restaurant. Nice food but at 4x the price compared to Thailand. After 5 years of the constant grind at work, I'd had enough. My Army pension kicked in... Which incidentally is a fakn lot less that Joe public gets. But it was enough to decide to get the fak out of Dodge and return to Thailand. Only been back 4 months and although it's not the best, it's easier to survive here without busting your gut. I'm still looking at truck driving in Perth for some extra shekels. So the grass is not always greener....
  16. I'd call you a cock... But they have some use. Stick with your mates... Loser.
  17. There's a bloke or two amongst that mix, I'm sure! Which one is Bob?
  18. Wow, that's a good reply Mika. I'll stand down on this one as I don't have sufficient knowledge/experience. It obviously works for you so that's good. Unfortunately/fortunately Im not into a lot of social media sites so probably miss out on a lot of 'fun' activities. I don't have faecebook, Twitter, line, chatnow/chat box or any of the thousands of hook up sites. Doesn't really worry me either.
  19. OK.... Note to self: Stay clear of Rich Hotel, give girls a few days to sluice themselves out.
  20. So Somo, any feedback as to what you actually want? You were a bit vague on your OP.
  21. In the Philippines it's encouraged. Most women are 'keen' to hook up with a foreigner. I never went that route but still got hooked. Roll on a few years and I ran as fast as I could. Nice honeymoon but damn it changed pretty quick afterwards. Escaped to Thailand and all is better for it.
  22. It's a bit like teenagers on this site sometimes. All trying to outdo each other. FFS guys, get a life. Having a pissing contest over the most trivial of subjects. I now question why I even look at this site. Grow the fak up for godsake. Let's start acting your age and not your shoe size. I think most come here to gain extra knowledge about Thailand and life experiences. Not to see/listen to immature people bickering about crap. Give me a week and I'll probably exit this so called falang forum site.
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