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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Yes, the forward assist bolt. 5.56mm round and a very lightweight rifle. Good for close combat not much else. I never got use to the sound of the spring in the butt as it reloaded. Horrible twang sound. Sounded like a toy. The old SLR, now that at 7.62mm had a bit more of a whack. Damn heavy though. Not really suited to close combat but was used. I like the sound of this new laser weapon. If it does as its portrayed then if I was the enemy, I'd be very worried.
  2. I also believe that there is no actual allocation of overhead bin space, however you would think it logical to store your kit above your seat. Safety or security blog say to store it above the opposite seat so you can keep an eye on it. I've seen people but their kit in the first available bin, which I think only exacerbates the problem further along. On the odd occasion that a bin directly above my seat is full then I look to put my kit 'forward' of that position, so I don't have to 'fight' to get to it when deplaning. Not 'really' a problem.
  3. Sounds a right biatch at Immigration. Probably on a power trip. I'd likely go to different IO and ask questions. As the stamp says 9 May then that's when she has to be out by. What does the extra paper say? I hate when they force you to sign something that's not in your native language. That's just wrong. Who knows what it says. Or go see a visa agent... They probably have come across this before. They give a lot of advise for free too.
  4. Cheers for that.... I was thinking second hand as in used, not new!
  5. Back in the mid to late 80s, several Physical Training Instructors (PTIs) in the NZ Army were pushing creatine. Mostly for those doing weight training but was available to anyone. Can't remember the costs from back then but it wasn't expensive.
  6. I don't understand the meaning of this post, can someone please enlighten me.
  7. Initially he said he slipped... So he was aiming for her head? Guilty as charged your honour.
  8. If you drive at whatever speed you feel like, then you are a total idiot. Maybe one day you'll become a statistic like all the other idiots that think they own the road. The fact you don't pay speeding tickets further emphasises your lack of understanding of what rules and regulations mean. Don't come crying when some speed freak takes you out. I only hope others don't suffer from your apparent 'give a damn' attitude.
  9. Call a spade a spade. The dumb fakr did it. Now he's sorry! Sorry he got caught. Did the crime... Do the time. And none of the alleged BS. Too much of this PC bull dust floating about in today's society. Man up, fess up whatever you want to call it. I have more respect for someone who admits their mistakes than a plonker full of excuses.
  10. Early days washing clothes in a copper and using a mangle to get rid of excess water.
  11. Having or not having a vehicle is nowt to do with offering advice. We all like to have an ale or 2. Sometimes it can extend to even more. Your point that if the police smell beer on your breath, you could be in trouble suggests then that it would be wiser to take a taxi. Best safe than sorry? I don't know how many times we hear on Traffic Police shows (TV) when people are stopped at Booze Bus checkpoints, "I've only had a couple". Then go on to blow double or triple the limit. Good that you know your limits, but over here I'd be extra safe/cautious. Any accident occurs where they smell alcohol, you're for the high jump....forget insurance. STAY SAFE
  12. Let the carnage begin! 7 deadly days on the roads.
  13. Family car, could fit 6 kids in it for when we had to go to church on Sundays. As we got older, some were relegated to the boot. Wouldn't get away with that now. Standard Vanguard Phase 2
  14. My dream car as a lad: The closest I ever got to one was when it nearly ran me over on a 10 speed.
  15. Don't see many of these about now... even in NZ
  16. 100E Prefect. My 1st car! I actually wanted a Hillman Super Minx but my father said it was too big for me! I was not happy. Tried to clean the fuel pump, big mistake. Muck metal fell apart when taking off the top cap. Should have got the Minx
  17. Listening to the radio on Sunday after going to church: Spike Milligans: BadJelly the Witch TV programmes: Petticoat Junction Green Acres The Dick Emery show Beverly Hillbillies UFO Bonanza Gunsmoke The Big Valley Daniel Boone The High Chapperell Iron Horse The Virginian Get Smart Hogan's Heroes Bewitched I Dream of Jeannie The Flying Nun
  18. I agree, not on my bucket list either. I went to Karachi once for business. On my return, I told the boss that I'd resign before ever going back there. Dirty, stinking rubbish hole. I found no redeeming qualities at all in that place.
  19. OMG... what the hell. Get him out if this country asap. What a grot. No excuse for this behaviour
  20. From my understanding as told to me via a medic, the reasoning behind this direction (Or old wives tale as some put it) is thus: Alcohol (mainly of the beer type) when drunk in greater quantities (define greater?) causes the consumer to urinate more frequently. This in turn 'washes' out the antibiotic that are in the 'system'. Thereby making them not as effective. I'm no medico but this tends to make sense. The other biggest factor is to complete the course of antibiotics and not to stop early cause you think you're over whatever it is that cause you to be on them. Hey I've drunk beers while on antibiotics... Never had any violent reaction as a result.
  21. Let the good news keep on rolling in. The current Myanmar Junta needs to be exterminated.
  22. Duterte is no longer in charge. During his tenure lots of dealers were 'removed' from the network, along with many innocent people. My estranged Filipina wife's brother was one of Dutertes' vigilantes. He 'disposed' many of these alleged dealers. Not a nice person, but he was 'just' doing his job as ordered. Getting rid of dealers in this fashion barely puts a dent in things. There are so many that will take their place. High population and poverty will always see to that. Drugs.... I've only ever smoked weed (Last puff about 15 years ago). Never seen or had the need for anything else, nor the interest in 'trying' anything heavier/stronger. There are other activities that provide natural highs and that's enough for me.
  23. My biggest concern with this, as others have highlighted... 13 hours for Mr Plod to arrive! Overworked and underpaid? Too many more important tasks at hand? Is the scene in England got that bad that this is accepted as normal? Things in NZ are quite bad too but a response is normally quicker, unless it's something like burglary, theft or damage. Then forget about seeing anyone. But anything involving domestic violence or weapons brings a rapid response. Poor lady. Hope the catch the fiend.
  24. Throwing rock at cars, yeah thats logical! He'll have even less money for the juice now. Why didnt he just smash his head with a hammer, at least it wouldn't be damaging other people's property. Nutter!
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