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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Opinion: What is Donald Trump's mental state? Florida?
  2. You can throw your leg over a multitude of things after a few ales, unfortunately a pointy fence is not one of them. Rip fellah. Hope you had a good life.
  3. I just read on Al Jazzera that Russia supports Myanmar. Hmmmm and who's letting all these Ruskies into Thailand. Somethings gotta give soon methinks. It (Myanmar) has been heating up for a few years and as the opposition gets more powerful the military are becoming worried. Rightfully so... they could be in for a lot of hurt. (In someways justifiably so).
  4. I've never owned a 400/4 but I have looked at them several times. My oldest son back in NZ has one, high spec model that red lines around 13000 rpm. A real screamer. But the RE is a solid bike. Been around for years.
  5. Kowloon Tong Ping Fong? Pilgrims Rest? I visited there in the mid 80s. Kiwi based in Singapore and managed a few trips. Chunking Mansion for really hot curries. Great times!
  6. Isnt Sonkran also refered to as some of the deadliest days on the Thai roads.?
  7. I suppose the question has to be asked... does Thailand fight or stand for democracy? Although I'd love to see the Myanmar junta overthrown. Too much persecution continues within their country and yet no western country wants to get involved. No money in it for the West?
  8. Agreed that the Centara Grand in Hua Hin is good, pity they don't use Anchor butter. Centara Azure in Pattaya is very similar and I wish they had bacon! That sandwich type processed ham don't cut it. The Hideaway bar/guesthouse just down the road from the Azure does a very good full British breakfast at a fraction of the cost.
  9. Can someone explain to me how this works. The limit is 0.50 milligrams % of alcohol but His reading was 0.114 milligrams % of alcohol. It's the milligrams and the % that's confusing me. To me 0.5 % is greater than 0.114% Its like writing it with 3 decimal places. ie 0.5 would become 0.500 Or is this where the milligrams (weight) factor comes in?
  10. Mongkol... Blazing Saddles? Should have stuck to eating beans
  11. I'm sure some prisoners would be happy for you to pick up the soap.
  12. Yep, just like they add more to the story when in fact it doesn't really have much impact to the outcome. This poor guy died, he had severe injuries to his neck.... that will do it. But then they add 'and abrasions to his ankle'. So on the post mortum is it going to read 'Cause of death: abrasion on ankle'. Like someone said on another post, perhaps the writer gets paid per word!
  13. Pattaya and wet tshirts coming soon at a bar near you
  14. 'working' illegibly? Wot thay carent rite proberly?
  15. Due to brake failure, one woman decided to run a red light, causing a violent crash with another motorbike, driven by a 49 year old postal worker. Oh the old brake failure excuse... about time they dreamed up a new line. This one gets trotted out too often. 🥱
  16. Probably rock salt or bean bags as ammo Bob. Customary riot control gear. It (generally) won't kill you but you'd have a damn good bruise afterwards. Not fun.
  17. Normally she gets paid with eggs. (A dozen per time) That way she can claim that she never received any money for services rendered. Then she sells the eggs for 30 baht per dozen. Busy girl!
  18. Yes he only had to wind the window down and as the bus was stationary, there was no back splash or wind wash.
  19. Mr. Sirat, 44, Thai national test showed .57 milligrams percent of alcohol. Mr. Jirapan, 28, Thai national test showed .241 milligrams percent of alcohol.
  20. Why didn't they mention the alcohol reading for the 2 thais in this article? In the original post from the Phuket Express they did.
  21. And the mattress looks well worn too. She should be paying the customer! This is an outrage.
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