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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Yes I love that throw away term 'High speed'. Is that relative to anything? I mean was the green bike rider travelling at the same speed as the rest of the traffic or faster. What's the posted speed limit? There are so many unknowns to this and I would hazard a guess that the deceased will foot the blame, although it appears the idiot that pulled out into his lane is the main cause for the accident. Sure most educated/experienced riders will ride to the conditions. Maybe the rider of the green bike (Kawasaki Z?) wasn't that experienced? I'd like to see cctv footage although that won't bring the deceased back... But at least in the long term, the scooter rider may (Yes I'm probably dreaming here) learn something. Unfortunately a sad outcome and one which gets repeated every day.
  2. The Philippines went though a through safety clamp down a few years back. Many ferries were sinking due to poor/no maintenance. Loss of life was great. I believe it's a lot better now and as there are over 1700 islands in the Phils, boating is a way of life. Kids learn to swim very early on in their life. 👍
  3. I can't blame them, I'd die having to do military training in this heat. I believe Singapore still have conscription too.
  4. I was surprised by the calmest of the passengers. It's like it's an everyday occurrence. Even the amount without their life jackets on. Surprised no one drowned. The people on the upper deck with engine fire below.... what's with that? BBQ time? Crazy stuff.
  5. Geez Bob, you crack me up sometimes. Keep it rolling mate!
  6. The little toe rag, train them young huh? Seems like the little tyke knew exactly where to go and what to take. A good size 10 up the backside might teach him a good lesson.
  7. I do hear what you're saying. I was the same in regards to blue cheese. Hated the smell of it but once I got over it, then began to enjoy the flavor. I really like blue cheese now. It's gonna take some time for fermented fish tho... Maybe I'll be dead before that happens. Probably just as well!
  8. Yes I can see that but it does come with down sides as well. It's a bit of a balancing act. The Philippines do have a reasonable health sector, ie their hospitals are quite good and don't cost the earth. But their food is bad, unless you find offal to your taste. Hey I don't mind a bit sometimes but not daily. If Thailand gets worse then Philippines is an option to consider. But Cambodia and Vietnam are also enticing.
  9. They deserve it for being so gullible. At then end of the day, if you're white and male you are going to pay. Married or short time, it still costs you in the end.
  10. As soon as they mentioned fermented fish, it's gotta be nasty. My missus loves the stuff.... I just start gagging. I think even cats would walk away if they value their health.
  11. Serves the silly biatch right. If she had the sense to wait a few years then she may have received a nice inheritance. Now she will get diddly squat. Where's the money she stole gone? So in reality same outcome? Probably a gambler full of greed that wanted more. Loser.
  12. As a result I think the girls are more likely to want to sink their hooks in. By that I mean they want a relationship in order to get out of their personal rat hole. They speak very americanised English which can be a bit hard on your ears over time. I don't know what it's like in Angeles city but one day I hope to get to Davao and see what's happening there. They probably ain't into it like Thais but look at their population... they breed like rats!
  13. When I was living in Chiang Mai (Mae Rim to be precise) there was a local guy who use to work in 5 star restaurants. However his heart wasn't into that scene. Lucky for the residents of Mae Rim in that he set up a street stall right next to a 7-11. Every evening from about 6 to midnight unless he ran out of food. Very good fast and healthy food. He was a wonder to watch in action. Many a night I'd sit there waiting for my order with a cold beer from 7-11. Even during torrential downpours he'd be busy at it. Him and his wife were lovely people, always smiling. Would love to go back and see if they're still operating.
  14. Dammit and here I was waiting to see what model of Indian motorcycle.... It wasn't even a Harley!
  15. Makati just out of Manila has a huge slum area. Every so often a mysterious fire breaks out, a few lives are lost and the area shrinks a bit. Some say it's cause by 'officials' trying to clear the area... but who knows. When I was living there I never had a problem with feeling unsafe. In fact in the last week I went to all the places I was warned against... and I had a ball of a time. I treated the locals with respect, even bought a few beers and it was reciprocated.
  16. Why do they (in the related news story this time) go into so much detail as to what the victim is wearing? It's not as if they are going to appear as a Victoria's Secret model in the next hour or two. Strange practice by the media.
  17. Well you wouldn't want to piss this woman off.... there's certainly a cog missing upstairs and I don't think she would hesitate to use the knife. Absolute nut job. Padded cell time methinks
  18. It's 32 in Rizal... currently 37 in Korat. Feels like 40 but we have a slight breeze
  19. I don't know about BKK but up in CM there are heaps of cooking 'schools'. They take students around the markets to show them all the different types of fruit and veg and how to tell if its fresh/good quality etc. They are generally well attended and don't cost the earth. Check Mr Google. There is bound to be lots of places available
  20. Possibly because Farang DJs know how to mix the music to Farang tastes? Just a guess
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