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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. I've tried turkey bacon and you can put it with this stuff and shove it where the sun don't shine. Nasty horrible stuff. The real McCoy or nothing in my book.
  2. You put lipstick on a pig it's still a pig. You dress up plants and say they're meat substitute... Yeah right! I prefer my ladies to be meat eaters too.
  3. Or just want a quick perve...
  4. “This is it, son—my old chomping grounds. … Gosh, the memories.”
  5. “Well, heaven knows what it is or where it came from—just get rid of it! But save that cheese first.”
  6. I find those pillow type batteries to be the worst for longevity. But then they are normally installed in cheap junk items. Amorn is good.
  7. In the OP he/she/it was addressed as a Mr Sak (Possible first name 'Ball'?) However in the 2nd blurb it's now a Mr Saksit... So he sat on his sak? And we are led to believe this is as a result of a breech of contract (dispute). What say the victim? I bet his lips are sealed!
  8. Based on experiences... I'd rather have a non virgin thanks. A million baht... WTF. That would pay for how many non virgins in Pattaya? Unbelievable.
  9. If you are using Bangkok bank due to getting a visa via an agent it pays to keep the account active if you wish to keep agent fees down. I pissed off to NZ for 5 years and had to activate a new account on my return. It costs extra to do so (Unless you've already got 'sufficient' funds to cover everything).
  10. I just finished watching The Wild Bunch, just a tad under 2.5hrs. Wow what a raw movie. Probably as it was in those times. The end scene with all the 'blood and guts' reminded me a little bit of the ending of Butch Cassidy and the Sunshine Kid. Lots of bullets. Unlike American films these days (well the last 3 decades at least) there is no happy ending. It was quite well produced for its time. I can probably see where Tarantino got some of his ideas from with slow motion action. Definitely a classic western. But in a different era say compared to the good, bad and ugly.
  11. MASH was a great series and like you said, they were facing the daily and ongoing task of repairing the realities (People/casualties) of a bloody war. When they managed to get some down time they tried to enjoy it. Pranks/gags and jokes were one way of dealing with the ongoing stress. There were some very down to earth episodes through out the whole 11 seasons (256 episodes). Very well written and portrayed by various actors. Again this was a must watch series in our home, as soon as the 'suicide is painless' theme came on.... It was QUIET! in the house. China Beach was also a series that I enjoyed. Great music too
  12. Oh... Joyce Davenport (Veronica Hamel) now she was a true vixen! Frank Furillos' bit of fluff on the side.
  13. Actually the motor is made in the Kymco factory. And it's a good motor too... I've got one back in NZ. Wish I had it here, although I wouldn't need the seat and bar warmers!
  14. Not sure what model this is but I'd like to ride it.
  15. It's already been mentioned about eating with mouths open. I also get a bit riled up with noisy kids, as we don't have any at home it's when we go out somewhere. It could be a food court, KFC or a restaurant. Some little brat will be throwing a tantrum or squealing loudly. Parents don't bat an eyelid. I've also noted that food hygiene can vary widely. Food left in a pot overnight and not refrigerated will not be eaten by me. (Missus can't understand why). Markets with uncovered food and flies having a merry dance on the produce. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are still my meal times... Haven't yet evolved to the many meal timings Thais have. I can understand rest/meal stops when driving. It's good to have a break and the missus is normally dying for a smoke by then. Top up with a cold drink from 7 11 and hit the road again.
  16. I try any Amorn Electronics store. They have repair stations and may be able to do the job for you. I've replaced batteries in Philips and Braun shavers... fiddly job but doable if you've got some patience.
  17. Don't forget to sign in if you attend. Other information like home address, personal income and bank accounts will also be requested/required. Mr tax man will contact you in due course... Purely to answer any other questions you may have.
  18. Most likely a loose connection which is causing arcing to occur. Or Too much power going thru. Crossey will hopefully confirm soon.
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