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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Damn Lazada and their prices go up and down like a whores drawers! I got a notification this morning stating it was just over 3k. Which was a very good price. Must be the cookies... Recording what you're looking at then up the price. But either way, yes I enjoyed them. May get another set if we decide to stay.
  2. Yes Parker did always seem a bit dodgy.... well he did have a very big nose! (Don't worry I won't break into Monty Python stories). Didn't know Windsor Davis was tied into it all... amazing. There were a lot of 'kids' programmes back then that seemed harmless enough. Nowadays people bring up all the so called alternative meanings from those and many other programmes. Magic Roundabout, Captain Pugwash to name a few more. Apparently innuendo was rife. Not that I noticed at the time.
  3. Oh... Marina, not bad for a puppet or was she a marionette? Yes quite the looker. Capt Scarlet was like the James Bond of puppetry. Did he also do Joe 90?
  4. I was educated by a engineer blogger when back in NZ last year. Not all stainless steel is non magnetic. It depends on the percentages of alloys used. Hence why your 'non magnetic' saucepan may in fact work on your induction cooktop. Check out Lazada, the 10 piece Meyer Bella Classico is down to approx 3k now. Good set.
  5. Produced/Directed by the same guy that gave us UFO. That TV series scared the living hell outta me as a kid. Was well ahead of its time. Fairly lame by today's standards but in its day it was good. S. H.A. D. O. Moonbase Alpha Oh and don't forget the Angels, now they were hot! Gerry Anderson. What a legend.
  6. There is some cookware that have sandwich base. The outer layer could be aluminum/stainless steel or any other alloy/metal. It's what's sandwiched inside that makes a lot of this cookware work on induction cookers. And yes induction works by using the magnetic fields or magnetism of the cookware. Rapidly changing magnetic fields produce heat. That's about as much as I know on the subject. No doubt there are more knowledgeable folk on AN.
  7. I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating chips.
  8. Central may still stock Meyer brand of pots and pans. Meyer have a 10 piece set of the Bella Classico model which I used for several years when living in Chiang Mai. You can also find them on Lazada for around 4000baht. Good pots with a heavy base.
  9. The boy won't see one baht of the 5000. But his dad (If he's still about) will be well stocked with Lao Khao for months. Maybe I'm a bit too pessimistic.
  10. Bloody good question. I really think it's luck of the draw. All one can really do is look at reviews and hope those haven't been doctored. Otherwise an authorised dealer.... But even that's not guaranteed.
  11. I'd probably go with what you found on Lazada. They are pretty good with their delivery times too.
  12. Yuasa is one of the top brands if original.... and that can be a problem. Original battery's in NZ are damn expensive. But then you know what you're getting. I understand your concern re Lithium batteries here. I too don't have enough knowledge yet on which is good or not. Once I decide to get a proper bike I'll start researching the matter.
  13. You could also look online at Lazada. Personally I'd look at going Lithium. Less weight, less drainage and smaller size but retains the CCA you may require. About the same price. I converted 3 bikes in NZ to Lithium. Never had a problem.
  14. Ouch.... that was a nasty crash. Hopefully the surviving child will be well taken care of. Not a good thing to happen to anyone.
  15. It's very easy to bump a vehicle whilst on a motorbike. You hit it generally with your knees. If you were to do it with handlebars, you are more likely to crash.
  16. Simple, Rodeo sex tends to work: It's when you're busy doin doggy style and you mention to her that her sister does it better. OK I'll grab my hat....
  17. Hopefully it's still in their pipeline. Although 4 months seems like a long time, judicial process isn't as quick as we are use to in the West. For everyone's sake I do hope this idiot is taken off the road for a long long time. Sorry to hear you wore the brunt of this angry, immature little a hole.
  18. I don't understand these silly/stupid types that come to a foreign land and think they can beat the system. 1st up what are the penalties if you get caught? Is it worth the risk? Luckily he wasn't in Malaysia, they hold very little regard for any form of drug dealer. A couple of Aussies found that out in the mid 80s. Like the bar girls said... They were well hung.
  19. Actually he just wanted to see her growler....
  20. Shot 6 times with an improvised shotgun. Wow that shooter is a quick reloader. Single or double barrel? I doubt it was semi auto being improvised but the shooter must have had a fair gripe to unload 6 shots.
  21. If you're going to quote me then use the whole quote....
  22. I'm not a Pattaya local and try and avoid going anywhere near the place, however I needed to be there last week. My previous visit was about 5 years ago. My the place has spread. Beach road is no longer the only main area. Accommodation seemed busy everywhere. I was only planning on staying the one night but due to a freakn slow bus from Korat and visa delays needed a second night. A lot of the place I saw were fully booked and using Agoda was really my only option. Even then it took a few attempts to find a free spot. Gotta return in 3 weeks so will definitely book well in advance if I decide to stay. Maybe hire a car and just do a quick trip from Korat. Won't use the direct bus again.... they state about 6 hrs but it was closer to 7.5hrs.
  23. I was in Pattaya on Thursday and Friday last week. Bus between there and MO Chit wasn't full but only about 6 seats empty. Speaking of Indians... There were a couple on board the bus. Now I don't know alot about their culture but bygeezus they talk loud. I don't think anyone on the bus couldn't hear them. Luckily after about 45 minutes they ran out of things to say. Not that we understood anything they said.
  24. It wasn't the sweet ending the driver had in mind... Sorry poor taste I know
  25. Hopefully Crossey will be along soon to give an informative reply. Sensors do wear out. Sometimes insects get caught in them and block the sensor as well. Depending on model you maybe able to just replace the sensor or have a spare one on hand for when your one finally dies.
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