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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. I bet their guardians are none to happy having to stump up 5000. I think the young fellahs will be doing a bit more than a weeks dishes for this incident. What's the saying... If you cant do the time. Either that or don't get caught!
  2. It's a bit over the top really. At least ask first... But for water! Customers have to pay for soda and so should the courier rider/driver. In saying that, my local LEX rider is excellent. If the front gate is closed he'll call and wait outside. If it's open he'll ll bring the goods into the yard. Very polite and professional fellah. Good guy. What's the saying? Pay them peanuts and you'll end up with monkeys.
  3. Unfortunately the same applies if you put a deposit on a house. If you can't complete the transaction/contract then the seller has every right to retain the deposit. This occurs worldwide not just in Thailand.
  4. Well there's the German Knuckle which is either roasted or deep fried. And the local one which is stewed I suppose you would call it. Both are damn fine in their own right. Nice by themselves or between some good slices of bread with or without other fixings. And to those people that don't eat pork... You'll never know what you're missing. I enjoy both pork and venison. Tried crocodile... Not sure on that one. Antelope was OK as was smoked monkey. Even snake is good. But a good pork knuckle is nice with a few beers.
  5. Don't brush your teeth and situation no change?
  6. MY Beer is produced by the Singh Corporation. I haven't seen the bottle stock but tried a can of it a few weeks ago. I won't do that again. Some like it, but it's not for me.
  7. I feel sorry for you.... M. Y beer! My standards are low but that's scrapping the bottom of the barrel! 😉
  8. It appears to be similar to Sports packages on TV/Internet. Initially you get the all singing dancing version that is yours for life. Further down the road they mysteriously come up with an upgraded package. So your once in a lifetime double platinum membership heads to the bottom of their 'improved' status scheme. Just another way of additional funds out of you. Oh sorry its called marketing. Best of luck with what you decide to do.
  9. I've recently returned from NZ, and my there were some changes while I was away. Supermarket stores no longer provide single use plastic bags at checkouts. (Carry type bags) The Government also banned those plastic stickers you find on fruit advertising country/type/grade. It was good to see an increase in usage of paper bags. Now I'm back here, I'm blown away by the amount of plastic used. Early morning local fresh market must go thru tons of the stuff daily. Pickup trucks, bikes, scooters all heaving with single serve plastic bags of food. Where does all the plastic end up??? Landfill probably. Look on the side of the road, more plastic. It's everywhere. Now I'm not a greenie by any standard, but the amount of wastage here is mind blowing.
  10. I find a spray/mist bottle very effective. Fill it with cold water or water with ice.... Cools you down a treat when combined with a breeze or fan.
  11. I spent 7+ years in Chiang Mai before returning to NZ for 5 years. I've been in Korat for just 3 months and are still getting use to the heat. It's a struggle I must admit but funnily enough the evenings with a few beers seem to becoming more enjoyable!
  12. Well I checked the label John, No mention of sugar anywhere and certainly doesn't taste sweet.
  13. I don't have an a/c yet.... But it's getting to be a very tempting proposition. 36 in my room last night and all the fan does is ensure you stay hot! A spray bottle of water helped a bit. From what I've read on the forums, inverter a/c's are the way to go
  14. Somkid using meth. Well that narrows it down to a few million I'd think.
  15. Well at least they got a perp to do the obligatory finger pointing. 50% discount off his sentence right there...
  16. So it's been 3 months in captivity and his defence lawyer hasn't had time to visit him yet! The Dane is probably feeling quite relaxed with all that..... Hell don't bother coming to see me this year as I won't answer the door anyways. Incredible.
  17. So not only did they have firearms and ammo but they got into Thailand thru the back door. Immigration will be embarrassed 🤨
  18. Yep. I find Flash Express the worst of those I use. Don't turn up and say they do. No phone call. Kerry are a bit unpredictable and don't always call. Lazada have been quite good. I seem to have the same driver now and he knows that once I get the txt saying he will be arriving within the hour, that I'll be waiting within eyesight of the gate. Damn good fellah actually.
  19. Before we set up a fund let's make up some new committees to have meetings and discuss what's needed. We'll get back to you in a year with our findings... Which will probably recommend to form another committee... Seems like this place is similar to the current weather.... full of hot air
  20. Before we set up a fund let's make up some new committees to have meetings and discuss what's needed. We'll get back to you in a year with our findings... Which will probably recommend to form another committee... Seems like this place is similar to the current weather.... full of hot air
  21. The raw product was from NZ, however 'additives' were used in China to 'boost' the product to be used as child/infant formula. This was done without the parent companys' (Fronterra) notification. Some think it was a ploy/scam by an opposition corporation to undermine Fonterras reputation. It did cause a drop in market shares....
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