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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Depending on what sort of 'action' movie you refer to. Otherwise it's very (POV) life like.
  2. I've ordered from the Phils on Thai Lazada for delivery to the Phils. Not a problem just make sure your delivery address is correct. Visa credit/debit card accepted.
  3. Many moons ago (mid 80s), we use to eat at a place referred to as The Patio in Sembawang, Singapore. The food was much the same as street food, and really tasty. You had a choice of Chinese, Indian and Malaysia. Some of the curries were quite the double burner variety. Never heard of anyone getting sick due to that food in the 2 1/2years I was there. My wife at the time did get food poisoning from Mcdonalds at ( I think it was) Thomson Plaza. Like as has been said, watch the locals. They won't eat bad food from the same vendor twice.
  4. I'd have to defer to your experience Worgeordie... From what I've read about bars in Pattaya, nothings got cheaper although some entertainment have gotten bigger
  5. Hopefully this is something the young guy will remember for the rest of his life.... and learn from it. DON'T drink and drive.
  6. No. Because I'm not that farang and he can't give you the answer either.
  7. Actually the photo of the Brit shows him with a bandage/rag around his head. From a distance it makes him look older.
  8. Having served in Somalia and worked in Iraq and Afghanistan, what do you think? Having previously lived in Chiang Mai for 7 years, I too do not worry. But if I was in Phuket I'd be somewhat concerned with all the negative press.
  9. Here we go.... Yes I'm kiwi. These crims (referred to as 501s due to the immigration legislation number) are bad people. I don't have a argument with that fact. However there is more to this story. A lot of these 501s moved to Oz from NZ with their parents as children. They have grown up and been educated in Australia. 'Worked' and paid taxes in Australia. It is all they know. Just because they were born in NZ and have fakd up in Aussie it therefore becomes NZs problem? Your guy Dutton that introduced this law change was/is an idiot. It could be argued that as they haven't become Australian citizens then yes it is NZs problem. In the past it has been very difficult for Kiwis to become Aussies. Recently that's changed and I believe for the good of both countries. I agree some of these 501s should be deported back to their birth country, but not all.
  10. Adding to your U turn observations, why pray tell me why are they so slow at getting up to the normal traffic speed? It's the same as when they pull out from the side of the road. It's as if they have a preponderance for a funeral procession. So any traffic that is on the road when they pull out, has to slow the fak down for these morons. Don't start me on how some merge. Hope the girls get better soon so they can carry on with their 'religious' duties.
  11. I wouldn't want to put a foot wrong in Phuket if I was living there. The officials are likely to be on a war path. You daren't even look at some strangely for fear of upsetting them. Walking on eggshells comes to mind. However if you are a law abiding individual it 'shouldn't' be a problem. Time will tell
  12. Well if anything Bob, you always get a reaction on AN. 5 pages and still going strong. As they say *hit happens. Deal with it and move on. If the drunkard hasn't returned (with his mates) within a few days I'd say you're in the clear. Keep Calm and have a beer!
  13. That seems like a great deal, hopefully the owner has looked after it. But what service would be due after 500km? Should be in exceptional condition. I'd check fluids and brakes first and then overall body condition. Tyres etc should still look new. If you decide to buy then go around the bike yo ensure all nuts/screws etc are still tight. Good luck !
  14. When I was working in Iraq, the truck drivers went with the motto... If it ain't broken, don't fix it. That included preventative maintenance. As a result a lot of the trucks were buckets of do dos, held together with string and a prayer.
  15. I drove it a week ago from Khao Yai to Korat. It's 80km in length, once completed it will be 196km. A lot of it is raised motorway and open only to cars and small trucks. It has been advertised/stated that it is a non stop motorway. I think this is partially due to the wonderful views around the lake/resivour. Photo crazy people could cause problems for traffic. And yes 80kmph is the posted speed limit for now. Not that many drivers were paying any attention to that! It's a nice drive and I'll definitely use it both ways next time. Even after they introduce the tolls I'll use it.
  16. 360 million baht... Now that ain't chump change. I wonder what type of car/house/boat does she have? Probably a few baht weight of gold stashed away for a rainy day too.
  17. Yes I love that throw away term 'High speed'. Is that relative to anything? I mean was the green bike rider travelling at the same speed as the rest of the traffic or faster. What's the posted speed limit? There are so many unknowns to this and I would hazard a guess that the deceased will foot the blame, although it appears the idiot that pulled out into his lane is the main cause for the accident. Sure most educated/experienced riders will ride to the conditions. Maybe the rider of the green bike (Kawasaki Z?) wasn't that experienced? I'd like to see cctv footage although that won't bring the deceased back... But at least in the long term, the scooter rider may (Yes I'm probably dreaming here) learn something. Unfortunately a sad outcome and one which gets repeated every day.
  18. The Philippines went though a through safety clamp down a few years back. Many ferries were sinking due to poor/no maintenance. Loss of life was great. I believe it's a lot better now and as there are over 1700 islands in the Phils, boating is a way of life. Kids learn to swim very early on in their life. 👍
  19. I can't blame them, I'd die having to do military training in this heat. I believe Singapore still have conscription too.
  20. I was surprised by the calmest of the passengers. It's like it's an everyday occurrence. Even the amount without their life jackets on. Surprised no one drowned. The people on the upper deck with engine fire below.... what's with that? BBQ time? Crazy stuff.
  21. Geez Bob, you crack me up sometimes. Keep it rolling mate!
  22. The little toe rag, train them young huh? Seems like the little tyke knew exactly where to go and what to take. A good size 10 up the backside might teach him a good lesson.
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