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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. So you don't know anything about the actual budget or what wars are being fought but the opinions of historians get you excited when it favours your guy. You just proved exactly why opinion pieces don't matter and showed your ignorance on current events.
  2. How much does the United States spend on the military each year?
  3. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/3850219-the-seven-biggest-lies-biden-told-this-week/
  4. You are doing exactly what you complain about.
  5. Biden should be yes. Killed about 700,000 people with covid despite having vaccines. Then you have wars on top of that.
  6. So killing people is fine by you but disagreeing with voting is really bad. That's the kind of logic that gave the world lots of wars and deaths. Biden has also killed many with his failures on covid. Biden is a mass murderer.
  7. Probably not much.
  8. Clarkson is boorish and bigoted. Show was watched by bored bigots.
  9. https://www.businessinsider.com/britain-hates-jeremy-clarkson-unchecked-wealth-and-privilege-2015-3
  10. Biden confuses NATO with Ukraine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13096817/Biden-confuses-Ukraine-NATO-calling-Congress-return-vacation-pass-mammoth-funding-bill-pressure-mounts-81-year-old-president-following-damning-report-mental-fitness.html
  11. Biden fact checked on his covid lies https://www.factcheck.org/2021/02/bidens-misleading-vaccine-boasts/
  12. Biden had the vaccine from March 2021. So once again more misinformation.
  13. More misinformation. Covid deaths were still high in January 2022, 10 months after the vaccine rollout.
  14. Details of errors made from the guy who claimed 120m died in 2020.
  15. Biden thought 120m died from covid in 2020 https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-mistakenly-says-120-million-americans-have-died-coronavirus-1513696 Historians put this guy above JFK? They should go easy on the alcohol.
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/15/omicron-covid-joe-biden-administration
  17. Top Gear - worst show ever to be successful.
  18. https://www.economist.com/briefing/2024/01/04/joe-bidens-chances-do-not-look-good-the-democrats-have-no-plan-b
  19. You posted a whole heap of misinformation. You must have scored a F.
  20. My worst ever teacher taught History. I can see why these guys aren't much good at anything.
  21. More deaths under Biden. Biden suggested anyone that bad should resign. Just admit you can't accept the facts and nobody would take you seriously. Just another Trump hater.
  22. Biden should resign "President Biden may not recall what he said during a 2020 campaign debate last fall, but Americans should: “Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America.” At the time the U.S. had recorded 220,000 Covid deaths. Covid deaths this year have now surpassed the toll in 2020 with 350,000 since Inauguration Day." https://www.wsj.com/articles/bidens-covid-death-milestone-biden-administration-trump-11637708781
  23. https://www.nbcnews.com/data-graphics/covid-deaths-track-latest-trends-fatality-count-rcna61052 The reference is facts. Trump haters don't like facts.
  24. Deaths were higher under Biden. Try sticking to facts rather than ignoring the truth. If you spoke like this in a restaurant you would get ripped apart. Ignoring facts, ignoring that Biden had the vaccine for a long time.
  25. January 2022 covid deaths still high. Biden failed. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/weekly-covid-deaths?time=2022-01-25&region=NorthAmerica
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