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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. This guy conducts himself well. Not sure why you hate him. Maybe you are just used to throwing mud at people without knowing much about them.
  2. People hating countries is not the same as people going overseas and committing crimes and being hated on an individual basis.
  3. Russians outnumber the other groups 10 to 1.
  4. He appears to be the best PM Thailand has had this century.
  5. Go watch the racist and his TV shows you silly little boy.
  6. You admitted to liking him and watching his shows.
  7. You support a known racist who also bullies women. That's how boring you are.
  8. But not racist like your favourite TV star.
  9. https://www.thecut.com/2023/01/jeremy-clarkson-meghan-markle-camilla.html The guy tries to bully women too.
  10. So you are saying most Brits like watching racists on tv? Interesting theory you have.
  11. If they approve gay marriage then you can marry your boyfriend too. Not sure about gay buffaloes being sick though.
  12. Obama wasn't a Republican though, so they won't criticise him. He if was then they would say he was terrible. One set of standards for one group and a completely different set for the other. Biden is responsible for far more deaths than Trump. Biden had 3 major vaccines and failed to slow the high death rates for 11 months. Lucky Biden wasn't in office in 2020, otherwise the death rate would have doubled with his open borders. Russia is starting to get on top of Ukraine and Biden wants to spend more money.
  13. He got the sack and most people who worked with him hated him. He was only liked by racists and other bigots.
  14. So you are another bigot then. Approving a guy who called asians "slopes".
  15. Bigots like other bigots. He went to Asia and called the people "slopes". He abused the crew.
  16. Many millions of bigots. Be at least 3 billion of them.
  17. Totally agree with all of that. Obama was a great speaker but no other qualities.
  18. Rather ignorant thing to say. The US produced the top vaccines and obesity combined with no vaccine meant lots of deaths. Shutting the border early would have been the only way to have low deaths in 2020. Given Biden opens borders right up deaths under Biden would have been higher in 2020 had he been in office. Open border with China, open border with Mexico. Biden would have killed 1 million.
  19. Should only take 1 day to change the marriage laws.
  20. Is the tall guy or the short guy Anna?
  21. You're not even a Thai citizen so the Thai LBG people should have more rights than you.
  22. Why is helping millions of people bad? Only bigots are against gay marriage. Mostly because their marriages failed.
  23. So that's your level of knowledge then. Fascinating and very indepth understanding of current events. No knowledge of anything. All I know is orange bad, purple good.
  24. If you knew you would just say it. You didn't know. Here's your next task which you can go look up and then pretend you knew. How many illegals have crossed the border under Biden?
  25. https://time.com/3740238/top-gear-jeremy-clarkson/ Makes racist comments all the time.
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