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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. Which police don't accept bribes? Maybe he was just better at it then the others.
  2. It is an open border if you claim to be a refugee. Then you have an estimated 16.8m illegals in the US. This is the highest number ever recorded. Thanks to Biden.
  3. Don't use either. Paypal used to be good then it got hacked and never been the same since.
  4. To protect all the Washington elites.
  5. Double standards by western nations to keep up their dodgy deals abroad and make as much money as possible.
  6. https://nypost.com/2022/10/05/house-speaker-nancy-pelosi-has-accrued-millions-from-husbands-trades-report/ She's as crooked as anybody. Last person to be judging others
  7. By using a Thai person?
  8. Killing people is the worst crime after child abuse.
  9. Killing them with hard facts. Biden trolls can't handle it.
  10. For telling the truth? Why do you like racism? https://www.theguardian.com/media/2014/mar/28/top-gear-jeremy-clarkson-racist-joke-allegation-burma-bbc
  11. Post a photo of yourself first then I will follow your lead.
  12. left-wing Democrat challenging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the June 7 California House primary blasted the longtime lawmaker Monday as a “corrupt oligarch” who only caters to elites after Pelosi’s husband was busted for alleged drunk driving near the couple’s $5 million Napa Valley vineyard. “More people are coming to recognize the corruption of the incumbent, which is ultimately why I ran,” Shahid Buttar https://nypost.com/2022/05/30/pelosis-primary-challenger-calls-her-a-corrupt-oligarch-after-hubbys-dui/
  13. Not many 1 year old trains around. Plenty of racists though.
  14. 3 years of dumb Joe Biden. That's what you get.
  15. Because Joe Biden stopped building the wall which reduced numbers by up to 87%. Joe Biden is just dumb.
  16. Open border free for all. Millions flooding in. Costing more than ever to try and stop them. So Biden failed.
  17. Trump's wall was working. Dumb Joe Biden stopped building it. "Illegal entries in areas with new border wall system plummeted over 87% in FY 20 compared to FY 19" https://www.dhs.gov/news/2020/10/29/border-wall-system-deployed-effective-and-disrupting-criminals-and-smugglers
  18. You said he was spending more to arrest and detain people. That's bad not good and despite this almost 2m still not found. So facts are against you.
  19. Watched the video. Trump is right though. Biden is trying to jail him like Putin did to his opponent.
  20. 1 year old article. More your age then. https://www.thecut.com/2023/01/jeremy-clarkson-meghan-markle-camilla.html
  21. He has a good head for radio. Not sure why he ended up on TV.
  22. Must be wonderful being a Biden troll. Just ignore reality.
  23. Biden is letting them all back in plus bringing in some amigos.
  24. Far worse under Biden as the graph in the link shows. Biden has done the worst of all the Presidents by far.
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