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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. I can see you have nothing of value to add. Just rambling nonsense. You sound drunk. Your problem isn't your spelling. It's your lack of knowledge.
  2. What happened to wages under Trump vs Obama?
  3. Not difficult to prove these people wrong.
  4. Did they not study everything?
  5. So they study wages, inflation and the stock market? Yes or no? Did they study illegal immigration? Yes or no? You claim they study "everything" yet can't name the things they studied. Sorry to tell you this but nobody studies everything. Being a Biden troll must be a land of make believe. Historians are studying everything. That's just hilarious.
  6. Is there an adult in the room to talk to?
  7. How are people supposed to read these rambles?
  8. What did you study? Probably not English.
  9. So he did a steady job not a bad job. Didn't start any wars, secured the borders, wages rose and the cost of living was under control. So he wasn't bad at all.
  10. By what measures? Being a Biden troll? Posting nasty comments about Trump? That's a low character life.
  11. Intelligent people don't go around hating on people and writing "555" shows a lack there of.
  12. So left leaning people.
  13. I can't give you much credit given your answer is so poorly written. Study history? What does that mean in context? Reading newspaper articles? Reading what? What are they studying? Most historians know nothing about economics and are left leaning.
  14. Most historians are left leaning https://www.aier.org/article/are-historians-politically-biased/
  15. What's your net worth as compared to Trump? Which of these left leaning historians have a degree in economics?
  16. Which of them have a degree in economics? Probably none.
  17. So you like rude people in politics who profit from inside information? Fairly low bar.
  18. Bangkok to Phuket is only 1400 baht on 13th April. Cheaper on the 15th.
  19. That topic was about Clarkson being a boorish bigot and I agreed. I don't like racism and neither do any sensible adults.
  20. I bet you have no friends from Russia or China. You avoid them.
  21. More jobs at home, more money spent at home. The globalists don't care about the average Americans though. They want their foreign bribes for their Swiss bank accounts so the wars will continue under Biden.
  22. Economists rated Trump better than Obama: https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/368904-economists-agree-trump-not-obama-gets-credit-for-economy/
  23. If a historian can't read the statistics on the border chaos which is the worst ever then their opinions are not worth anything. Historians usually don't study economics either. A History degree and an Economics degree are two separate things.
  24. Well that's a sign of bladder issues.
  25. The US military budget is $840bn for 2024. Maybe take some of that and finish the wall?
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