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Everything posted by BigBruv

  1. Are you aware that counselling is available for anyone that is traumatised by having the end of their pee pees butchered?; don’t try and deal with it by yourself, you never know where it can lead, far better to seek help in the early stages ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Would any of the money raised actually go on improving infrastructure though? Usual cycle = create a problem one year to replace it with a different problem next. Hub of grift. We sometimes assume they're mongs but often it's a love of & lust for money.
  3. Between the violent images coming out of Columbia and other universities and those from the southern border, you don't need a pollster to know who will win the November elections. Add in the inflation, national debt rising by one trillion ($1,000,000,000) every 100 days, videos of Biden acting senile and so on - it's a done deal. Donnie is going to win in November. Place your bets and thank me later.
  4. Interesting RE: The Clintons and being scared. As long as you aren't around that family you should be relatively safe. This guy defended the Clintons as if his life depended on it and, just maybe, it did.... Make your own mind up though...
  5. Biden's had a few more senior moments this week (2nd is the best imho). Also ramps up viol;ent rhetoric in the 1st vid. Mmmmm BTW, I'm a Brit so don't have a vote in your upcoming WWE pantomime Election. I'd predict that, either way, the winner will be Israel First. I'd prefer Trump as he's better entertainment overall but Biden can also be very funny as per the videos below. FWIW I also believe that, for the good of the US and world, both of these corrupt and ridiculous boomers should step aside and let younger people try to attempt to put the country back together again. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  6. Occupy and antagonise an under pressure police officer for a full 13 mins. Have your colleagues film the exchange and clip the 3 seconds where the policeman says something we can spin to the press. Tommy <deleted stirrer> Robinson playbook. Unfortunately, for Falter, and the rest of the boys cry wolf too often, the UK public have seen through it. PS. If you don't like the facts and/or are on the spectrum of retardation, please feel free to signal this by using the confused emoji on this comment.
  7. I get it but bottom line is that "the powers that be here sadly do not recognise this."
  8. Fake news. FALTER was attempting to provoke a reaction so his film crew could capture it in an attempt to get the regular and growing Pro Palestinian protests shut down. Think a posh boy Tommy Robinson in a small hat. Even my mid sized UK town has had a few of these protests. Latest is that they are sending the army in to US universities to break up the protests (never mind about the southern border - priorities right????). With these bombings they've completely lost the Zoomer generation - boomers still buy the 'chosen people' judeo-christian line but are increasingly out of touch and dying off. They must really want that land to be prepared to completely sacrifice public opinion in the younger generations like they are currently doing. PS. If you don't like the facts and/or are on the spectrum of retardation, please feel free to signal this by using the confused emoji on this comment. PPS. What losing the narrative amongst the young looks like (in case you've forgotten the anti Viewnam war protests of the 70s) :
  9. *Generally* 2 week teenage drunks spend big money whereas pensioners spend much less *Generally* Therefore pensioners are well down the pecking order. Powers that be probably think its cute to have farm girls sponsored by old foreigners but doubt much if any of that money reaches their pockets so it is what it is. Bahtist country. Money number one.
  10. Fake scare? Was there in high season and can confirm there was NO overcrowding inside any of the bars or businesses 👍 Sukhumvit Rd, Walking Street etc. were busy but bars, stores & businesses? mostly empty. 3rd world tourists abound
  11. I have my suspicions but they don't include a 'big bang' as that *theory* is retarded. Ever asked yourself who or what made your bang so big? If not, you've been indoctrinated through consistently repeated lies just as you were through the 'covid' nonsense which you also took at face face value and went along with.
  12. OT but evolution is a *theory* based on a completely ridiculous 'big bang' *theory* which only over educated (indoctrinated) autists can even attempt to explain. I don't know all the answers but evolution is NOT 'obvious'. The 'Scientific Method' is based on scepticism (or should be: see 'the covid science') Anyway, does anyone still think the weather in Thailand is better than in their home countries?
  13. Unlimited immigration is a VERY VERY BAD THING. But to have that POS as the face of opposition to unlimited immigration is a nightmare. Who benefits?
  14. Does anyone else suspect all is not what it seems with our Tommeh? That maybe he works for the UK state? He totally discredits white working and middle class interests by negative association. Zero white working or middle class Brits with a brains want to be associated with him - hence population replacement / Kalerghi Plan can go ahead without any genuinely popular uprising or resistance - and believe you me, Brits can see what's happening and MANY hate it - esp. non whites. So, just maybe, 'R tommeh' is a ***state actor or at least promoted / enabled by the powers that shouldn't be as the face of opposition to unlimited immigration.*** To be honest, I'd rather have a decent God fearing muslim next door than that POS. However, on the face of it, actually going out, meeting people, leafleting, campaigning and actually affecting change is a great thing and played a key role in how our great nations were built. Much better than sending links to each other on your computer or just endlessly moaning about stuff but doing nothing (a VERY British disease). He's been paid by Israelis before ('goyfundme' was the joke at the time) but maybe UK Govt funnel cash his way too? Tommy in Israel with Mossad / IDF types:
  15. They need/want big spenders - the problem is they're now left with 3rd worldy tourists as their main visitors now - not as spendthrift, sanook or soft as 'westerners' they've replaced.
  16. Yep boomers again - they still have cash to burn but are dying out - I doubt they'll be replaced by the younger generations in as bigger numbers so Thailand's future is probably Indian, Chinese and Russian. People knock Brits but Thailand was more prosperous AND fun for the natives when there were loads of us there. They all seem to be pretty tight but the Chinese and Russians also seem particularly joyless - though I guess that's what decades of communism does to a nation. So good luck Thailand, doesn't seem to be any planning so they'll probably need it.
  17. Western women have cold hard cash esp. with positive(?) discrimination. Boomers are a unique generation who reallly did have the rub of the green. Single earners with low level jobs were paid enough for large (by todays standards) properties that can be rented out for loads of money to fund decent retirements in low cost countries. It's different for zoomers and millenials now so probably not in their thinking. Most men now need a 'partner' just to be able to afford the rent on a decent place. OT but from the BoomersAreTumours (lol) reddit https://odysee.com/@Blackpilled:b/the-great-boomer-deception:d?src=embed&t=598.292852
  18. Back to the OP, IMHO the thrill has gone and Thailand is a bit old hat for Brits now (mongers aside). There's little mystery in Thailand anymore (the west has Thai restaurants and ladyboys too) - everyone knows what it has to offer. 'Wow' factors gone. For zoomers that's bad tinny music played at earbleed level + mindless 'fun'. IMHO western zoomers are a bit dead eyed cynical / sophisticated for that - esp at current exchange rates / prices. Middle aged Brits (mongers aside) have been enough times already and are often married so can't indulge in the only genuine world class 'hub' thing about Thailand. It's now for the Indians and people from other developing/3rd world to enjoy
  19. I read your mind and edited just after posting ; )
  20. Teeing delusional goat up for ANOTHER post about his studliness & how despite him being over 50 he makes all the working & esp the non working girls squirt just from being near him.... goat (lol) you probably need to ease up on watching those andrew tate videos - he's a bad role model for you
  21. Disagree - it's not worldwide - People try it on but in UK we have 'NIMBYS' (not in my back yarders) who act to conserve things - acting as a break on profiteers - seems to be less pushback in Thailand due to brazen corruption and the "I know my place"-ness of Thais. Non coconut heads realise that seating and greenery have value and, long term, selling and concreting over any green spaces creates a hellscape & decreases value - not that many care about the long term there - Pattaya & Thailand especially egregious. Also contributes to the heat making the place basically unliveable outside of air conditioned spaces for much of the year. TBF though, green spaces do require more maintenance than simple concrete. As another poster said, it's ALL about money with Thais - they're Bahtists - true believers. Consequently, every year the country gets more ugly and charmless. Sad to see but it's their country to ruin.
  22. To be fair, beaches aside, the whole country's like that Boiling hot dump but it's cheap so...
  23. Coconut heads / Milk for brains. They won't stop until the entire country is covered in concrete.
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