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Everything posted by BigBruv

  1. Interesting from the Times of Israael: "The premier’s [Netanyahu] policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from" https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/
  2. Tim Dillons Book & Netflix Standup special on Boomers is out soon... Can't wait. In the meantime:
  3. In reality most still worship - they just don't realise it. Either 'the science' or other 'religions' Eg. westerners are now allowed to blaspheme (Jesus Christ, f____ hell, holy s___ and so on) but, if you question a certain alleged event *everyone* starts clutching their pearls on mass - you;ll even get sent to prison in some countries.
  4. Cool yen yen mellow mellow (more noticeable outside of tourist areas)
  5. Homelands? Do any of them look middle eastern to you? Pasty europeans LARPing
  6. Stable Genius Won't vote for him though as I support the Trans BLM Gays taking over everything 🍿👍
  7. NPCs supporting the side *they're told to* in the same way they support 'their' football teams. Squawking parrots with little knowledge / life experience outside the TV screen
  8. The same way Nazis ALLEGEDLY treated the Jews in WW2 (his-story is written by the victors) But yes, Israel has completely lost the zoomer generation - part of the reason they're trying to shut down the tiktik app - the kids know whats up and aren't impressed.
  9. IMHO the pendulum has swung a bit too far towards 'liberal' ideals. Maybe sharia is a natural reaction - Zoomers certainly seem to be rejecting boomer style self centred debauchery. Ped doh feel ya is still illegal in the west so I guess 'we' haven't gone full retard quite yet though - for now at least. But do you believe the changes you mentioned and the rest have benefitted society?
  10. What fo you mean by Jew and Israeli? You have to be a 'jew' to immigrate there (and be an Israeli) don't you? Very confusing as to qualify as JewIsh, your mother has to be 'JewIsh' BUT non Jewish women can covert and become 'JewIsh' mothers 🤯 Is that correct? If so it's a bit ridiculous - never mind that most 'jew Ish' people don't look in the slightest bit middle eastern which suggests most are probably Revelation 3:9ers.
  11. The China CBDC thing is a bit of a myth - Alipay & Wepay are the most used payments out there - cash is VERY low though Top top top globalist elites ('our owners'/ the 0.0000000001%) are very keen though Hopefully the management class and IT techies charged with creating the CBDC system will slow it down or derail it as it's not hard for them to work out that they and their loved ones are gonna be screwed along with the rest of us if it goes ahead. Viva La Resistance!
  12. And the rich people who profit from the military industrial complex got the wars & invasions they wanted 👍
  13. I'm in Britain and believe most of us just want all of them to bog off (ideally) or at least pipe down. We're sick of paying taxes to fund fake foreign 'wars' behind false flag psyops to line rich people's pockets. Very few here are interested in the middle east despite what *their* papers and media want us to believe
  14. No, Sun reader so he doesn't know what he's on about so is just posting nonsense responses.
  15. What book are you on about? and where does 'it' say that? Source?????? I reckon you imagined it
  16. I am. What book are you on about? and where does 'it' say that? Source??????
  17. Why do you believe that? Any source (book or paragraph) or did the tv tell you to hate them?
  18. Must be weird being a Muslim in the UK. UK Government only to happy to give you a passport but the population, through media brainwashing, believe you're all suicide bombers. Divide & conquer. Get the plebs fighting amongst themselves so we can carry on with the looting?
  19. Still some time off - needs rock solid infrastructure - else "no hab" In the meantime we can all do our bit USE CASH
  20. Some argue that the US is a colony of Israel and that Biden or Trump are just the shabbos
  21. The Muslims obvs know who owns 90%+ of the media companies Also Blinken (US Secretary of State) is Jual Citizen as is Grant Schapps (UK Head of 'Defence') & Zelensky? You guessed it! Imagine if they were all Thai dual nationals :-)))) No coindence
  22. Thanks. Seems the central bankers plan is...*WHEN* the next banking crisis happens, introduce CBDCs Public will think "CBDC is safer - it's backed by the Govt/CB so I'll open a CBDC account" After a while make Central Bank Digital Currencies the only option. Then CBs/Govts will be able to see your spending: where, when, with whom - it'll all be recorded. And they won't need to have to deal with a bank as your account will be with the central authority. Great thing for Govts and Central Bankers is that, with CBDCs, they'll be able to automatically set end enforce rules on our spending in terms of what, where, we can spend. So, after a while, introduce and automatically enforce rules on our spending (where we can spend, what we can spend on, who with and so on) - justify by saying: "it's for the environment, you do care about the environment don't you?" or "It's for your health" or "It's for the greater good" "It's for the war in..." or any other excuse they can justify.... If there's a crisis, Govt/CBs can just take the money from our accounts to 'solve the crisis'. Here's a longer video where the Head of the BIS (Central Bank of Central Banks) explains the plan: BISCONT Disgustin' Augustin Carstens.mp4
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