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Everything posted by BigBruv

  1. Teeing delusional goat up for ANOTHER post about his studliness & how despite him being over 50 he makes all the working & esp the non working girls squirt just from being near him.... goat (lol) you probably need to ease up on watching those andrew tate videos - he's a bad role model for you
  2. Disagree - it's not worldwide - People try it on but in UK we have 'NIMBYS' (not in my back yarders) who act to conserve things - acting as a break on profiteers - seems to be less pushback in Thailand due to brazen corruption and the "I know my place"-ness of Thais. Non coconut heads realise that seating and greenery have value and, long term, selling and concreting over any green spaces creates a hellscape & decreases value - not that many care about the long term there - Pattaya & Thailand especially egregious. Also contributes to the heat making the place basically unliveable outside of air conditioned spaces for much of the year. TBF though, green spaces do require more maintenance than simple concrete. As another poster said, it's ALL about money with Thais - they're Bahtists - true believers. Consequently, every year the country gets more ugly and charmless. Sad to see but it's their country to ruin.
  3. To be fair, beaches aside, the whole country's like that Boiling hot dump but it's cheap so...
  4. Coconut heads / Milk for brains. They won't stop until the entire country is covered in concrete.
  5. Brexit? No one cares about that anymore - that ship sailed a long time ago. Find something else to get hot and bothered about or why not even go even further back to WW2 - before that the £ was worth $4. When are War-iters going to stop hiding behind these events and acknowledge that the overwhelming body of evidence shows that WW2 has damaged the UK economy? Blooming war-iters!
  6. Labour no different - brought in mass immigration, bailed out banks, went to war under false pretences etc. 2 cheeks of the same asre
  7. Not sure of the point you're making but the average of those (Observed variation in price changes) numbers is no where near 2%. And agreed CORE CPI DOES strip out 'inconvenient' items to hide the real inflation rate. CORE CPI is the number they refer to when they talk about inflation on the news / in the media etc.. As per my last post, I'm in the UK now and REAL inflation is at leat 15% - many prices have doubled since 2020 in line with the amount of money printed from thin air since the flu rebranding of 2020
  8. Source or youre making it up (again). Anyway, how can you tell from your barstool on soi buakhao. Thjose fumes are obvs doing your brain in.
  9. They strip out food and energy prices and include things like flat screen TVs to massage the numbers so they look acceptable. By real world (or 1980s inflation measurements) UK inflation is approx 15-20%. They keep that quiet as can't have the peasants demanding 15% pay rises. Gotta juice those corporate profits.
  10. I'm in the UK now and this is typical MSM gaslighting: 'Don't trust your own eyes or receipts!" Prices have doubled on average since the covid hoax of 2020 when they renamed the flu for 2 years and told everyone to stay home and went on their insane money printing binge. Blaming brexit is retarded.
  11. Indeed. Red v Blue is just WWE for adults. It doesn't make any difference anyway - both will print $$$$ to keep the appearance of empire while the rest of the world quietly shifts to a gold standard. If US boomers are lucky they'll die before it all falls apart. In case you're not aware, the US is currently printing 1 TRILLION DOLLARS (that's 1 million x 1 millions) from thin air every 100 days to 'keep the show on the road' https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/01/the-us-national-debt-is-rising-by-1-trillion-about-every-100-days.html It will work until it doesn't. In the meantime enjoy the show ya'll!
  12. She thought her moment and the number one spot was coming and was probably pushing for it so best for Biddie to give her an impossible assignment and remind everyone she's not white. Two birds with one stone. That's how you deal with frenimies in internal organisational politics.
  13. People give Northern Europe, UK etc a bad rap for the weather but those temperatures are almost hellish
  14. "Joe Biden Is Now Beating Donald Trump With Republican Pollsters As Well" .......In your dreams. April Fools Day was almost 3 weeks ago... Is this farticle running on Thai time?
  15. That's shocking. I thought that the number of people still falling for the covid narrative would be much higher than 25% due to falling education standards and the mockingbird media but this proves that there's still hope for the US yet
  16. Where is the option?: - No, nuclear bombs are another fake psyop / trauma based mind control tool
  17. Some of the posters on here are the equivalents of those Japanese soldiers who hid in the mountains for years not realising that WW2 had ended (though WW2 was actually real and not a psyop)
  18. It certainly felt safer. For the record, Liz Truss was Couped by the Bank of England and UK Establishment (what Americans refer to as “The Swamp’) - She made the mistake of talking about taking away the BoE’s independence before being elected. As she says in the video - If they can sack the Prime Minister but PM cannot sack the head of the BoE, who’s really in charge?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8ILRfzWwUw&start=57
  19. Bit of an old chestnut. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_to_hide_argument Also, where will it end? Cameras and microphones in your house so the government can see what you're doing? If not, why not? What have you got to hide? I guess it would be OK as long as those spying on us have good intentions but what are the chances of that?
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