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Everything posted by BigBruv

  1. Once people move to Thailand it's hard to move on, after realising it ain't all that, due to expenses. (Inflation in western countries has really taken off)
  2. Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 Steve Bannon criticizes conservatives for not taking decisive action and calls them "gutless" for not fighting for their principles. 00:28 ️ Steven Edington introduces Steve Bannon to discuss whether the populist revolution of 2016 has been betrayed by conservatives. 00:43 Bannon identifies himself as a populist nationalist, not a conservative, and criticizes conservatives for being controlled opposition. 01:11 Bannon predicts the collapse of the Tory party due to their failure to stand firm on their principles, contrasting with the grassroots takeover in the U.S. 02:05 ️ Bannon argues that the primary issue is political will, not intellect, and emphasizes the need for leaders who are willing to fight for their beliefs. 02:48 ️ Bannon mentions Churchill's defiance during WWII as a model of courage, contrasting it with the current conservative cowardice. 03:31 Bannon and Edington discuss the radical left's influence on conservative policies, especially regarding immigration, and the betrayal of Brexit promises. 04:12 Bannon recalls a missed opportunity for a bilateral trade deal between the U.S. and post-Brexit UK due to the British leadership's lack of vision. 05:20 Bannon criticizes Boris Johnson and other leaders for their globalist stances, suggesting that Britain needs a more populist nationalist approach. 06:03 Bannon believes that the Tory party's adherence to neoliberalism and neoconservatism has led to voter betrayal and calls for a new populist nationalist party. 07:38 ️ Bannon discusses how establishment Republicans betrayed Trump during his presidency, emphasizing the divide between nationalists and globalists. 08:34 Bannon predicts a massive financial crisis in the UK, leading to a political reset and the potential rise of a true populist nationalist movement. 09:41 Bannon highlights the restrictive media environment in the UK, contrasting it with the more open media landscape that supported Trump's resurgence in the U.S. 11:06 🇮🇹 Bannon notes that Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni increased immigration despite her populist platform, reflecting a broader political betrayal. 13:24 Bannon asserts that Trump is a moderate within the populist nationalist movement, trying to accommodate various factions while maintaining core principles. 14:08 Bannon argues that Trump did not betray the 2016 revolution, highlighting his battles against the deep state and establishment Republicans. 16:28 Bannon emphasizes the fundamental divide in modern politics as being between nationalists and globalists, transcending traditional party lines. 18:06 ️ Bannon supports Trump's plan to restructure the FBI and other aspects of the administrative state as part of a broader effort to dismantle the deep state. 19:12 Bannon criticizes conservative media for not supporting Trump, illustrating the broader media and establishment opposition he faces. 20:08 ️ Bannon underscores the importance of recognizing the 2020 election as stolen to understand the depth of the deep state's power and the need for reform. 20:34 Bannon praises Dominic Cummings for his effectiveness and insights, crediting him with Boris Johnson's significant election win by focusing on economic issues. 22:28 Bannon criticizes Boris Johnson's involvement in the Ukraine war, arguing it led to unnecessary destruction and aligns with Western elites' agendas. 23:25 Bannon criticizes Liz Truss's financial strategies, advocating for immediate control of government spending and reevaluation of defense budgets. 24:52 Bannon claims that outside of London, the UK is essentially a poor country, attributing this to the structure of neoliberalism and neoconservative policies. 26:27 Bannon warns of potential violent revolution if the UK's economic system is not restructured towards more entrepreneurial capitalism. 27:50 Bannon discusses the historical context of labor's anger towards political elites, comparing it to the potential for future revolutionary sentiments in the UK. 29:12 Bannon emphasizes the need to reallocate economic benefits from capital to labor to prevent societal unrest and economic instability. 30:49 Bannon highlights the historical economic motivations behind the American Revolution, emphasizing entrepreneurial spirit and resistance to monopolistic power. 32:12 ️ Bannon describes the American Revolutionary generation as speculators and smugglers who preferred risk over British economic control. 33:47 ️ Bannon links the Civil War to the need for a free labor market, contrasting nationalist versus globalist perspectives within the Southern aristocracy. 34:27 🇺🇸 Bannon recounts efforts to negotiate a fair trade deal between the UK and the US post-Brexit, criticizing British officials for their lack of initiative. 35:40 ️ Bannon discusses the challenge of dealing with anti-Trump British officials and the need to reform the UK's deep state and defense procurement processes. 37:47 ️ Bannon accuses MI5 and MI6 of driving actions against populist movements, highlighting collaboration with US intelligence in operations like Crossfire Hurricane. 38:01 Bannon emphasizes the need to dismantle the entrenched administrative state in both the US and UK, citing significant bureaucratic power and influence. 40:21 Bannon critiques Liz Truss's economic policies, emphasizing the importance of clear financial planning to avoid destabilizing markets and pensions. 41:03 Bannon suggests that Nigel Farage should return to dismantle the Conservative Party, which he sees as having already self-destructed. 41:18 ️ Bannon criticizes the Tory party for 14 years of misrepresentation and failing to deliver on Brexit, despite the overwhelming mandate. 42:12 Bannon compares the Republican Party's transformation to what he believes should happen with the Tory party, advocating for a populist and nationalist rebuild. 43:08 Bannon emphasizes the need to address economic issues affecting the Midlands and promises that a fair deal for hardworking people would secure their support. 44:00 Bannon discusses the historical significance of 1789, 1914, and 1989, highlighting the French Revolution, World War I, and the end of the Cold War. 45:22 ️ Bannon draws parallels between the lead-up to World War I and current global tensions, warning of a potential "guns of August" moment. 46:44 Bannon highlights the dangerous advancements in technology and weaponry, stressing the urgent need for peace negotiations, particularly in Ukraine. 48:23 Bannon warns of the catastrophic potential of modern warfare technologies, urging immediate diplomatic efforts to avoid escalation. 49:05 ️ Bannon describes the Russian Revolution as an example of how a small, dedicated group can seize power, drawing lessons for the current political climate. 50:28 Bannon compares Bolsheviks to modern elites, emphasizing their ruthless pursuit of power and the necessity for the MAGA movement to adopt similar resolve. 52:05 ️ Bannon asserts that Trumpism and the MAGA movement are rising due to their alignment with middle and working-class interests, unlike the elites. 53:15 ️ Bannon defends the MAGA movement's democratic methods, arguing that it represents the majority and challenges undemocratic elites. 55:37 Bannon argues that the MAGA movement, composed of middle-class and working-class Americans, is united by nationalism and economic concerns. 57:14 Bannon emphasizes that MAGA is not isolationist but opposes imperialism, advocating for America First policies and cautioning against foreign entanglements. 59:02 Bannon warns against involvement in Ukraine, arguing that historical leaders would not support such deep engagement in Russian territory. 01:00:43 Bannon connects the cultural decline to conservative inaction, criticizing elites for their failure to oppose detrimental changes since the 1960s. 01:02:04 Bannon credits grassroots efforts, particularly by parents and local activists, for recent conservative victories in the U.S., rather than relying on elites. 01:02:33 Bannon emphasizes the need for political will and resilience, urging conservatives to withstand name-calling and fight for their country. 01:03:15 Bannon predicts that eventually, strong leaders will emerge in the UK to save the nation, despite current conservative weakness. 01:03:28 ️ Bannon describes Lyndon Johnson as a monster, suggesting his involvement in the Kennedy assassination and calling him the worst president of the 20th century. Made with HARPA AI
  3. US Govt is peopled by 4x2s (Yellan, Garland, Blinken and so on) with a geriatric shabos (Biden) up front Israel SS is full of Russian 4x2s: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/17/israel-soviet-immigrants-transform-country Israel has easy access to US technology which they can lose to Russian & / or China. Maybe soon the head of the snake will move it's operations out of the US https://rumble.com/user/Unit8200 PS. I think the decision to destroy the US was taken much more than 20 years ago.
  4. If only he'd knocked him over first, then kicked him in the head he'd have gotten away with a wai & 500 baht fine Live & learn
  5. Thailand is a boiling hot 2nd world (at best) destination. We don't send our best there.
  6. He's probably weak willed and/or in denial but, as an ex-smoker I can confirm that my system works a whole lot better without puffing cigarettes all day - about 20% better so the claim probably checks out.
  7. Years AFTER all the money has been made and who knows what has been injected into billions of people's arms 👍 Policy was the same on this site and EVERYWHERE in 2020 & 2021: Covid 'deniers' & (rushed) Vaccine Sceptics got an immediate BAN. Wonder how that policy was disseminated? Google, Facebook were both CIA seed funded / creations & we now know Twitter was under direct orders from the White House BUT what about minnows like thai visa?
  8. Linux is perhaps most useful for people with old macbooks who want equivalents to security patches/updates that Apple refuse to provide (in an attempt to make you buy more of their overpriced computers). Bit tricky to set up but, as GG says, it's a good challenge for retirees. Also it's not either / OR as you can have 2 or more OS installed on the same machine so if there are old Apple apps that you can't do without use that on app BUT use the Linux OS when you need security
  9. OK boomer. The media never lies and your politicians are all honest. Cool story bro.
  10. What are these 'facts' confirming the 'big bang' or 'evolution' that you refer to? Do you really have faith in the idea that there was nothing, then a 'big bang' and that humans magically evolved from the 'big bang' space dust? Try and explain in your own words if possible
  11. They're balls deep in perpetrating the same money laundering hoax on their own people.
  12. I rely on my sense and intuition - probably much less energy than you spent on queuing up for jabs, wearing pointless virtue signalling masks and so on.
  13. Capitalism requires perpetual growth in *borrowing( or it all collapses. In late 2019 there was a Repo (Banking) Crisis and banks stopped lending to each other. Covid (rebranded cold/flu) was used as the excuse to pump liquidity into the system / print gazillions in new cash from thin air. Of course the top 0.000001% got much much richer - Covid was the biggest wealth transfer in history. BlackRock involved... It was flu / cold rebranded:
  14. Evidence of what? In reality, the people making the extraordinary claims (space travel, moon landings, Muzzies did 9-11, Oswalk shot JFK etc.) should bear the burden of proof Now easy in a world of AI Deep Fakes. Question is: How long has that technology existed?
  15. Looks like a 4th grade recycling project. A certain type will never admit it though...
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