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Everything posted by AreYouGerman

  1. It was also a joke and you missed it for whatever reasons. Anyway. I am admitting nothing, I am telling a story to make me not sound an <deleted> to the poor people who can't afford business class. 🤣
  2. It was also a joke and you missed it for whatever reasons. Anyway. Calling them 'show offs' can only come from poor people. They are paying for comfort, not to show off. And if you are wondering about selfies made in business class - how many selfies are done in eco and put on fb/ig. Many more. Personally I can't afford business class all the time but EU <-> Asia it has to be business class for me, I am a tall/big guy and also got panic attacks in my early adulthood in situations where people get very close together and won't stand 10h+ in the seat made for petite girls. So, me traveling business class means the airplane is not at risk at getting hijacked by me because of a panic attack. Win, win.
  3. A good day for all normal men and heterosexual relationships.
  4. Tax evasion is a crime, not a loophole.
  5. It's the airline's responsibility, not yours. So, if they allow these small trolleys as carry-on, it will be used. If they don't check the size and weight (but they usually do with normal airlines) you should take it up with the airline. Good luck. if you are getting fed up with other people's luggage, just travel business as we normal people do.
  6. Yes, it's rumors and its spreading everywhere right now. However, the reality is, it's just the people who had a bad experience scream the loudest. The cases mount, indeed, but it's still case to case. You might get longer extensions in province A than B. Also, people report that they have been asked if they are married and without proof have been issues longer extensions.
  7. Most criminals had a clean record before they committed a crime. So I like Thailand's approach of just declaring every 'Farang' dirty and unwanted.
  8. So you don't have a house in Pattaya.
  9. The most interesting part is what this concept female "Lisa" had to do to be allowed and promoted to the top. Imagine, a 13 yo girl from Buriram moves to South Korea to begin her formal training as 'trainee'. Great job parents, money and fame is everything, even if it means whoring out their own teenage daughter.
  10. In a fundamental Christian families, ie. Baptists, the question about the virginity is mostly not required as the daughter would be still living with the parents and would not only involve asking her to get married but also the father and it would be made very clear what is expected and so. In case of the medical examination. Well, I am not extremely focused on the virgin part. As written, I would prefer it and there are countries where this choice is more likely to happen and I will try to make it happen soon 🥰. But, nope, I would let the act in itself be proof and we all know how this will look like with a virgin (not trying to be graphic).
  11. Didn't we Whites oppress other cultures in history? Why are you calling for doing that again? I mean, I get what you are saying, but in today's understanding I would not want to be called White supremacist for wanting to change cultures from other people/races. I agree, f. ex. there are still cultures out there that are cannibalistic. In that case and if I would be in a position to do it, I would try to change that culture even with the risk of being called racist by the leftwing.
  12. Sounds a bit like neocolonialism. I would say let them make their own culture, without our interference. We should focus more about our White culture instead which is absolutely depraved right now. But honestly, I would only pay real dowry for a virgin, otherwise there is no proof that the parents actually invested time in the correct upbringing of their daughter. Dowry for a non-virgin sounds like a joke to me, but I would still do it for 'save face' reasons of the wife/family.
  13. Okay, sounds acceptable! For you! For me, marrying a virgin would be the preferable option. Can you accept my opinion or will you throw a tantrum and get offensive like the other guy? And about the $ - well, the question is dowry, right? So, it's a cultural thing. You can take it up with the culture, not with people trying to blend into the culture.
  14. Well, it's your 10th post trying to engage in a discussion with me and 9/10 you got ignored. 🤣 The issue I have with your posts and why I am usually ignoring them is because it's only half a sentence. But I am in a really good mood and have time to address all your questions now! Go head! 🙂
  15. I just asked a little respect for God. Thanks and keep doing what you are doing! You are great!
  16. Where do you think are all the Muslim refugees from the wars the US fight/fought in the Middle East on behalf of Israel are going to?
  17. Okay. That's your opinion about my opinion about women. Soooo, yeah? Because you don't like my opinion you go for me personally now instead of my arguments. Always the same behavior with you people.
  18. Google Image Search. Also, it's God with capital G. Thanks.
  19. You can ask me all the time, I am here, buddy! Yes, I believe that countries are currently deciding which agenda to follow. It's the US Americans / Israel agenda of forced diversity, homosexual babies/kids and war mongering. vs. Russia and Chinese agenda of traditional family values, banned homosexuality, trade and prosperity and first and foremost peace. And Thailand is trying to go the correct path! By aligning with Russia/China! 🥰
  20. Hi Jing Ting! Lengthy posts are generally not liked by the boomer crowd, so I keep it simple and easily consumable! 🙂 You are actually kinda half wrong about 'dictatorships need scapegoats'. Correct would be: Homogeneous (in this case White) societies need scapegoats to strengthen cohesion. This has been brainwashed out of our Western/White brains for the safety of the you know who. 😅
  21. What is it with you boomers that you always shift away from the argument and focus on the person behind the argument? Is that an IQ thing or what is wrong with you people?
  22. That's my opinion. Feel free to be the guy with the roses in the picture I posted!
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